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Posts posted by Shaw_nuff

  1. I can't help but feel the whole club needs to hit the reset button. The management has become so disengaged from the fans that we feel like we don't matter any more. This isn't new, it's been dragging on for as long as I can remember. 


    A simple thing for me would be to rename the Doug Ellis to anything else (McGregor???). Get that sociopath's grubby print off our club once and for all. Then find the funds to redevelop the North stand. Freshen the place up and bring Villa Park into the 21st century instead of relying on past reputation all the time. Lift the crowd, lift the atmosphere and above all communicate with us like we're adults. None of this Paul Lambert nonsense of "I think the fans know what we're trying to do here..."

  2. Actually there were a fair few of us stating that we were being lucky around Xmas time and that if we carried on playing like that and the luck ran out then we'd sink like a stone. Lo and behold the luck evened itself out and hey presto!

  3. I've never been so disappointed in a manager. O'Neill was overrated, Houllier was a has-been and McLiesh was just shit and we all knew it. I had high hopes for this bloke and barring a miraculous turnaround he's fallen well short of my expectations. 

    • Like 1
  4. You're! Ffs can no one spell anymore?

    It's actually a grammatical rather than spelling error. However, your right, it's bloody annoying. (see what I did there).

  5. You make a good point about Holt, CF, and he probably thought it'd be good to have some more experience in the dressing room, even if not out on the pitch, but I still would have preferred that he didn't bother. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, of course, but he hasn't exactly justified his being here. He hasn't made waves on the pitch and we haven't greatly improved our mentality whilst he's been here either.


    I think Steve Clarke did a good job at the Baggies, personally, and had them playing some good football. I'm not saying he'd necessarily work out here as I think there are bigger issues at the top of the Villa hierarchy, but as you say, he's a realistic alternative.

    I bet he made a few in the pool though.

  6. Performances:


    Brilliant: Arsenal (A), Liverpool (A), Norwich (H), Chelsea (H). (4)


    Good: Chelsea (H), Man City (H), Southampton (A), West Brom (H). (4)


    Average: Rotherham (H, LC), Norwich (A), Hull (A), Cardiff (H), West Brom (A), Sunderland (H), Swansea (H), Sunderland (A), Arsenal (H), Cardiff (A), Newcastle (A). (11)


    Awful: Liverpool (H), Newcastle (H), Tottenham (H, LC), Fulham (A), Man United (H), Stoke (A), Palace (H), Sheff U (H, FA), Everton (A), West Ham (H), Stoke (H). (11)


    Southampton and Man City games (A/H) were poor performances but I put them in good due to the win.


    Would others agree with what I have rated the performances?

    You have two Chelsk homes. I wouldn't put Norwich home as brilliant - 15 minutes of it maybe.


    Good post, when he came in I gave him 3 years, he's still got 15 months to go.


    We could be a mid table championship by then. Lambert isnt the manager we all thought he was and he'll go down as one of the worst in recent memory along with mcleish imo.


    Just depends how long we have to suffer with him before hes sacked.


    And Billy McNeill - Seems to be a theme here.......?


    I'll give him until Xmas max (provided we stay up). If we haven't started playing something resembling football by then, then it's thanks but no thanks.

  8. For me we would have to do a bit of  surgery on the current crop although this would be done naturally to a point anyway as all the best players would want out. Benteke & Vlaar and Nzogbia would naturally be straight out the door you would think which is a shame as they are the few players who would have the physicality to cope in that league. Alan Hutton would continue to be shiipped out too.


    As for the rest i don't actually see how we would shift them anyway as most are Championship standard anyway so we could ironically fall on our feet at that level.


    The wages are already levelled out and i could see a squad like this




    Okore/ ?????






    El Amahdi/




    Gabby (May well stay)/Helenius


    So the team is almost already there which kind of highlights why we are struggling at Prem level.. the only ones i can see moving on from that lot due to interest from Prem teams are maybe



    Okore (although he surely owes us at least 1 year)





    I think Tonev, Hutton, Nzog would also depart although Tonev may get a chance at Championship level for a season before being moved on.



    We would need to sign some muscle though as that squad, Gabby, Guzan and Okore if he stayed aside, is very lightweight for the Championship surely?


    Overall when you look at it though the basics are already in place, the wage structure would be low enough already with Hutton & one or two others leaving so i do think we'd have a good chance of coming straight back up... Also Lambert is already aware of that division having brought Norwich up from there which is a huge bonus too.



    Can't actually see Gabby going anywhere if we go down. He's at a significant point in his career. He is a couple of seasons/one serious injury off losing his pace. After that, you have to ask if he has an awful lot else to offer?



    he would walk into this side at the moment. I hope hes back soon. Same with Okore.

    Yeah 'walk' being the operative word. I wouldn't want him anywhere near the first team thanks. How's his 'Richard Dunne style' season long injury doing?

    Waste of space, waste of money, typical modern day overpaid prima donna.

    I'd rather have bowery in the team

    He ruptured his freaking achilles


    Doesn't appear to be getting through to some. Try this:


    He trod on a land mine and landed in an industrial mincer! May be out for a couple of days.

  10. I've said 17th since November and stick by it. I fancy Fulham and Sunderland to get out of jail and Cardiff, Palace and West Brom to go down. We'll just about survive I think, but it won't be pretty.



    That Randy has always been honest with him and he knows there won't be a great deal to spend,

    This is the part of the interview I find interesting. I wonder how true this is? If this is the case then surely the club is up for sale.


    Yup and we can get someone in to run it properly but not spend any money. Because thats what we all want, just someone to run the club properly.



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  12. Over my dead body!


    I'm done if we change name. For me it would be like sticking my middle finger up to my dad, his dad and his dad before him.


    Success is nothing without heritage, else you may as well change your allegiance to Citeh.


    Hell, let's change the name to New-Old Trafford, shirts to red and move to Beijing. Job done.


    After 30+ years of neo-liberal greed is nothing sacred any longer?

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