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Posts posted by Mozzavfc

  1. 10 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

    Dunno if I’m living in the matrix or something but I could have sworn we knew about the runner at itv he was cheating on his wife with months and months ago … why has it suddenly become news again now ? 

    There was some injunction that's just been lifted so the papers can officially report it now rather than it just being gossip/twitter rumours 

  2. 1 hour ago, duke313 said:

    It could be argued the Europa league has been more exciting the the CL this season.

    Europa League has definitely been a more competitive competition than the CL, but it has the same problem of the Championship compared to the PL. Money

  3. 1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

    I suspect that this is true. While @bickster's point about the younger voters demographic is well made, a lot of their Labour support was on a wave of enthusiasm for Corbyn. From an admittedly small sample, I'm currently detecting a lot of disillusionment with Starmer's version of Labour. They won't vote Tory, obviously, but I can see many of them staying away from the polling booths next time out. 

    I'd expect a lot of the young vote going to greens if they don't go labour

  4. 8 hours ago, villa89 said:

    Surprised Navalny is still alive. It's probably just torture for him at this stage. 

    He's on 'trial' in a few weeks, so they'll probably just keeping him alive long enough to be officially declared a terrorist, traitor, etc. The assassination of the blogger will probably be pinned on him as well 

  5. On 16/03/2023 at 19:30, Designer1 said:

    Decent first episode of the new Ted Lasso season.

    I do think this should be the last series though. I think there's only so much you can really do with the concept before it gets stale.

    They've always said it will only be 3 seasons. Guess it'll depend on how much money Apple throw at them, as it's one of their flagship shows now

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