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Posts posted by TheAuthority

  1. Just now, HanoiVillan said:

    Trump leading very comfortably in iowa, which is not a great sign re the rest of the Midwest, though it is much more rural and white than other states. 

    The republican is clearly going to win in the senate race there as well, which makes it harder to see dems taking the chamber. 

    We got one from Colorado!

  2. 3 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    It's early doors, but it looks like national polls may have been too bullish on Biden. However, it's not a national race. State polls always predicted a closer race. Biden was favoured by tiny margins in a number of states in eg the 538 forecast, so a small polling error can produce the 'wrong' call in a number of states, even if they are not far out. For example, trump looks like he will take a narrow victory in North carolina when he was predicted a narrow defeat, which may be disappointing but is not a big polling error. I think Biden can be concerned about the size of the polling error in ohio though, because if that is replicated exactly in pennsylvania he could be in difficulties. 

    Fox News just called Minnesota for Biden.

  3. 2 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Ohio has been called for trump, which is not unexpected, but the margin is looking likely to be significantly wider than predicted, which could be bad news for demographically similar states wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. Biden cannot realistically win without winning at least the first two of those. He had big leads in polling averages of both states, but if he's performing much worse than predicted across the region then they may be very close. 

    I think it's sensible to consider the outcome 50-50 at this point. 

    So many polls predicted a blowout. 

    I honestly thought Biden would win easily (and I knew Trump would beat Hilary.)

    Pretty stunned it's so close.

  4. Just now, bickster said:

    Isn't that the daughter of the dead son i.e. he just didnt say the word daughter...

    Exactly - I think people are just addicted to drama these days. After 5 years of the reality clown show I suppose people are just hankering to be amazed/outraged.

  5. 42 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

    Hopefully Yougov's will make you feel a bit happier...


    You'd think that if they had even the smallest doubts then they'd hedge and go 280-258 or something so they don't get laughed at.

    That's pretty bold calling Florida, Ohio, Georgia and Texas all going Blue. That would be the fisting and shellacking of a political lifetime for Trump. 

  6. 1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

    Bravo. I read it back in my 30s, and it made an impression on me, but I think I only really took it in as semi-decadent, fever-dream hallucinatory poetic writing. If you'd asked me, I'd have said that the plot was confusing and almost nonexistent. I thought the characters all blurred into one another. Verdict: impressive, but a bit pretentious. 

    Read it again just last month, and realised the plotting and structure is utterly brilliant. Loved the characters, and found it a total page turner. Verdict: triumphant masterpiece. 

    Just goes to shown that we read books differently at different stages of our life. (Exactly the same thing happened with Mann's "The Magic Mountain" - re-read immediately before the Durrell, after a similar timelapse). 

    Just the concept that it's the same story told from 3 different viewpoints through the first 3. The world opens like a flower in your mind as you progress through the books.

    I loved it so much I went out and found a first edition which I have wrapped up tightly packed away (please post Kenneth's as you please.)

    I haven't read The Magic Mountain but it's on my list now.

  7. 10 minutes ago, villakram said:

    What horrible people, obeying the laws of their land.

    Neo-liberalism loves the distraction provided by this and other social issues. Now pay your taxes like a good chap.

    Distraction of Fascists? Where do you get off man?

  8. 2 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    By the way, 3 GOP candidates are currently in the midst of trying to invalidate 127,000 legitimate ballots cast in Harris County, Texas (Houston, essentially). They have now failed twice at the Texas Supreme Court, and are now trying their luck at a federal court. This is extremely bad stuff:


    They won't win. The Texas Supreme Court vote result today was the nail in the coffin.

    At this point the GOP are throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks. They know Trump will be beaten, it's just how much they can stoke a fire to create confusion and claim the result is illegitimate. 

    Sounds ridiculous to say that in a 2 party 'Democratic' state, one of the parties has decided that their MO is cheating, but that is where we are.

  9. 5 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Brown trousers time:

    'giving Trump the room to undermine the validity of uncounted mail-in ballots in the days after' is not exactly a promising phrase.

    Even the Presidents advisors are publicly admitting that their plan is to keep it close enough so that they can steal the election.

    That is where we are.  

  10. 51 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

    The pickup truck was in the right hand lane and the SUV is the one straddling two lanes trying to get in front of the pickup isn’t it? 

    Yeah, it was totally the unmarked SUV antagonizing all those patriotic Trump supporters with flags hanging out of their cars who were just out for an afternoon drive displaying that they had weapons.

    Poor folks, I hope that they get over it. :rolleyes:

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