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Posts posted by wiganvillain

  1. Not broken, incredibly unequal.

    That won't be helped by a Tory government, thus voting them in is wrong. Thus keeping Labour is wrong. Therefore we must stage a coup d'etat.

    here it is, the answer I've been looking for, sign me up

  2. Broken Britain just seems to be a convenient catchphrase to excuse bad parenting in a lot of cases

    My god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can actually agree 100% with Tony on a political issue.

    Well said sir, absolutely spot on

  3. ^^^^^^^^^

    yet again

    To use you own words


    or more appropriately

    Pompous Bollocks

    It's a pity that you don't have the slightest idea about discussion, marshalling an argument and presenting your case.

    What have we learned from your "contribution"? Nothing except that you disagree, but not why or anything of interest. I'm not sure why you bother with such pointlessness really.

    Take careful note you pompous, arrogant clearing in the woods

    Several months ago you, yes you, when questioned about having a "moral compass" didn't know, or chose not to know what it was.

    Why would I even attempt to marshall an argument with someone who's idea of a discussion is

    1) I am right

    2) Tottenham are correct and virtuous in everything they do

    There is no "debating" with you therefore you will have to accept abuse, vitriol and ritual humiliation from now on every time I see a post from you.

    Live with it dickhead

  4. ...

    Would that be before he plunges us into debt and leaves for Small Heath?

    You obviously don't know that Redknapp made Pompey big profits on several players sold by the club that he signed for them. For example:

    Defoe (6m profit), Diarra (14.5m profit), Johnson (14m profit), Muntari (5.7m profit) ... that's 40m profit from these 4 players alone.

    The financial troubles at Pompey have very little nothing to do Harry, who in any case didn't decide the club's budget or manage their finances.

    I do believe the current form is


  5. ... every season Spudz fall away into nothingness, this season will be no different IMO, hence I'm not spouting shite.


    Two 5th places finishes, plus two Wembley appearances and a League Cup, all in the last 4 seasons, says otherwise.

    Those who live in glass houses ....

    Ok, let me explain again, as you clearly didn't get it the first two times I posted it.

    Every season you log onto our site, amongst other club sites, spouting on and on about how this season you will be top four, absolutely no doubt etc etc etc.

    Whilst "Two 5th places finishes, plus two Wembley appearances and a League Cup, all in the last 4 seasons, says otherwise" may be admirable for most teams in the prem, with the money your lot have pissed up the wall over the last god knows how many years it's laughable, and you still haven't finished top four, have you?

    Glass houses, what's that all about? I've never gobbed off that we're going to finish top four in any of the previous seasons.

    I like to think of us going quietly about our business, chairman, manager and fans alike, which is something that clearly doesn't happen at your place, what with the gobshite you have as a manager and the deluded fuckwits that frequent WHL.

    You were even questioning the business dealings of our club and chairman the other day on here, I mean, what the **** do you know about running a major premiership football club, and what's more, at a club you don't even support?!

    I can't wait for your lot to start playing shit again, that way I won't have to read your shite on here for a while, untill next season I suppose, when you'll pop back up spouting your bollocks again)

    Hope that clears things up for you.

    Well said Dude, however I have to tell you that use of logic doen't work, but I'm sure you know that anyway.

    Be assured he's currently creating a website which proves every word you wrote wrong and that his lot are gods chosen team and supported and loved by the world and admired for their integrity and high moral standards, same as their manager

    Our best chance is that we manage even a scrubby 1-0 on Saturday and he'll vanish until August.

  6. so do you waste your vote on the lib dems

    Trotting out the standard 2 party line eh

    You can only really vote Labour or Tory then, does anyone believe regardless to their lack of experience in office (just how much does thr Tory front bench have) that they'd do a worse job then the deluded Brown or the undecided call me Dave

  7. Unfortunately was on my way down to Cornwall during the game so had scrubby 5 live as company. However, even they were extolling the Villa fans and were slagging off the Blackburn fans particularly when they were given the numbers, we had 5300 out of 18530ish and I have to seriously complement those there as the noise on the radio was excellent.

    R5 even took our side with decisions as well so all in all a good journey.

  8. 4ad85518d5f4b1e0344505634.jpg

    Golden Retriever puppies (and when they grow up) are just stunning, I miss mine so much.

    Mine was 1 on Saturday, I'll change my avatar to a puppy pic of her as it's the only way I can do pics on here

  9. Who's Jeremy Kyle? :oops:

    He is a stupid man that tells people who are even more stupid than him to sort their lives out. The fact you can use a computer makes you unsuitable for his show.


    The fact you can speak, write and read more than 1 language, use a computer and hold down a job makes you more intelligent than the entire audience for his show

    He's a cheapskate, undertallented erzatz UK copy of Jerry Springer

  10. Those of you who are coming up.

    Bring plenty of warm clothing, the forecast for tomorrow is much as today and when I went down to the Town this morning it was still minus 2 at 10.30 and there are plenty of icy pavements.

    Otherwise, have fun guys

  11. I'm all for raising the age of majority, consent and that at which you are allowed to purchase alcohol. After all it is your* Labour government that has set that precedent by raising the age at which you can purchase cigarettes.

    *I know, I know, but you called me a Tory, so we're quits :winkold:

    Although to be fair TT I'm yet to see any convincing evidence that voting is bad for your health, other than if Drat catches you voting Tory or Tony catches you voting Labour.

    Edited for balance :):):):)

  12. Well,

    The snow's still lying, side roads not cleared so unless Mr. Whelan has sorted something to get the private ground around the stadium cleared we could still have problems.

    If it wasn't the other side of town I'd go and have a look, if I get the chance I'll nip over tomorrow

    Take a shovel and help out ;)

    Sod off, it took an hour and a half to dig the car out of the drive yesterday

  13. There are 2 Stations.

    Wallgate and North Western, they're about 50 yards apart across a road. it's about a 15 minute walk to the ground mainly flat and level (100 yards downhill at the start).

    However the pavements and side roads aren't being cleared (as yet) so be prepared and unless Wigan have made arrangements themselves the council (rumoured to be nearly out of grit) won't clear the private ground around the stadium or the retail park attached.

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