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Posts posted by Taxahunter

  1. 9 hours ago, Kiwivillan said:

    It is yet El Ghazi scored 1 more league goal than Mahrez in 341 less minutes. He took penalties sure but City would love a reliable penalty taker atm

    Just to be clear. It wasn’t me that started the comparison. I think Mahrez is a fantastic player, it was just to back up the argument that even wingers in better teams and more expensive, also have fall-outs and are anonymous in games 

  2. 14 minutes ago, MotoMkali said:

    When have I criticised el ghazi.

    Every city player but walker and zinchenko has been awful tonight. And zinchenko was at fault for the goal. 

    Didn’t say you would, but others would and I might have taken the wrong quote, so an apology from me to you 

  3. On 28/05/2021 at 15:21, MotoMkali said:

    Mahrez is a **** god. He's the most underrated player in the premier league. Easily city's second best player. And for a lot of games their best. 

    Mahrez has been invisible tonight and if El Ghazi had played to the same standard he would have been crucified

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  4. 4 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    That's because we watch him play every week rather than just looking at his goal stats... 

    He's not doing enough in between those goals, goals are obviously the biggest influence in a game and "take away the goals and he doesn't influence the game" sounds daft but that's the truth, his general play for the 89 minutes when he's not scoring are often spent drifting rather than in the thick of it

    I don't think we sell him this summer, he'll be our 4th choice winger behind grealish, traore and a.n.other, we sell him once Barry comes through properly 

    And you are sure Mahrez or Aubameyang does?Honestly, if we talk to either Man.City or Arsenal supporters, they would probably have the same cmplaints as us. I know a couple supports of Gunners and they think that Aubameyang has been pants this season.

  5. 9 hours ago, Kiwivillan said:

    You don't know Rashica would be any better. In fact he was pretty shit in relegated team

    Exactly, was just about to write the same. Why do we keep on bringing up his name? He wasn't interested in joining us before the season, because he thought we were relegation candidates and now he is relegated with Werder. We can better players than him.

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  6. 7 hours ago, peterw said:

    Its a shame that he didn't get picked...but.....and he got 10 goals.....but.......I find it hard to put my finger on what El Ghazi excels at other than penalties. Yet he's scored some pearlers, has played in the majority of games since Wolves away...and gives us decent balance. But he can't beat a player, his shooting is usually woeful, and doesnt' track back as much as he could and gets less stick for it than Traore. You'd think he's just a Championship plodder, but then het gets 10 goals in the prem (was it 10?)  which is seriously good. I like El Ghazi as he is part of the team that came up and we all had the feel good factor together as a unit. But I think this is his ceiling. i wouldn't look to sell but if the right sized offer came in, I'd thank him and move him in.

    Everything you said are just plain wrong. I don't even want to correct you on all the statements you made...

  7. 3 hours ago, Dave-R said:

    It's not just about goals though as there is much to a players game. Sure it's nice but those other players people keep comparing Ghazi on stats to are often making themselves available on field creating, delivering, crossing which is all accurate or precise and then there's all the off ball work and more.

    I'm not going to be blinded by just goals there are more to players games than just goals and assists.


    He has done that as well. I Would keep him 

  8. 4 hours ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

    You see I disagree with that. I think he was excellent the start of the season. Unfortunate injuries, covid and what not. He's had a decent season. I think he's shown ha can contribute and it's largely because of his spirit, fight and heart or however you put it. So downplaying it is rather weird. 

    He's not the quality we need in the first team, but I much prefer him in the squad than someone like AEG. Sometimes having a lad like Trez can make a big difference. 

    Ofc. we can hope to have a team in a year or two where he'll lose his place cause we're too good, but right now we're not. 

    Then we can agree to disagree, because I dont think he was excellent. He was ok in a team that performed brilliantly, much like AEG did during christmas when he was player of the month, but that is luckily forgotten by many posters in here. He then was omitted from the team after one crap game and because Dean Smith wanted to make room for Barkley, which was unfair in my book. But for me it seems like there is one rule that applies to some players, like you can keep playing no matter how crap you play (McGinn as an example) and then there is other rules that applies to other players, that if you have a bad game, you get substituted at halt time and made scapegoat by VillaTalk posters (AEG as an example)

    Then I see some posters say that AEGs goals this season is only papering the cracks and isnt valid arguments, because he is a bad player, but on the other hand they keep bringing Trezeguet goals up as something that is good enough and somehow NOT papering the cracks, because he shows a bit of headless chicken running around and looks like he is giving everything. 

    I would much rather have a player like AEG in my team, because he sometimes does something unexpected and he has more technical ability than Trez, who look like it was a mistake whenever he skips a man.

    But I see we have different opinions and in the end thats ok by me

    Spirit, fight and heart wasnt my words, they originated from a post I quoted.

    • Like 4
  9. 42 minutes ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

    Sure you do. 

    Like you do know a lot of players have the technical abiltiy, but they lack the work rate, application, mental strength or spirit, fight and heart as you put it. These players are often even worse for us than those who have it, but lack the general ability. Like Trez vs. AEG or Ramsey vs Barkley. 

    Ideally we need to find the gems who have ability and the stuff Trez has in buckets, but that's more difficult. And it's also a care where fans tend to value blood sweat, tears, heart, spirit and fight, more than being capable of doing a good stepover. 

