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Posts posted by SeanO

  1. For the 1st time in what seems like age's I feel proud to show off the C&B.

    Although I have continued to wear the colour's and spout off to anyone who would listen that we are in transition I was starting to believe that we might never come good.

    It may only be one result but it's a big one and it will send out a message that we are capable of competing.

    Steven Ireland where have you been for 18 month's? MOTM by far, stay fit and out of the headlines for stupidity. Continue playing like that and you will soon find yourself once again pulling on a ManC shirt!

  2. I still don't trust him, does anyone think if Heskey had of been fit Ireland would have played?

    That said I have slagged him off when he has got it wrong but starting with the Arsenal game he appears to have found "something" long may it continue. So it's only right that I say well done when he gets it right.

    I think most of us can't understand how Hutton was ever in the team, we have better options in the under 15's! so I'm pleased that he put CC at right back. With Heskey injured he had to make a choice and Ireland really stepped up.

    He must now use this as a stepping board and no revert to type as this squad has players who are capable of finishing in the top half and giving every team a hard game, he must remember this when the likes of Heskey are once again fit.

    Well done to Mcleish and the team, here's to a better year ahead, Happy New Year all.

  3. I couldn't be arsed to watch the whole boring game, they were shite and we were shite.

    2 crap managers playing anti football.

    For me the best thing was when the camera's showed the ginger dog, WTF was going on with his barnet??? **** he is on ugly "word removed".

    I guess we will now have to listen to just how good/big/unbeatable blah,blah, blah Chelsea are, sigh............**** hate this crap.

  4. I'm dreading who he'll bring in in January.


    The names so far linked have been less than good enough, either untried players (if we were doing well this might be seen as good) or over the hill has been's. That said I don't blame this freak for this just the bad management of Lerner and Faulkner for bringing Villa to this point.

    I do blame McFuckoffnow for the dire football and I have no doubt that Heskey will be straight back in the midfield falling over etc such is this prat's knowledge of football.

    I loath him with a passion!

    Oh Merry Christmas to all but him, lol

  5. He's shite. His game will never fit any Villa team that I love ffs Mcfuckoffnow signed him, that's more than enough for me to know how bad he is.

    The back 4 of him, Collins, Dunne and Warnock are the worst combination that I can remember absolute rubbish.

    This muppet will be straight back in for the Chelsea game, along with the other shite that have let us down all season as Mcfuckoffnow can't help himself.

  6. Thing is about this player and we can add several other names like Ireland is that they are not anywhere near playing to the standards set by Young, Milner or Downing.

    We haven't improved the squad it's been weakened, I really would love to see N'Zogbia show what he does in little glimpses more consistently and the same with Ireland but for whatever reason they can't and I fear never will.

    10m for a player who value should have been nearer 4m when we are short of money is scandalous , Wigan certainly saw us coming!

  7. I'm happy about the win but have no doubt we are playing absolute shite.

    They say you can't polish a turd, which is true but you can always put glitter on it. Lerner must have run out of glitter because were just left with a dull turd.

    I'll say Merry Christmas to you all now because Villa wise we will not have much to cheer about after this game.

  8. .

    This is the first time that I have ever wanted us to fire a manager :(

    Me too, I have supported Villa since the early 70's and although there have been some average managers I used hate the way Deadly would keep replacing managers.

    I didn't want this muppet from day 1, many of us felt the same. However our American owner knew better and went ahead so we had no choice but to hope and pray that somehow he had morphed into a decent manager.He hasn't and never will.

    The only message the mute Lerner is ever going to understand is if fans stay away, they already are plenty but soon it's going to drop again.

    Personally if it were get this tosser out of Villa park then I hope that the ground is empty otherwise I truly believe we are going down.

  9. I hate this manager and what he is doing to our club, he is a shite, boring bland bluenose word removed.

    I'm lucky that as I live in Oz I don't have to listen to the crap like those of you who live in Brum, thank god for small mercies!

    Almost every game is on live and previously I stayed up all hours of the night watching but I don't any more, I just record the games and rely on the match reports on here before deciding whether to watch or not obviously I not seen many games this season.

    None of this is normal, I bleed C&B, season ticket holder from the 70's up until leaving the UK in 03 and tbh Villa is one of the few things I still miss but this clueless c has caused me to re think. I can accept defeats but not rolling over due to piss poor tactics, so sad.

  10. We might win this weekend after all it's only Norwich! ha have any of you seen them play this season, I assume so and they look like a reasonable team and will give any team who are not playing well a game .i.e us.

    We haven't played any of the top 4/5 Sky teams bar ManC who wiped the floor with us, once we do under this leadership (McClueless, Lerner ETC) we are going to plummet down the table.

    We are very fortunate that there are worse teams than us but we can forget any chance of Europe or even a cup run to add some excitement to this season.

    It's horrible watching players that should still be helping us wearing ManC, ManU and Liverpool shirts while seeing the likes of N'Zogbia, Hutton and .............well no one else because we are a selling club, in a Villa shirt struggling to even look like they know how to play football.

  11. McCluess is exactly that clueless.

    Boring, unadventurous, another manager who believes he can get Heskey playing well, only this idiot thinks he can do so in midfield!

    I can't stand the bloke and I hate seeing him wearing a Villa tie while looking completely perplexed on the side lines.

    Randy if you haven't already realised you have made one hell of a **** up here.

  12. Better but still no where near good enough.

    Heskey is a none player who is difficult to take serious, it's like playing with ten men.

