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Posts posted by Wol.

  1. Is funny to see barry's and gerrards teams below them.....

    Don't tell anybody but at a Christmas works do on Saturday, some lads were singing villa songs after the manu win, so the sha lot started singing about some johnson playing for england. Animosity was in the air, then "we're all going on a European tour" broke out which was sung by all. It was a real Christmas moment, similar to the game on no mans land I thought at the time.

    Good job it's only once a year

  2. I was at the NIA for the Arctic's, have scene the place a bit fuller in the past, got my tickets 1/2 price the week before. Nearly got thrown out for dancing on the steps in the upper when, "When the Sun Goes Down" came on which was the highlight as usual. But yeah a nice mix of songs now, some to sit down too as well as some to go nuts to

  3. Got some girls at work who think its ok the mouth off if someone makes a mistake, they really enjoy giving out a verbal volley. Give one back when they have **** up and its of to the toilets for 10minutes and everyone saying its out off order to have a go. Equality is bizarre.


    As for hitting back, not really. Unless I was in danger obviously, but not to teach a lesson.

  4. Thought the ref favoured us until the penalty

    Thought Young was playing a blinder until he wrongly was chosen to take the penalty. (petrov\oneill decision)

    Thought Carew should of got on Young's cross ;)

    Though that I wrong about about Gabby, I'm not.

    Know that when we spend some proper money on forwards we will have a team.

  5. Watched it in the pub, was slightly hung over but didn't enjoy watching it and left with 10 to go. No ball retention at all. . Looked like the sunderland game took it out of the players which is to be expected, but we have a big squad now so should of made some changes.

    Everton managed to run over us first half and they were missing a few first teamers.

    Not very happy with performance tbh.

  6. Daily Mail 05th October 2009

    Internet game that awards points for people spotting real crimes on CCTV is branded 'snooper's paradise'

    A new internet game is about to be launched which allows 'super snooper' players to plug into the nation's CCTV cameras and report on members of the public committing crimes.

    The 'Internet Eyes' service involves players scouring thousands of CCTV cameras installed in shops, businesses and town centres across Britain looking for law-breakers.

    Players who help catch the most criminals each month will win cash prizes up to £1,000.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1218225/Internet-game-awards-points-people-spotting-crimes-CCTV-cameras-branded-snoopers-paradise.html#ixzz0V4x7KGRg

  7. http://interneteyes.co.uk/ is a website that you join and play like a game. Watching live CCTV links and shopping criminals to other members of the public.

    The instant a Viewer monitors an event, an alert can be sent directly to the owner of that live camera feed. The alert is sent along with a screen grab, identifying the image you have observed. Only the first alert received by the camera owner is accepted.

    Points awarded and cash prizes given out. Owners pay to have there cameras on the site and the watchers pay for sending alerts ( first 3 alerts for free).

    Looks like an idea that will make some one a lot of money.

    So would you play ?

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