    Being a good footballer is very much about the things you talk down here, along with the consistency to deliver on it every match. 

    I don't talk the abilities I mention down, but I talk them down in relation to Trezeguet, where its not enough because, he is not a very good footballer at this level, then you have have abundance of these abilities, but its still not enough when you cant control or keep the ball.

  10. 13 hours ago, Dave-R said:

    To be fair I reckon Ghazi for me off more than Barkley at times is a player I no longer would like to play for Villa. It's nothing personal as I don't know him but the bloke plays for a premier Club, our club Villa. He frustrates me so much because here and there he goes on a three or four goal run and then it's totally flat like a shook up bottle of pop. Again he's at the top and I've seen his ability at times. let's be fair many a times Ghazi is as bad as Barkley, both give in way to easy. You can't do that or should even dream of doing that at the level that at prem level where the cream of the crop play. Sure it's easy said than done but these footballers need to evolve all the time and adapt to the league's changes. You start slippin and it's not just you that you drag down its your whole team you could potentially be bringing down as well.

    I don't want to get on the guys case to much, yet I do feel there are many players in this league fighting at the lower end of the table with the spirit we need, I would gladly swap Ghazi for one of them any day.

    I'd also like to bring Trezegeut into the mix. That lad Trez knows he's far from the most technically gifted player in the team of the league, yet the spirit, fight, heart he shows I'd gladly have 11 players with the courage he shows. You know full well the work rate Trezegeut puts in and results would follow. Sure he's another that doesn't grab goals all the time but he puts his body on the line for us and its cost him the season. I wish Ghazi would throw himself at the ball, he would probably come away with more goals. He's had many chances in front of goal (last season especially) and could of threw his body at the ball and just let the ball float on by.

    Ghazi just fails to impress 90% of the time, can't be having that at the level were trying to reach. You take Ghazi into Europe then we simply won't reach far. For the good of the club and Ghazi he needs a move else where to a club where he's comfortable all while Villa can keep reach new heights. We simply won't be able to go any higher with some of the players we have, business is business and the team must try get in Europe now. Around 6 to 8 players just can't cut it now in the league as it is because they are not at the level we want to be at, it will only get tougher for them if you manage to add Europe and more games to football life along with our league games.

    Summer sale will see some move on, I hope and Ghazi I will thank for his time at Villa and wish him the best if he's moved on.

    We would go down with the lowest amount of point any premier league club has been relegated with. I simply can't understand why people keeps bringing up the spirit, fight, and heart when its clearly not enough and he's clearly not good enough to play for us at this level

  11. On 15/04/2021 at 08:39, KenjiOgiwara said:

    I don't think we should let a goalscoring run over Christmas paper the cracks here. He isn't very good. He wasn't a star in the championship and he hasn't been impressive in the PL. 

    Very often players who run hot and cold will lead to debates on whether they are good enough. But in my experience more often than not, they aren't good enough. Consistency in your performances is pretty much essential for any athlete. 

    You could say the same for Trez I guess, but for me the difference is that Trez really works hard on the pitch. AEG much like Traore tends to stroll back when we're countered. And when your attacking ability is kind of meh and you aren't a hardworker... well it's easy to start looking at alternatives.

    Then again every time I talk shite about him, he tends to score. So time to get him into your FPL side for City. 

    That is simply not true...

  12. It’s both funny and strange to read the comments on here. Trez scores 2 goals today, but in the same game before he scored he was so bad I wanted to make another substitution involving him. 

    I can’t wait to read the comments after the next game when he is back to his old self. 

    He is simply not good enough and just because he scored 2 today, he is the Messiah in some people’s eyes. I still want to get rid of him in the summer. You can’t have a player who is as bad as him at general play and is tactical stupid.

    I’m glad he scored, but next game he will be bad again. You read it here first


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  13. I don't get why people want to keep Trez, just because he is hardworking. It doesn't matter if he is hardworking if we cant give him the ball, looses the ball every time he gets it, cant pass the ball to a teammate or just runs around like a headless chicken. Waste of time and place to keep playing him...

  14. 4 hours ago, Philosopher said:

    People seem to want rid of Trezguet. However our best football this season has come with him in the team. He doesn't have the finishing quality that Traore and El-Ghazi have but it's what he does everywhere else that sets him apart from those two. 

    In the last match against Tottenham it was his movement and runs that saw us get into dangerous positions, the extra work he does relieves some of the defense responsibility that the no 10 has when we play a 4-2-3-1 his link up play is better than El-Ghazi's also. The injury to him plus getting covid has set his fitness back. But when Jack returns I'd put Barkley back in for a couple games, with Trezguet on the right and see what happens.

    Trezguets pressing is also the best of our attacking players. For me he is the one I'd want to keep (out of the 3), because he is the only one that is in any way reliable.

    For me he is the first I want to get rid of

    • Thanks 1
  15. 15 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

    I don't think he would still be a Premier League manager if if wasn't for Trez.

    Even a broken watch is right two times a day. 

    We will never know if we had been safe much earlier if Smith had played another player instead. 

    His goals at the end helped us stay up, but that doesn’t mean that he is good enough and has the quality to get in the team. 

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