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Posts posted by Wol.

  1. I'm not for stopping a game to have a look at anything I'm up for another referee co-refereeing. The guy on pitch has the whistle and will only blow if he's told he has missed something.

    Those against, how do you feel about a 2nd referee on the pitch one for each half ? I'd say its worse than my outline as you'd have two whistles.

    And anyway the 4th official does bollox all at the moment other than stop the managers moving about the touchline and lifting a board up to tell you which player is going off

  2. Cant see that working levi, why the booking for dissent as well ?

    If players could chose to stop play and have a rest or deflate the tempo is would get abused.

    The game continues, if the guy watching the action on telly see something the ref has missed or got wrong he should be able to tell him. I guess the on pitch ref might start to think they can get away with not giving the big decisions until confirmed in his ear, but I think you'd get a lot more right than wrong.

  3. I don't see how the players can chose what is looked at. Premiership games are filmed by a few cameras, dont know how many but would guess 3 or 4. These feeds are being monitored in real time, communicating to the ref something that he has missed but has been picked up on camera and subsequently beamed around the world to the ref would take seconds.

    Its giving the ref an extra 3 or 4 pair of much better placed eyes . Viewing a replay or slowing down footage could be designed to work extremely quickly and you could have a 30 seconds limit rule. I'd trial it. Maybe not tell anyone just allow the ref to talk to his " linesmen " by ear piece.

  4. I still think there is a place for video assistance in the Premiership. Not bother it wouldn't work all the way down the leagues. Its the pinnacle of the sport and we should try and make it as fair as possible. So I'd go with a trial off 2 refs, on pitch and video.

    The on pitch ref blows to stop play, if the video ref can see that the on pitch ref has got it wrong, then let him communicate the evidence to him. Allowing the ref to amend his decision.

    If the on pitch ref has not blown and the video ref sees that he has missed something completely then again he can communicate it to the on pitch ref who can then blow up and bring play back to the point needed.

    Play only stops on the field of play when the on field ref blows his whistle. Players and Fans could not argue about play being brought back or decisions being changed as they will always be done because of video evidence and so the correct one.

    In a scenario in say, something is missed and play continues and someone then commits a professional foul. The ref blows to book or send off a player and then hears about the prior evidence. Then I would give the on field ref the power to decide if the 2nd offence is still punished. i.e. still send off the player.

  5. I voted yes. It's about time football woke up sorted itself out. There are many ways to implement the technology. How about having the 4th official on the pitch and the ref high up with the video screens? Then the ref on the pitch makes decisions as per normal and the guy in the stands can give him info as he sees fit, overruling on occasion.

    Thats exactly how I see it,

  6. Bolton Wanderers are moving for Wigan Athletic wing-back Ryan Taylor.

    Taylor is stalling on signing a deal at Steve Bruce's club and could make the move for a fee possibly as low as £500,000.

    The former England Under-21 ace is a free agent at the end of the season and showing no signs of agreeing terms at the JJB.

    Do you think that would the deal of the window ?

  7. If I got a 5, t20, t20 on a throw of arrows scoring 125, leaving me 36 which I got first dart next time.

    Can I tell people I've had a 156 check out ? I do and will continue to do anyway just wondered if it you though it was wrong ?

  8. If "off topic" over takes the "Villa Talk" forum on number of post, currently about 6,000 behind and closing, will the universe implode or will the website change its name to something more suitable i.e. randomblokeschattingrandomlyonrandomtopics.com

    and do you like my new villa song ? and what is your favorite villa song ?

  9. What Ashley Young song are we gonna get going tomorrow only for it to be not used until the next away day?

    Hope it's the dynamite song, with a bit of Eng-er-lund thrown in but. Ive heard both at home and the ronaldo one got sung the game before last. If your after an original one that wont get sung try this :)

    He's making a run

    He's flyin down the wing

    He makes it look fun

    And you cant do a thing

    He's making a run

    He's flyin down the wing

    Villa's super Ashley Young

    Theres no better way

    Theres no better way

    all we want to do

    is watch Young play

    Theres no better way

    to spend a Saturday

    all we want to do

    is watch Young play

    one of my favorite songs

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