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Posts posted by ForfarVillan

  1. I wouldn't be seen dead in that away kit , lime green. No offence but anybody who like's that cannot have any fashion sense and I dread to see what their wardrobe looks like.

    The home kit is a disappointment. Gone are the stripy collars in the mock-up.

    The blue Y at the top of the shirt looks very cheap. The cut of the shirt doesn't look right. Neck too low and sleeves too long.

    jesus wept

  2. It all depends on the sky tv deal and sky are saying they don't want to go to war with scotland so now there is very little reason not to say bye bye to Rangers. Down to the 3rd division I hope, liquidation is a certainty now

  3. I have a man crush on paul lambert. I have never been to scotland or been friends with a scottish person, which is probably why i have a soft spot for the country and the people.

    He hasn`t made one attempt to lower expectation to make life easier for himself, instead he wants to try and match it, thats what we need. He is like o`neill, but more likeable and with tactics.

    I love the man already.

    Lets be friends

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