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Posts posted by Wol.

  1. Havnt read it all myself but think a separation of religious dogma and scriptures from peoples belief in a higher being was tabled. Believing the bible and other texts to be collections of spells, chants and stories aimed at controlling and leading races of people by humans who have god like complexes.

    The (full) Bible stats that God indeed did attempt to make woman from clay.

    The result was Lilith, but she was too dominant and strong headed to live with Adam. Specifically because she liked to be on top.

    So she left into the world and was never mentioned again, although some Christians believe that she re-entered the gene pool.

    But it goes on.

    After that God gave it a second attempt and made the nameless one.

    She was comprised of lesser material to compensate for Lilith, trouble is that God made the mistake of creating her in front of Adam.

    When Adam watched this he became disgusted by her insides and rejected her and God abandoned her without a soul.

    Again, some Christians think she made her way into the gene pool.

    The reason this way omitted, along with a ton of other materials, was because:

    1)It implies that God makes mistakes

    2)Lilith is far too sexual and for most people of the time that it was removed.

  2. Humans have known the world was round for a lot longer than popular culture would have you believe.

    I agree. I used the line to get a point across about what people think they know to be the truth. And coz it's one of my favorite films.

    Prob from the time Humans were worshiping the SUN as a God they were aware of cosmology and the cosmological argument of something cant come from nothing along with it.

  3. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat. 200 years ago people started to document growth patterns in life forms, and so know people are so sure there is nothing beyond there own comprehension that they denounce the idea of a higher being.

    Imagine what you'll (think you) know tomorrow.

  4. You’re gonna fear it like I showed you the spirit of God lives in us.

    You hear it a lot, lyrics to shock. Is it a miracle or am I just product of pop fizzing up?

    Fa shizzle my wizzle this is the plot, listen up... You bizzles forgot slizzl does not give a ****!.


    Hope this helps.

  5. the nipples thing is because male and female gender is not decided straight away btw

    This is once again a flaw in humans,

    "There are more things in heaven and earth, TheDon,

    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy"

    If there was a big house where God lived and came out to say hello every now and again there would be no need for faith. What would people do is they were 100% sure or even knowingly in the presence of God. There would be nothing, just people waiting for instruction of direction no desire to explore existence.

    "The greatest trick God ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"

    or was that the devil ?

  6. Proving evolution exists does not dismiss the existence of a God ( the nipples thing is because male and female gender is not decided straight away btw)

    The infallibility of God was created in the dogma surrounding religion, A God may well have designed a world to evolve with us as will continue to do so.

  7. Why dont all species evolve into more that they are ? Why is it only humans that can read, write, laugh, cry so on ....

    What drove us to evolve and for monkeys to stay the same ?

    All species are constantly evolving - the process hasn't stopped and it never will as long as there is life.

    Monkey's didn't "stay the same" they evolved - into monkeys!

    Mankind and apes both evolved from a common ancestor.

    Read a book about evolution as you don't appear to fully understand it. You might find it interesting and it will answer all your questions.

    Why are we so far in front of other species tho ? Did we have help ?

  8. Why dont all species evolve into more than they are ? Why is it only humans that can read, write, laugh, cry so on ....

    What drove us to evolve and for monkeys to stay the same ?

    If only one persons has FAITH in a God then does that mean God exists. Their belief and faith creating a real actual effect on life.

    So for me God exists the question is did God create Man or did Man create a God ?

  9. If a moral standard is reached by social conditioning throughout our evolution then this must be part of every human alive.

    Not following this standard shows an ability to perceive new thoughts and ideas. Where these thoughts and ideas come from is what I was thinking about.

  10. What or Who makes people do the right thing ?

    Social conditioning.

    The idea that it is better for everyone and therefore better for yourself if you do the "right thing".

    It was learnt by many species (not just humans) over their different evolution paths that cooperation improves your chances of survival and now it is so ingrained it is instinctual.

    So why do some do the wrong thing ?

    Is it a personal choice to listen to the voice or not ? or is it that some hear a different voice.

  11. The poll came about because some think we should rest players against Everton and CSKA to give us the best chance of getting CL next year.

    But the only players we could possible rest are Gabby maybe for both and Petrov. And I think we have decent cover to do this but other than that we will have to play Salifou, Shorey and Osbourne. I would not want to start any of the 3 games with those players. Maybe bring them on but not start.

    If I had to Vote for fun ! I would chose a A, no hang on B, A ,no B aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  12. Gardner Davis Knight Young------------Shorey

    Young Barry Petrov Milner-----------Sidwell

    Gabby Carew--------------Heskey Delf

    If thats are fit first XI for sunday, gabby and barry have just played so would rest em agsint everton. Heskey cup tied ? so would play Delf and Sidwell. Dont see how we can make many more changes without playing shorey left midfield

    Barry is suspended & Heskey isn't cup tied.

    Gardner Davis Knight Young------------Shorey

    Young Sidwell Petrov Milner-----------

    Heskey Carew------------- Delf Gabby

    Would think this is close then four sunday, so if playing Shorey to rest one player is what your asking then OK. Id rest Young L. But who else do you want to play

    who else is there to play Salifou, Osbourne ? remember it is on telly.

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