    Hutton, the guy can't defend.

    Collins, I can't work the player out. He will always put in the effort and at times he is great however this season he has been awful. His hoofing drives me mad as 9 out of 10 times he just gives the ball back to the opposition but that can be "slightly" over looked if his defending was solid. His defending for their 2nd goal was shameful. He needs to be dropped.

    Bring in Delph for Heskey, Clark for Collins and CC for Hutton and then see if that works if not then McClueless will have to keep changing the team until he finds some consistency.

    I know this will not happen as the nose always complained at just how boringly predictable McClueless was for them, it's just depressing looking at how far we have dropped.

    A mention for Gabby, once again he put in a great shift thank god he's one of us so maybe just maybe he might stick around unless he's the only asset that Randy Lerner has to flog next summer.

  13. Herd is not a great footballer. His second touch is often a tackle and he probably does not have the footballing brain the likes of Clarke and Bannan do.

    However, he has fight, desire and wants to win the ball back everytime he doesnt have it.

    Lets not kid ourselves into thinking we are a great footballing side at the moment. We are probably going to be in a relegation scrap this season and players like Herd will help us scrape an extra point here and an extra point there.

    When we were challenging for 4th with the likes of Milner, Barry, Downing, Young etc. Herd would have had a hard time even making our bench. Now however, he may well play an important role in keeping us in the premiership.

    He was excellent at right back on his debut and he had a decent 45 against WBA. Give the lad a chance, he is probably no better on worse than Reo-Coker, one of our brighter players last term.

    I doubt anyone who has watched us play this season is under any illusions about our current playing staff.

    For me the only "established" players fit to wear C&B are Given, Gabby, Bent the rest of them are utter shite.

    If it wasn't for the likes of Herd, Bannan (but who knows what will happen if the D/D is upheld?) Clark coming through we would be in a far worse position, I also include Delph in that as I still believe he has it in him to make the grade.

    Make no mistake we are in for a relegation fight, lets hope the likes of Herd, who can play football is ready to keep us in the Premiership but under this manager I have my doubts.

  14. Opinions are like arseholes everyone has one, in this case I don't get SGC or Czechlad view as every time I see Chris herd play I'm impressed with what I see. It's not his fault that we came up against officials who believe they are the centre of attention.

    I don't get McClueless, Hutton, Collins, Dunne, Warnock, Heskey, Ireland, Petrov (to name a few) being at VP but that's my opinion as I feel this lot continually let us down but unless Herd proves otherwise I want to see more of him in a Villa shirt.

  15. Why do the Baggies fans call us Seals?

    In the 80's the fans in the Trinity Road stand had this clapping thing they did to get behind the team...

    clap clap..clap clap...clapclapclapclapclap!

    Imagine the Trinity getting behind the team!!?? Those were different times.

    They also chant "Villa!" in high pitched voices because we used to give an allocation of tickets to school kids in a section near the away fans, so their shouts for the Villa were what they heard.

    From an old greybeard who heard Cropley's leg break and will always hate the albion more than blues.

    Yeah I almost hate them as much as the noses, I was at VP that day and it's a sound I never want to hear again, hated everything to do with that little club ever since that day.

    Can't stand the obese boing bastards but I still hate the scum more.

    Must win, also pleased to see a fellow WA boy given another go. Do Bayswater proud Chris Herd.

  16. Well that's me done with McLeish if he thinks Collins is good enough for this club. He is shit. He is on the Wales bench for a reason. He cannot read the ball properly, can't position himself correctly, has a poor attitude and hoofs when he gets the ball first thing. West Ham fans wouldn't take him back in the Championship. The worst part is we're suppose to be reducing the wage bill and the wages his on doesn't justify his talent at all. There's NO value.

    What's next? We're gonna give Heskey another 4 years due to his excellent 3 goals a season record and Petrov until he gets gray hair? The board needs to take a serious look at the Spurs squad and wonder why they've got more quality with a less wage bill. It's called being smart and the board haven't shown any signs of that and should do the decent thing and allow someone to take over who knows how to run this football club.

    I hear you OnlyOne, I happen to think he's about as average as they come but maybe that's just it, Mcleish know the financial constants placed on the club and on him as the manager, Collins might be the best he believes he can get. If so it can only get worse.

    I'm looking forward to watching so sublime 60 yard passing against Newcastle from Collins...........................Hooooooof


  17. Rest assured lads it is TRUE...... and I forgot to include bags also to be handed in on that list!

    Not the **** bags where will it all end!! :lol:

    TBH the old say "look after your pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves" might be just what's needed.

    How any business can continue to lose money like we have and survive is beyond me but I will say this we are going broke if the club carry on the same loss making model.

    It's not fun watching other clubs sign players on a whim but Randy has to get on top of this debt so this is a necessary evil imo.

  18. Due to living in Australia I voted other but I don't think I would buy a season ticket anyway as I just don't see the value. When I was living in Brum I had a season ticket for years but stopped due to work and other commitments as I would miss a couple of games a season. When I worked it out It was cheaper to buy tickets each game but because of seating things also changed.

    For years when we had standing a group of us would meet up same area on the Holte, sometimes there would be 6 or at times 30+ all mates from School, work, pub etc but that ended when it became all seating so after finding myself on several occasions sat amongst people I didn't know it sort of spoilt the whole experience.

    I'm guessing this is what the lads who are on about not having mates to go with are on about as much as the travelling to and from the game.

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