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Posts posted by Wol.

  1. Mr General Sir,

    That O'Neil is some guy, the whole team looked completely focus tonight. From the first whistle I new we were in it. Every player new what they were doing and did it with confidence. Last week we lost and we people wern't happy, Liverpool lost today and showed themselves up to be a disgrace to the game. I am loving Mon and the board for what they are bringing to this football club, we can't win them all but thank **** we ain't liverpool. win lose or draw I know what is right and wrong. Mo'N is the only man for Aston Villa. Thanks Again.

  2. goldfish.jpg

    We didn't stop playing it before because it was working, teams learnt our style. At home we were finding it difficult to break teams down with 451 so we went 442, we didnt have the players for it so it didnt work either,

    The point is you have to mix it up,

  3. If the angry mob force Mon out I will separate from The Villa and go my own way.

    When he took over I'm sure I read "the only reason he will not succeed will be because the fans won't let him"

  4. Gotta ya, It wouldn't bother me then if the sleeves arn't blue and the body plain claret then. Don't see why people get caught up on it.

    The badge as rubbish as it is, I presume was primelarey designed to make it easily recognised by people with only a passing interest.

    but making our football shirt recognisable to a female from London who I guess don't follow football aint really a concern tho is it ?

  5. What colour combinations are there that would be unique ?

    I think we are regarded as being the first team to play in claret and blue and there are stories about us being involved in why other teams followed, which I like.

    I don't like the badge much tho and have never really suited claret tbh, but I wouldn't want to change them just the bagde.

  6. Say Petrov moved on next year and he was coming back to play the England role he did so well those two times, the answer would still be no. Not for all the money in his bank account. Turned up when it suited and the look in his eyes after the goal last night said it all for me. I swear people think he is a better play now he has left.

  7. Just to add to that as I swapped the other way to the lower north and it was not a great story at half time,

    The counter has two tills with two people on each with a separate queue for each. The one side moved along swiftly and one of my friends came back within 5minutes, my other friend in the other queue was 20mintues later and so we miss the opening of the second half. The reason was that the person at that till could not understand what people were telling him.


    And agree that the outside of the Holte End looked amazing today, the windows and mosaic looked even better than before, it all ties in beautifully, together with the work done on Aston Hall makes it the best approach of any ground in the country.

  8. ssn

    Birmingham boss Alex McLeish has confirmed that record signing Christian Benitez is yet to arrive in the country

    "We are still cutting through some red tape to get him the entry visa."

    So no ones seen him yet, he hasnt meet the manager, heard he failed a medical untill it got "rearranged\rigged" , this is looking like one for the investigation team me thinks

  9. Were they made by tribe people to make money for themselves ? dont know why that would matter tho,

    I could have them without thinking they were discriminating or poking fun at anybody.

  10. No idea, went last time at it was one of the best gigs ive seen at the acedemy,

    They blurb says 10 bands over 3 rooms, but Im thinking they might of ment the entire weekend, i.e. the 11thTwang,12thStreets,13thOCS plus guests but no idea really

    Half way through the album now, yeah pretty laid back, not sure how they are going to mix the set list up >

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