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Posts posted by mottaloo

  1. 15 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    Cor blimey, strike a light guvvnor

    Decided the family could do with something different down the old Gregory

    Got a recipe for pie mash liquor and chilli vinegar, made the mash made the pies, going for a double double myself. Just knocking up the liquor sauce.. laverly jubilee

    Knees up later round the old Joanna then  settle down and watch the custard


    You sound like a geezer 

    A proppa geezer, mind. Not like those lot up in the home counties.


    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, rjw63 said:

    These, with an Asda bake-at -home tiger bread bloomer as dipping material. Yummy.



    Just ordered a 7 mini bottle sample set based on that pic 😀


    That online store has the potential to do my credit card some serious damage !

    • Haha 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, imavillan said:

    now he’s ere🤣🤣unbelievable….jfc

    what a tin pot small time shower of shit this lot are….such an embarrassment and a stain 

    Straw clutching at its most pathetic. Like someone else said earlier....a nothing club desperately trying to be something. 

    Thank fxxx he didn't score, or worse still, score the winner....we'd never hear the end of it 🙄


  4. 16 minutes ago, MCU said:

    Am I overthinking this...

    We bought our first home last year which is a semi-detached and shares a front lawn. The couple that live next to us are around our age (early 30's) with 3 kids but we hardly see them. The bloke especially I get the impression goes out of his way to avoid us (not sure why, I guess just super shy). Anyway, we didn't know what the etiquette was with how we're suppsoed to share(?) the mowing of the front lawn. We ended up knocking on their door first time last year to check it was all good we could mow their side. No answer so we just took the risk and did it. We've done it every time now which is fine but we haven't recieved a single thanks for it. The bloke came out the once to put something in his wheelie bin and didn't even acknowledge us. I mean, it's no extra skin off our back but I find it a bit rude they haven't once popped their head out and said thank you. They are happy to stay on top of their back garden though 😬

    That's definitely one that would push my buttons. They obviously know you cut their side and probably watched you do it....shyness ? No. All of them can't be shy. Ignorant ? I'd say so. Had the same with my old neighbour until one day I just cut my side after a few months of doing all of it. He never said a thing and it only wound me up, to the point where I said "sod it" and eventually cut his side so it would look totally even.

    Again, no acknowledgement....so the petty side of me occasionally launched cat sh!t over his back fence that my other neighbours moggie smugly curled out on my lawn.

    I think it's a case of others treating you the way you treat them but sadly in this selfish society your kindness is merely taken advantage of. 

    • Like 2
  5. Recently bought a breadmaker so thought I'd ask other Amazon users (what I thought was) a clear question. The two replies so far haven't been all that helpful....I mean, do these f-wits actually realise their answers are as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike ? 😠


    Screenshot_20240531_151812_Amazon Shopping.jpg

    • Haha 3
  6. Well as expected the great unwashed are loving what St Jude said....perfect way to end off his career apparently....coming back - even at 37 - to play for blose in the champions League.

    They really are trying to bask in reflected glory, with an ex player who left as soon as a decent offer came in but the spin was he was actually saving the club and they lapped it up.

    Sacrificing himself when he could've been the new Trevor Francis.....

    • Like 1
  7. @T-Dogthanks for your kind words. I think it is mainly due to my laziness that I drove so often which - every time I did it - put a mental note to make sure I made up for it when I was the passenger otherwise I felt I was robbing myself of a good time.

    It was usually works events but since covid I remain 100% wfh so it ain't too difficult to hide when the invites go out at 4pm on a Friday afternoon. 

    I enjoy 3 or 4 beers the night after a set of workshifts or ½ a bottle of fizz but I guess it's when I go visiting mates in their homes....along with the home measures of booze when i slip.

    Bottom line for me is not to be lazy and be more disciplined.....same with my eating habits too.

    • Like 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, T-Dog said:

    If you go out, how many beers do you think you drink during a 'session' (take that as you will, I'm not suggesting a stag do, but anything more than the usual Friday night pint after work)

    Very interesting all this.

    Covid was the most pissed I've ever been, to the point where it was a problem, gone through a couple of stages of sacking it off entirely for months and months and then falling off and going quite heavy again. It's tipping to the wrong side again now, and I think it's probably time to jack it in again.

    I usually volunteered to be the designated driver or drove to a works do cos I couldn't be arsed getting a taxi/train.

