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Posts posted by TheAuthority

  1. On 22/01/2019 at 15:12, bickster said:

    The missus just came downstairs and asked if I had internet on my machines, I told her I did.

    "Well I haven't got any internet on my PC, what have you done to it!"


    "Well, you must have!"

    I trudge upstairs to have a look.

    I tell her she has no wifi adapter

    "I've got no idea what that is, you must have done something with it, I wish you'd leave my computer alone" (I borrowed the keyboard one-night last week when she wasn't using it and replaced it the next morning)

    I asked her where the USB device that used to be in the front of the machine was?

    "I didn't want your memory stick in my PC, so put it away to be tidy" 

    I inform her it wasn't a memory stick and go back downstairs

    She's now trying to remember where she tidied it to

    All my fault obviously :mrgreen:



    • Haha 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    It's lacking a 12-string and a mandolin.  :)


    9 minutes ago, Xann said:

    Fretless too.

    It would be a right ballache to play any neck under the Jaguar.

    Needs a keytar to be really complete!



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  3. On 12/01/2019 at 07:46, theboyangel said:


    this sums up some of Matt Goss’s pearls of wisdom 🤣

    well worth a watch and still available on BBC iPlayer. 

    At times you can’t help but think it’s a wind up but they’re as genuine as they can be (but totally lost in their own showbiz/sibling rivalry worlds). 

    Compelling viewing. 

    Watched this the other day - dear lord: 

    This is what happens to people when they have smoke  blown up their arses for years and every whim is catered to. It's exacerbated if they aren't that intelligent to begin with.

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  4. On 14/01/2019 at 06:43, Shropshire Lad said:

    I sometimes feel like I’m the only person that feels completely indifferent to The Wolf on Wall Street.

    I’m sure I thought it had some good bits, good performances. But I can only remember a couple of things about it. My abiding memory of it is that it’s way too long and I just didn’t care by the end of it. But it’s provided it’s fair share of memes and gifs to give it it’s due.

    Edit - apparently it’s The Wolf OF Wall Street not “on”.

    I really didn't like it. Just glorified clearings in the woods. There's enough clearings in the woods in the real world without watching a film about them

    • Like 1
  5. Article with a very interesting idea, a Planetary Food Diet which may interest those who are interested in changing their diet based on what is ecologically sound. 


    The diet to save lives, the planet and feed us all?

    A diet has been developed that promises to save lives, feed 10 billion people and all without causing catastrophic damage to the planet.

    Scientists have been trying to figure out how we are going to feed billions more people in the decades to come.

    Their answer - "the planetary health diet" - does not completely banish meat and dairy.

    But it requires a ginormous shift in what we pile onto our plates and turning to foods that we barely eat.

    What changes am I going to have to make?

    If you eat meat every day then this is the first biggie. For red meat you're looking at a burger a week or a large steak a month and that's your lot.

    You can still have a couple of portions of fish and the same of chicken a week, but plants are where the rest of your protein will need to come from.

    The researchers are recommending nuts and a good helping of legumes (that's beans, chickpeas and lentils) every day instead.

    There's also a major push on all fruit and veg, which should be make up half of every plate of food we eat.

    Although there's a cull on "starchy vegetables" such as the humble potato or cassava which is widely eaten in Africa.

    So what is the diet in detail?

    If you served it all up this is what you are allowed each day:

    1. Nuts - 50g a day
    2. Beans, chickpeas, lentils and other legumes - 75g a day
    3. Fish - 28g a day
    4. Eggs - 13g a day (so one and a bit a week)
    5. Meat - 14g a day of red meat and 29g a day of chicken
    6. Carbs - whole grains like bread and rice 232g a day and 50g a day of starchy vegetables
    7. Dairy - 250g - the equivalent of one glass of milk
    8. Vegetables (300g) and fruit (200g)

    The diet has room for 31g of sugar and about 50g worth of oils like olive oil.

    Surprised by the nuts to be honest as they need a lot of water to grow but the rest makes sense.

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