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Posts posted by colhint

  1. Saw yesterday that the govt "only" take 66% of the price of fuel in tax , down from 81% in 2000 ... i thought the tax rate would have risen if anything what with the increase in VAT

    I'd still love to know how "we" can blockade pumps at 79p a litre and then sleep walk whilst it hit £1.30

    Nearly £1.50 over here at the moment. Makes me die a little inside every time I fill up.

    lucky you are all tax dodgers (© The VT Left) and thus have plenty of spare cash :winkold:

    Larks' tongues in aspic don't buy themselves you know.

    King Crimson eat that

  2. The Labour Party has become embroiled in a race row after a prospective female councillor was told she was 'too white and Jewish' to be selected.

    Mrs Cohen had applied to stand as a Labour councillor for the Birmingham ward of East Handsworth and Lozells

    Oh come on now Tony, poor effort. You could have put a tabloid spin on that to mislead people into believing all labour supporters are racist and anti-semitic based on an isolated case

  3. I think I would have voted for the war if the government told me Iraq had WMD and could land missiles in the UK within 45minutes .

    Interesting again that Labour supporters only defence of the war is to mention Tories , its as though you have no real belief that bunch of crooks were up to it hence the need to deflect

    You really do not have a clue do you?

    Cameron supported Blair and the call for war - 2006

    Tory leader calls for stronger action against Iraq - 2002

    Cameron still supports the war - 2010

    Read Hagues comments pre the war and how he claimed actions did not go far enough

    Michael Howard tried a marketing spin during his failed election campaign, that some still try to spout now as fact - see you posts earlier. The reality is simple here, the Iraq war was and still is supported by members of both the Labour and the Tory party, some supporters still being the leaders of that party. The only party that was really against it were the Lib Dems.

    Don't forget this also which completely blows your flawed argument out of the water

    In 2003, Conservatives voted with the Government to send British troops into military action, while all Liberal Democrats MPs opposed the war. Tony Blair relied on Conservative votes to carry the motion authorising conflict, since 139 Labour MPs rebelled against their party’s whip.

    well I suppose you didn't deflect and mention the tories

  4. Clegg used it as Leverage to get as much for his party as he could. He tried to start a bidding war between the two parties. Brown was having none of it.

    Cameron and Clegg knew there was a strong possibility that it could be hung parliament. There was a 40 minute conversation on the telephone before the two of them which was many of them believe they made some kind of pact.

    Could you please, please let me know where you got your info. I want to read it

  5. I think I would have voted for the war if the government told me Iraq had WMD and could land missiles in the UK within 45minutes .

    Interesting again that Labour supporters only defence of the war is to mention Tories , its as though you have no real belief that bunch of crooks were up to it hence the need to deflect

  6. So why have more people voted Tory in the last 50 years than have voted Labour, is that because they are all rich or could it be they may represent them better
    What a totally ridiculous thing to say.

    In the past 15 years more people have voted Labour then going by your flawed logic, and considering that most of the electorate are still alive as opposed to your 50 year "rule" that must make it more meaningful

    The reality is simple and is being shown on a daily basis - we saw it again today re the advisor to Cameron who is advocating the removal of basic workers rights re dismissal - the Tory party is funded heavily by a lot of people who in anyone's world would be classed as wealthy. For that favour they are rewarded by a Tory Gvmt with preferential laws and policies.

    The Tory party has always hated things like the NHS which they see as cost and favour the pay as you go model. Hannan is a voice piece for the real Tory supporters and we saw by his comments to the Americans what the thought process is.

    This Gvmt is a shameful one because so many of the Tory right wing attacks are being propped up by the LibDems. The country did not vote in a Tory majority but by the actions of the LibDems and their shameful willingness to support the Tory led policies we are suffering from one.

    On a more general note re economics, how much longer can Gideon keep his job? Again today we saw a lot of condemnation for what he says and his policies. These policies are now becoming dangerous

    what a totally ridicoulous thing to say. Using your flawed logic you didn't read my earlier post when I was commenting on All of the Labour Governments in my Lifetime.

    And why is it a shameful government. And why are the LibDems shameful. Just because you don't agree with them, doesn't make it shameful.

    As for George Osborne if he screws the economy as much as Brown he should go.

    As for policies which are dangerous, well the last lot took us into an illegal war, when British troops died, now thats dangerous.

  7. I know labour did some good things. I think that not all that Tories do is good and not all that Labour do is bad. But you have to make a Judgement call on Election day and in the main I side with the Tories

    Why is that...?

    When a party comes in power and out of all the first policies they can come up with the very first is a tax break for the ultra rich, instead of saying the first thing we want to do is to improve Hospitals, School and Crime then you kind of know who they represent.

    When you see a male dominant, elitist, super wealthy cabinet made up from Bullingdons finest, you know whose interests they are going to represent. Its certainly not for the majority of hard working citizens in this country.

    When you here that they are not going to touch the NHS and then push through plans to privatize it....?

    Students university fees increased from3k to 10k.

    Record unemployment levels.

    Double dip recession

    ect ect

    The unemployed, youth and vulnerable did not cause this recession the bankers did and yet who are paying for it the most.

    All thanks to the Tories..!

    No I think that Labour have good points. And I dont vote Tory just because it's not Labour. Thats blind bias in my opinion, just like my dad voted labour so I should. I dont care if they are in the Bullingdon club. For god sake man John Prescott was a local mp. He had no control over the english language, he was in a safe labour seat. He was elected time after time and became a multimillionaire, putting his offspring in government houses paid for by the tax payer. Having spoken to the man, without the unions he would have still been waiting tables on a ferry, so dont give me the Bullingdon club bit. I just think they are crap with the economy.

    I am old enough, just, to remember

    Wilson going on TV for the"pound in your pocket "speech

    The Dennis Healy IMF grab,

    The Dennis Healy, my mini budget

    The James Callghan "crisis what crisis"

    and the Gordon Brown and Prudence, whatever happened to her, "No more boom and bust (except it was the 5th biggest ever boom and the biggest ever bust)

    I think that covers most labour administrations

    Conservatives always lose power because people are fed up with them

    Labour always lose power because they have buggered the economy

    well thats my opinion

  8. But doesn't that report also say this could have been done over a decade ago. But as you might have guessed with Labour, they moan about the rich not paying taxes but don't do anything about it. I understand Gordon Brown was chancellor at the time. If anyone else in there job got 0% of the money back, surely they would get the sack

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