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Posts posted by wiganvillain

  1. My apologies Tony,

    I forgot the Tories are the only perfect political party and don't make mistakes

    My bad

    eyes roll thingy .. i expected better from you tbh ...Someone posts , someone offers a counter argument , that is kinda the general idea of a forum isn't it ? I don't recall saying any party was perfect ...

    You put a post to the effect that people didn't vote Lib dem because the media and the other parties implied it was a wasted vote .. i was just giving an example of how the Lib Dems didn't exactly cover themselves in glory or do anything to lose the "waste of space" tag

    1 vote and they're a waste of space, particularly as you didn't agree with their decision, that's not a counter argument Tony it's exectly what I posted initially and incedentally fully expected

  2. I also agree with Paddy and TT that Hague is streets ahead of Cameron intellectually.

    Probably the truest statement on this thread, tis a pity he'll never even stand for Tory leadership again, I've never voted Tory in a national election in my life (Central Scotland, Donkey with Labour rosette etc.) but Hague I'd actually vote for

  3. You didn't live through the Thatcher era.

    Luckily for the country a lot of us did :-)

    I think you missquoted Mike there Tony. It should read

    "You didn't have to survive the Thatcher era"

    I'm no Labour supporter but the Deification of Thatcher offends me as she created just as many problems as she solved

  4. Well it's Tuesday, nearly 2 pm and it's still snowing and there's already about 4 to 5 inches lying.

    Just been told by the neighbour that Wigan Council have run out of Grit and as the DW is effectively on an unadopted road / retail park it probably won't get cleared unless dave Whelan coughs up for it


    Will keep you updated

  5. is the weather really that bad over there,or is blackburns pitch just shit,i was really looking forword to this game..

    I'm afraid the weather really is that bad up here.

    4 or 5 inches lying and it's still snowing. I live less than 1.5 miles from the Town centre and it took my neighbour over 20 minutes to get there and that was 4 hours ago and it's constantly snowed since then

  6. The ex I mentioned on page 1 or 2 of this thread has **** me off on xmas eve. Bitch.

    Did you buy her an xmas present? :(

    Yeh. It's a weird situation, I may have got the wrong end of the stick and she hasn't "**** me off".

    Hard to explain. But she's had her xmas present.


    RUN (don't walk) RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN

  7. In the absence of MPW I've voted for Floyd.

    I'd have voted for MPW for nothing else than he made that arrogant, fraudulent waste of a human body that is Ramsey cry, god I'd love to have seen it I HATE that piece of dogshit with a passion

  8. Sir,

    Can I draw your attention to a thread below here titles "Fit and proper- Randy Lerner"

    Miraculously a journalist seems to understand and has written a very good article regarding Randy and The Villa.

    To me, and I know many many others, the Fit and proper persons test by the FA should ask 1 question.

    "Does this person match up to Randy Lerner"

    Thanks to "The Villa Familly" for a great year and heres hoping for even better next.

    Enjoy your break

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