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Posts posted by TheAuthority

  1. 2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    Did anyone watching that think keeping McGinn on for 90 minutes was a sensible decision? 

    He played 3 games for Scotland last week and this is his 2nd game this week. Combined with Barclay carrying a knock we just couldn’t compete with their fitness levels.

    If JackS shot doesn’t get cleared of the line or he passed to Ollie after that amazing run it’s a different game.

    oh well, fair play to Leeds. 

  2. 17 hours ago, maqroll said:

    Trump has massive support throughout state and local law enforcement. Its sort of terrifying. 

    During the 90's & 2000's right wingers/fascists/nazi sympathizers would enter the US armed forces to gain access to advanced arms training. Supposedly there was a movement to have them purged from the army etc. but there is evidence that they moved into local law enforcement where they have been welcomed and nurtured.

    The explosion of the internet connecting militias, fascists & gun nut owners with like minded police and other federal officers (ICE, Border Patrol etc.) has created a secret underground army of disparate nut jobs who are itching to do....... Well I don't want to think about it.

  3. 5 hours ago, VillaJ100 said:

    Also how would the promotion/relegation even work? If you won your domestic league do you have to hope a English team finishes bottom of the SKY SPORTS EURO ELITE LEAGUE to get promoted? 

    The 1st step will be running it at the same time as the domestic leagues - so Manure, Ci$y & Plop would still be playing in the English league (which is obviously why they want to have less teams in it.)

    Then, the teams who are getting the revenue from the Euro Super League will be be able to pay the wages of the top players, have massive squads and just play their 2nd teams (B-teams) in the domestic leagues. This is what happened to the league cup, and now has happened to the FA-Cup - both competitions have become completed devalued. (Remember our 5-0 win over Liverpool under 11's last year?)

    And sadly this will happen to the domestic league over the next 20 years as the 'brands' of the big clubs grow and grow essentially becoming franchises. At the same time the FA Premier league will become as undervalued as our domestic cup competitions. 

    The interesting thing will be when the "Manchester City franchise" owners want to move its base to UAE. Or PSG owners want to move the base to Qatar - or any owner wants to move the club to a market where they think it will be more lucrative for the franchise. "The Beijing Gunners of Arsenal" anyone?

    If you think that's impossible, it happens frequently in American sports already.

  4. 6 minutes ago, KentVillan said:

    I don't think he did actually add Milner and Downing to that team - by the time Milner joined as a permanent signing, Mellberg had gone to Juve and Laursen retired a few months later.

    That was one of the tragedies of the MON era, never quite getting all his best players' spells at the club to overlap. The great thing about the Smith era is the current first team regulars are all so young, so we could see all these players grow over several seasons. It's really exciting.

    I'm sure you're right - it all starts to blur a bit after a while! I do believe if we hadn't lost Laursen in that December/January of whichever season it was we would have got top 4.

    Yeah I think Smith really knows his onions. The transfer ethos we have now at the club is the only way to do it long term. Sure, signing journey-men will give you some stability if you can get them to play for you (see MON, Bruce) but it isn't sustainable.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    MON could have had a centre half pairing of Laursen and Mellberg if they idiot could sign a bloody half decent right back. 

    He signed Habib Beye and never played him. (Best song ever for a player btw.)

    Signed Luke Young and played him left back.

    Insisted on playing either Mellberg or Cuellar at right back and if we were losing he'd sub them and play Milner there :bang:

    Finally Nigel Oke Kokee would play there against United mainly to man mark Ronaldo.

    I think MON did some things as a gamble just to be "quirky" and try to appear the eccentric genius. But the truth is he wasn't that good and whenever he didn't have John Robertson at his side he was a complete flop (Sunderland, and wherever else he rocked up.) JR was supposedly also very upset how he left Villa which is why they didn't work together after. Anyway back OT.


    Barrett    God  Teale  Staunton


    Houghton   Parker    Daley

         Atkinson (RIP)     Sanders*

    Subs: (at the time) Yorke, Ehiogu (RIP)

    *As pronounced by BFR


    • Like 3
  6. 33 minutes ago, KentVillan said:

    I think MON's team around 07/08 had 9 pretty memorable first XI regulars:

    Friedel; (Right back), Mellberg, Laursen, Bouma; (Midfielder), Petrov, Barry; Agbonlahor, Carew, Young

    All 9 of those players really racked up appearances over that period, and I'd consider all of them club legends.

    He added Milner to the team and moved him into centre mid when he signed Downing.

    I remember it was a league cup clash away at a lower league club when Downing finally made his debut after his injury. We all thought - What?  Why are there 3 wingers?!?!? Not realizing he'd moved Milner to the middle.

    • Like 2
  7. For some unknown reason Russell Crowe is a fan of theirs. He narrated that ridiculous documentary that white washed the fact that they f*cked everything up in the run in and missed out on promotion in 2019 :crylaugh:

    But thinking about it these days he looks like an old Northener who has drank too much bitter and had far too many pies, so I guess he'd fit in up there.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 hours ago, DCJonah said:

    A close friend of mine, is the Head coach of El Paso over in the states. They play an important playoff game, early morning tomorrow. 

    Mark Lowry, is a die hard villa fan and doing wonders over there. I believe he's the youngest head coach in the leagues history. 

    Heskey and Chester sent him over a good luck message, which I thought was pretty cool. 


    Thanks for posting.

    I love El Paso - it's a really great town and community  full of lovely people. Next time I'm down there I'll try and get in touch with him.

    OT but it's devastating what that Trump supporting kid/scumbag did there last summer.

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