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Posts posted by chrisp65

  1. I believe it's an unwritten rule that postmen wear shorts, like a badge of honour kind of thing. Anyone who does their round in trousers is seen as a bit of a second-class citizen.


    Do they make the second class one's do the afternoon delivery?


    (That's an age related joke - in olden times your first class post turned up in the morning, second class post turned up mid afternoon. Now of course, all post turns up mid afternoon, some of it with more stamps than others)

  2. Just to doubly prove my left wing credentials I shall blame that apostrophe on the rather louche 10:00am glass of port I'd just knocked back (I was cooking up a stock for the beef and had run out of red wine, so used port).


    I think it's ok to drink 2007 port in the morning providing the glass started out life as a nutella pot.


    I'll be honest, I have had a brief nap this afternoon.

    • Like 3

    Back in the day, when I knew everything and still had teenage spots, I had a badge on my two tone harrington jacket that read 'Ferrari's for everyone.'


    The put down 'Champagne socialism' just isn't thinking hard enough. Champagne for everyone is a perfectly decent goal.


    The problem is that Marx's labour theory of value predicts that it would not be possible and not even desirable.


    The reason Champagne is expensive is that the traditional method of making it is very labour-intensive, especially the remuage process where each bottle is turned a minute amount by hand and le dosage where wine and sugar are added for secondary fermentation.


    Under a socialist system, wasting precious man-hours on such a decadent and frivolous product, when the manpower could be used to produce essential goods, would be total anathema.


    If you want Champaign for everyone, you need a capitalist system where large amounts of capital is invested to automate the process, which would lower the price, and make it accessible to all.  



    Having read a little bit of Marx and around Marx (enough to blag it in some company) I'd have to disagree.


    What you're quoting is the bolshevik end of the communist interpretation of Marxism. Rooted in a 110 year old take on a 150 year old idea.


    The World has moved on since the 1800's, my champagne for everyone version is a great improvement. But not to be taken literally. For 'champagne' you can also slot in fancy looking cars, Bruce Springsteen, gardening or cake. Not in the let them eat cake way of the tories. But in the way where there is more than enough to go around if we all have one cake. It's when somebody wants to corner the cake market that we have problems.


    Ferrari for everyone would actually be fantastically easy to provide. It really would. Whether it fits a skewed 2015 view of original Marxist thought, well I just don't know about that.

    • Like 1
  4. Back in the day, when I knew everything and still had teenage spots, I had a badge on my two tone harrington jacket that read 'Ferrari's for everyone.'


    The put down 'Champagne socialism' just isn't thinking hard enough. Champagne for everyone is a perfectly decent goal.

  5. Church is your typical champagne socialist. However, I'd bang her harder than a flimsy barn door in a hurricane. I do find the Welsh accent sexy*





    * on women, not bearded ex miners 


    She shops in the same Waitrose as me (waitrose champagne £19.99), would you like me to pass on the message?


    If you don't ask you don't get.

    • Like 2
  6. World of difference in attitude and professionalism today in the closed season grudge match played on a neutral ground between Barry Town Fans vs Port Talbot Ultras.


    Barry have turned up in the kindly donated league team's kit from last season - a couple of them look a little tight admittedly. Port Talbot have a kit best described as 'wear something mostly blue'.


    It's also noticeable that Barry have 11 players on the pitch and P'Talbot have 14. Apparently that's allowed because some of them are only small.


    Half time, 1:1

    • Like 2
  7. Yep I can sympathise with you guys. I lived in the High Street on the next block up from a cluster of pubs and a cluster takeaways and it made you realise that with a bit of booze, some people are just horrible.

    Interestingly, it also meant the police were horrible and not interested. 


    Plenty of stories similar to those above, the one I'd mention, they installed a cctv camera on the end of my block. 2:00am the morning after it was installed a van was stolen, rammed into the wall and used as a platform to smash up the camera. In it's own way back then, it was quite funny.


    Another time, I was sooo pissed off with the police chase going around and around a few blocks. Clearly the two police cars were enjoying their night just as much as the dickhead in the stolen car. After about 20 laps I phoned the police station, complained about the juvenile tactics and utter waste of time and money and suggested that if one police car stopped there was every chance the 'chase' would be concluded within a lap. Maybe coincidence, it all finished in the next 10 minutes.


    Happier now. Had to move once we had kids.

    • Like 1
  8. A post meeting visit to Museum of Wales, Cardiff branch. Some stunning exhibits on at the moment, an absolute joy of a quiet off peak wander.


    The 'new' dinosaur they recently found just down the coast from here was on display. The Chalkie Davies photo's were on display, some really impressive shots of The Specials, Dr Feelgood, Jam et al including a photo of John Lydon that was just beautiful. Plus there was a modern ceramics exhibition. It's my secret pleasure, a nice bit of modern pottery, really gets me going. If ever I win the lottery that I don't buy tickets for, that's what I'd do, get a kiln and get creating anxious, sinewy, impossible pieces of ceramic.



  9. Possibly not the most sensitive statement when 9 black people in a prayer meeting in a 199 year old church have been murdered by a white guy who according to witnesses targeted them specifically for race not religion.


    I'd also suggest lumping all 320 million americans into one homogenous failed group is a bit glib. 

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