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Posts posted by chrisp65

  1. To think that only a month ago Nick Robinson was missing out on the election coverage due to his illness.

    Now he's recovered enough to be on stage at Glasto as the Chemical Brothers.



    That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

    And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

    With 2 billion Muslims do you think this community should be doing more to wipe out the extremists operating under the same/similar religiosity banner?

    What ate you doing to stop the racist attacks in America?



    I don't think he's having an open conversation or answering supplementary questions from others.


    Anyway, I'm still waiting for the white people of Germany to apologise for the murder of 9 blacks in an american church.

  3. I don't think I consciously know anything by him, but the little bit of Kanye I saw last night, no more than a few minutes, made it clear it wasn't my cup of tea. Which is fine.


    The Mothership however, oooh, I loved that.


    each to their own, be boring if we all liked U2 and 1D 

  4. If Greece does collapse down to the next rung of the disaster ladder it could be interesting to see Germany's reaction to hundreds of thousands of economic migrants arriving from within the EU with just enough bus fare to get to northern europe, a bag of clothes, and a legitimate EU passport.



    Just got gogglebox on, I've never watched it before but it is utterly pointless, I can't believe people would actually watch it.

    I'm watching someone watching telly, it's blatant that it's all half scripted as well by the looks of it

    People are retarded. Now you get to watch them be retarded.



    somewhere out there, there must be a programme, giving people's reactions TO people giving their reactions on gogglebox


    I'd be confident that exists


    That's the thing, the majority of us are good people. Almost 2 billion Muslims, yet people are associating Islam with the very small minority of terrorists rather than everyone else.

    And even then, these terrorists can't be classed as Muslims when they carry out the atrocities that they do. 'Save a person, it's as if he has saved the whole of mankind. Kill a person, it's as if he has killed the whole of mankind'.

    With 2 billion Muslims do you think this community should be doing more to wipe out the extremists operating under the same/similar religiosity banner?



    How much do you think they are doing?


    Who should be organising this, and from where?


    How much do you think the 150 to 200 million shi'a support ISIS?


    I too got on a tube shortly after the bombings. I flew on a half empty plane shortly after the towers.

    But I have no faith that the authorities that would be nominally looking after me on a north african holiday would have the ability, desire or wherewithall to genuinely try and protect me. I'm not asking for guarantees, I'm doubting the ability of a north african government to even understand what's needed to competently try and safeguard a north african beach.

    Go and take a quick look at a map of north africa and tell me you'd be confident people were able to look after you.

    By people I assume you mean in an official capacity ? I.e police , govt etc ?

    I wouldn't necessarily rely on those people in my own country

    Call me naive but I have a faith in humanity that if I was in a foreign land and trouble like this broke out the local people would look out for me

    I say this based on my encounters in places many people would call "hostile " ...



    I possibly didn't fully expand the thinking behind that last line. The point was to look at the geography.

    In crude terms, you are on a coast line of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Syria. I know that's quite a long line, but why would you currently book a holiday anywhere along that line?


    I don't think an individual Tunisian is more or less capable or honourable than anyone else.


    I do suspect that given a choice of being 'protected' by the UK authorities, or north african authorities, on average I'd still stick with the UK version. 

    • Like 1
  8. I don't even feel the need to complete a set by a band. I have the third of the three complete Beatles multi CD boxes. I have no need for the first two.


    There's a Johnny Cash set of 5 or 6 albums out, I have 1,3 and 5.


    I have every Jam single, some in multiple formats, but only four of the albums.

  9. so the speed selecter, bottom left, operates a lever at 14 which slides the arm 11 up and down so the idler wheel at 1 hits the spindle (silver conne by the 3) at any variable point.

    The top of the wheel rotates the platter around.

    The platter weighs an inconceivable amount, maybe 4 or 5 kilos on its own. The solid timber case and electric motor must weigh another 4 or 5 kilos. This is a lump. But mounted on really bouncy springs that self level to an extent.


    Switched on and rotating, it's absolutely silent. You have to look at it to know it's on.



    • Like 1
  10. Flicking through the TV channels and just got Glastonbury

    Some long haired ginger bird warbling badly on stage

    Switched it off after about a min

    But there appears to be thousands of people watching/ listening to her and having fun .. Presumably they all have MP3 players in their ears and can't hear what im hearing


    57% of them probably think its the Foo Fighters

  11. I too got on a tube shortly after the bombings. I flew on a half empty plane shortly after the towers.


    But I have no faith that the authorities that would be nominally looking after me on a north african holiday would have the ability, desire or wherewithall to genuinely try and protect me. I'm not asking for guarantees, I'm doubting the ability of a north african government to even understand what's needed to competently try and safeguard a north african beach.


    Go and take a quick look at a map of north africa and tell me you'd be confident people were able to look after you.


    I'm not entirely sold on the company tomorrow (i'd have to relocate etc) but I'm 100% going for it as it's a great experience.

    Well then. Had the interview, offered the job immediately and I accepted :D




    sucker, now you have to buy us all cakes to celebrate...

  13. ok, a few texts later.....and it's mine


    needs a bit of work, but hey, it's a project


    it spins and it changes speed - note the speed selecter, it has notches in standard places but is a slider, so you can play at any speed that takes your fancy between low 80's to something less than 16rpm


    6 months of pimping my platter ahead!







    • Like 1
  14. I might......might......have the beginnings of a new turntable tomorrow. I'm off to have a look at one as part of a house clearance!


    Nothing specially audiophile, just quirky. It looks from the one photo I've seen like it might be a fairly early Lenco idler wheel turntable from about 1970 or so. When they were still made in Switzerland. Not getting my hopes up too much just yet but this might be the pointlessly fussy toy I've been looking for. No belt drive, but a cone shaped spindle so it has totally variable speed from about 80rpm down to about 14rpm. Get some of that original dub going at 14rpm!


    We'll see....

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