    However....on the rare occasions I was picked up or stopped overnight from a function I'd try to catch up with the drink on that night for all the previous times I drove.....and I really suffered for days afterwards, swearing to myself I'd never do that again. 

    But I did....and still do 😧

    • Like 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    The only hedge funds they know about are the ones that they used to find pornography in

    Aaah come on now FF......we're both of that generation that we'd thought it was our lucky day if we found a copy of Razzle or Whitehouse in the local park.....unless the pages were stuck together somehow 🤔

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, wishywashy said:


    Today in Small Heath they are bragging about not one but *two* newly installed screens over at St Andrews. Groundbreaking technology that has *not* been in stadia for decades.

    It's over for us. No coming back from that one

    If you put lipstick on a pig.....it's still a pig.

    Proppa pig though. Mate.

    • Haha 2
  11. 13 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Went to view a house today. Nice place, but a bit put off by the bloke next door. Saw him shuffling about wearing filthy grey joggers that even Waynetta, my missus, wouldn't be seen in. 

    The babby liked it though, as the back garden was big enough for the trampoline, paddling pool and bouncy castle to fit in. The little man has ADHD and likes to scream to get it out of his system, and the garden looks perfect for that. Plus plenty of room for a kennel for the XL bully we are getting. 

    You are truly a word removed.

    Mate 😉

    • Haha 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, Genie said:

    It’s a stressful time when the house next door is on the market for sure.

    Thanks Dave. The missus has already snarled back at me, saying I have no control over who moves in and to stop agitating myself and her. Thing is, if I was selling then I would take the highest bidders money, not caring if they were scumbags cos it wouldn't affect me in the future. The other neighbours are all retired too so I am sure they'll be on edge too.

    Selfish I know but I've craved the peaceful life for too long now..... I just hope I am overreacting. 

    • Like 1
  13. Winding myself up whilst watching viewers traipse in and out of next door who recently put their house on the market.....totally judging books by their covers....imagining all manner of crap future situations like the guy who cracks open the bbq and sound system as soon as the sun peeps out....wayne and waynetta slob just left, her walking back to the car, picking her knickers out of her bum crease as she goes....their babby running amok on the driveway...

    ....in all, about 6 viewings and all of them young couples/families and I get it - it's a family home but I am a grumpy ol' git who wants to enjoy his back garden listening to the birds singing in the trees, not "birds squawking on next door's karaoke whilst Daz and his tattooed, turkish haircut wearing mandem larging it whilst sinking the stella and snorting whatever.

    Totally irrational but I guess perfect for this thread.

    • Like 2
  14. On 21/05/2024 at 19:15, TreeVillan said:

    Yeah I agree but then realise it does probably allow for more sausage per inch(I know this is leaving myself open to a KW picture)

    Duly obliged 



    • Like 1
  15. On 19/05/2024 at 06:30, GlobalVillan said:


    Wow. The biterness towards us here is off the scale. SHA levels of hatred and jealousy.

    "They repulse me, any chance they can bang on about 1982 they will.....and do!

    They couldnt even beat the part time plate smashers in the comic version of the Champions League, now they think they are elite!!  ???"
    |"Had to chuckle on twitter, John Percy posted that appointing Unai Emery was the turning point in Viles upwards trend, whilst some wag albeit true said the turning point was when goal line technology had it's biggest failure ever at seal park!"
    "I hate them with a passion and feel physically sick that they got into the champions league, but it was always likely when their major competition was spurs.

    At least the scum didn't win the conference pears whatever, as some on here predicted.

    I now hope that get battered in all 8 games they have in the champions League and know when they are eliminated they won't be dropping into the Europa league.

    It just a massive shame that there isn't a preliminary round anymore where they could get knocked out like Everton were a few years back.

    Hopefully, they waste millions on more donkeys like Diaby and Ty he long term effects are like they were under Lerner."

    Elmo_in_Swansea seems particularly bitter about hawkeye on that forum thread.


    Me mon 🤣

    • Haha 1
  16. Trevor Francis dies....loads of Villa fans pay sincere tribute to him (esp those who are old enough to remember his playing days)...even sha forum arch enemy heroes and villans were generous in paying respect.

    Chico Hamilton passes away.....and some still can't let it go :



    • Sad 1
  17. 26 minutes ago, MaVilla said:

    Is Heck the VT release valve?

    No real scenario where we can bash the manager for the first time in years, so a release valve is required, and Heck is the chosen one?

    This thread feels a bit like the Purslow thread, just a constant barrage of butt hurt.


    images (2).jpeg

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