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Posts posted by Shaw_nuff

  1. Football is like the housing boom and it's all going to come crashing down with a bang. Forget all the clubs in England who are in debt, Spain is twice as bad. Spending money way beyond your means will eventually catch up with you. Basic economics will tell you that.

    My problem with Lerner is that he isn't even spending within the clubs means. Yes, of course cut back, but don't turn off the tap completely

    Spot on. We've gotten used to 30 odd years of cheap credit and it seems as if the only solution out there is to spend even more. It's like a crack-addicted economy.

    Lerner's positioning is telling.


    Well some of our counter attacking goals have been fantastic

    I agree. Manchester United were a counter attacking side and they dominated the Premiership. I have no issue with how we counter against teams, I think it is great to watch.


    MU did both... you can't win the PL without being able to break a team down that 'parks the bus'. Besides, when two out-and-out counter attacking teams get together it can result in the most boring games imaginable.

  3. Well, the die has been cast. Significant results today.


    Relegation is between the bottom 11 clubs with S'hampton opening up a 7 point gap from us and Hull... fortunately for us there are many equally shite sides in the mix, but it's gonna go to the wire - It's tight down there. If we can get anything from Monday it will be priceless.

  4. We play more long balls than any other side in the premier league though


    Either Lambert has them playing this way or they are completely disobeying his instructions i don't know which is worse


    Or they could be incapable of carrying them out...... which could be even worse still.

  5. The sesults have improved! You want entertainment then go to the cinema. Its a results driven business, do you think I'd be more happy leaving a game that wed lost 4-3 that was great entertainment or one we'd won1-0 with just one shot on goal.

    At the end of the day the result is what matters.

    I've never heard of a manager being sacked for not entertaining the fans.

    Ha! You're the one  with the 'Go to the cinema' chestnut of a post.


    Football's an entertainment industry. It's why it became popular in the first place FFS, otherwise we'd all be posting endless shite about badger-bating or whatever else turns you on.


    If you want results without entertainment why don't you go and take an HIV test?

    • Like 1
  6. Listening to talkshite today and Andy Gray. He admitted although careful to admit. We started to show good form towards the end of last season and begining this season, then for some reason Lambert decided to change his tactics and from then on nothing seems to be working and the players have no idea what they are supposed to be doing. 

    For me, watching some of the games towards the end of last season things seemed to be starting to click, we really looked quality some great link up play and even without Benteke everyone seemed to know what they were doing. Why lambert has lost or changed all this I have no idea.

    Please whoever still supports Lambert fair play, but can you explain this to me.

    you're correct...


    It all seemed to be getting towards a shape and pattern we could all recognise with confidence growing and then bang, he completely changed tack. It's the only reason I still hold any hope for him. But as to what happened? Only PL knows.



    Height is a guide but not everything. Just like CB's are traditionally tall, but there are plenty of smaller ones. True, wingers are traditionally small and tricky, but that doesn't mean that a tall player can't be one.


    It's fairly ridiculous to base your entire opinion on height. Almost as ridiculous as saying that because you're tall, you can't turn sharply..

    You can call it ridiculous all you like but you still cannot give me an example can you? I'm talking PL, not comparing yourself to your fat mates down the park. And I am 6'3" too.



    I gave you one. Marko Arnautovic.


    I thought you were joking - I said a top side, unless we've become so shite that we consider Stoke a big club now.

  8. Height is a guide but not everything. Just like CB's are traditionally tall, but there are plenty of smaller ones. True, wingers are traditionally small and tricky, but that doesn't mean that a tall player can't be one.


    It's fairly ridiculous to base your entire opinion on height. Almost as ridiculous as saying that because you're tall, you can't turn sharply..

    You can call it ridiculous all you like but you still cannot give me an example can you? I'm talking PL, not comparing yourself to your fat mates down the park. And I am 6'3" too.

    • Like 1

    His point was that being tall doesn't mean you can't be agile.


    ding ding ding


    You said, 'being that tall he'll have the turning circle of a barge.' and I replied that I'm tall and fairly agile. It has nothing to do with what 'top team I play for'. What a load of patronising guff.





    His point was that being tall doesn't mean you can't be agile.


    ding ding ding


    You said, 'being that tall he'll have the turning circle of a barge.' and I replied that I'm tall and fairly agile. It has nothing to do with what 'top team I play for'. What a load of patronising guff.


    Back to the point: Helenius is 6'5". Give me a 6'5 winger/wide man in a top side? or 6'3" even.


    Sorry, can't let you get away with that. I will stick my neck out (like I do quite often) there is no way on earth he can be a wide man - being that tall he'll have the turning circle of a barge. Same for being a link up man. He will eventually be a target man or nothing - that is my prediction. Peter Crouch is a target man who 'has good feet for a big man'. Same thing.


    BTW - it's not just an English thing.



    Can't let me get away with what? I never said he would be a wide man or a number 10, I just said he's not a target man. I don't know how you can say he'll either be a target man or nothing as there are lots of examples of tall players whose height isn't the main part of their game.


    It is a big problem in England though - this focus on size is one of the reasons why the national team are doing so poorly.


    I said he was bought as a target man - where do you think he'll end up playing? If you remember the point it's about Lambert's reason for buying him.

  11. Fair comment TRO-I would just add, David Moyes 1st 2 or 3 years at Everton were horrendous & he copped for far worse stick than Lambert is getting. Like you, I'll say no more & agree that we know what needs to happen.


    Shaw nuff- I don't agree with any of your points. I'm sure every manager in the Prem believes he is the "real deal" & likewise, I believe if you were to ask Lerner, the plan IS working. I believe that our club is a massive attraction, one of the top jobs in the country & any manager worth his salt would want a pop at it

    So you don't agree with any of the points but you agree with point 3?







    If Lambert is so fond of target men then why did he go for Helenius? He may be tall but he's not a target man.

    Well, he won't play him unless forced so maybe he is a target man 'work in progress'. 


    In your view what is he then? Genuine question.


    And how do you know that? Why would Lambert buy somebody that isn't a target man in order to turn him into one? There are plenty out there.


    He's good with the ball at his feet. Got good technique but not as strong as you might think. That's not even my view - that's the kind of player he is. His height is virtually irrelevant to that.


    Ok, fair enough. I'll rephrase that....


    Helenius can describe himself as the next Iniesta or Tony Morley, doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Look, let's be honest, we all know where players this tall end up playing in this league. He's no number 10.


    Never said he'd ever be as good as those two, but to brand him as a target man purely becuase of his height is just ridiculous. He may work on the physical aspects of his game but he will never be a target man.


    This is the problem with English football. It's all about height and size. If you're short you must be either a technical player or a fast winger, if you're tall you've got to be a CB or a target man. It doesn't seem to occur to some people that while height and size are relevant, they do not ultimately determine what kind of player a person will be.


    Sorry, can't let you get away with that. I will stick my neck out (like I do quite often) there is no way on earth he can be a wide man - being that tall he'll have the turning circle of a barge. Same for being a link up man. He will eventually be a target man or nothing - that is my prediction. Peter Crouch is a target man who 'has good feet for a big man'. Same thing.


    BTW - it's not just an English thing.



    Nonsense. I'm 6'3, absolutely shite in the air and can turn on a sixpence. Can't do anything else mind.


    Remind me of which top team you play for?





    If Lambert is so fond of target men then why did he go for Helenius? He may be tall but he's not a target man.

    Well, he won't play him unless forced so maybe he is a target man 'work in progress'. 


    In your view what is he then? Genuine question.


    And how do you know that? Why would Lambert buy somebody that isn't a target man in order to turn him into one? There are plenty out there.


    He's good with the ball at his feet. Got good technique but not as strong as you might think. That's not even my view - that's the kind of player he is. His height is virtually irrelevant to that.


    Ok, fair enough. I'll rephrase that....


    Helenius can describe himself as the next Iniesta or Tony Morley, doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Look, let's be honest, we all know where players this tall end up playing in this league. He's no number 10.


    Never said he'd ever be as good as those two, but to brand him as a target man purely becuase of his height is just ridiculous. He may work on the physical aspects of his game but he will never be a target man.


    This is the problem with English football. It's all about height and size. If you're short you must be either a technical player or a fast winger, if you're tall you've got to be a CB or a target man. It doesn't seem to occur to some people that while height and size are relevant, they do not ultimately determine what kind of player a person will be.


    Sorry, can't let you get away with that. I will stick my neck out (like I do quite often) there is no way on earth he can be a wide man - being that tall he'll have the turning circle of a barge. Same for being a link up man. He will eventually be a target man or nothing - that is my prediction. Peter Crouch is a target man who 'has good feet for a big man'. Same thing.


    BTW - it's not just an English thing.

    • Like 1



    Lambert wasn't forced to take the job. He had a perfectly comfy one in East Anglia.


    There could be many scenarios to this:

    1) he believed the youngsters he inherited were better than they are.

    2) Lambert believed his own hype too much and has to adapt.

    3) Lambert is the real deal and the plan is well on course (providing we don't go down). This is my fervent hope.


    4) He's crap, 1 dimensional and stuck in the dark ages. (unpalatable I know) but some on here just stick their fingers in their ears and won't entertain this as a valid option.


    Option 3  ;)


    Like you I hope so. I agree there has to be time. twelve more months for me.


    I know so.  :P


    You are Yuri Geller and I claim my five pounds.


    Lambert wasn't forced to take the job. He had a perfectly comfy one in East Anglia.


    There could be many scenarios to this:

    1) he believed the youngsters he inherited were better than they are.

    2) Lambert believed his own hype too much and has to adapt.

    3) Lambert is the real deal and the plan is well on course (providing we don't go down). This is my fervent hope.


    4) He's crap, 1 dimensional and stuck in the dark ages. (unpalatable I know) but some on here just stick their fingers in their ears and won't entertain this as a valid option.


    Option 3  ;)


    Like you I hope so. I agree there has to be time. twelve more months for me.

  15. I have not posted before. I am a Villa fan since my first game in 1966. I have seen Villa relegatedto the 2nd div then the 3rd div,I have seen them promoted to the 2nd then 1st div win the league cups and of course the 1st division and european cup.During all of this the fan was the most important part of the club,sadly this is is not true any more.We all remember those great cup replay nights,well they are not important any more.the current managers job is to keep us in gravytrain that is the Premiership no less no more.Winning anything is not important,just staying where the money is and also achieving this by spending virtually no money whilst reducing the wages spend.If the current manager or any other manager could achieve sucess and good football under thes restrictions i doubt very much,Ireckon we should be looking at the owners motives before blaming the staff,i love this club they are a massive part of my life I also love the FA cup but dont blame Lambert hes got nowhere to go under this regime rant over

    Lambert wasn't forced to take the job. He had a perfectly comfy one in East Anglia.


    There could be many scenarios to this:

    1) he believed the youngsters he inherited were better than they are.

    2) Lambert believed his own hype too much and has to adapt.

    3) Lambert is the real deal and the plan is well on course (providing we don't go down). This is my fervent hope.


    4) He's crap, 1 dimensional and stuck in the dark ages. (unpalatable I know) but some on here just stick their fingers in their ears and won't entertain this as a valid option.

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