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Posts posted by SeanO

  1. Nerds protestin'.

    Are you happy to see Villa perform so poorly week in week out, coda?

    If so then you must be easily pleased because most of us have had a belly full of this shite that Mcluless is serving up.

    I prefer to be called a Nerd than just sit back and accept the death of football at VP.

  2. For me:

    ---------------- Given ------------------

    Lichaj --- Clark --- Baker --- Stevens

    ------------ Herd -- Gardner ----------

    --- SI -------- Keano ---------- Zog --

    ---------------- Bent -------------------

    Gabby and Alby to come from the bench.

    With this side 5-0 win. With Eck's side 2-0 loss.

    wow some people are stupid

    wow some people believe their opinion is worth more than others.

    Could that defence do worse than the dross we have seen all season? Maybe but we will never know as no way will Mcleish try anything different.

    Get ready for Warnock and Heskey aided and abetted by Collins and Hutton.

    I know we have the players who could rip Wigan to bits but with Mcleish I see another boring game that if we are lucky we get a point as this is his way ZZZzzzzzzzz.

  3. Guzan

    Lichaj Cuellar Clark Stevens

    Albrighton Herd Gardner N'Zogbia

    Wiemann Bent

    why not?

    Well for a start we'd probably be relegated.

    I'm all for blooding the youngsters, but stick them all in at once and you're asking for trouble, especially in our situation. If we were safe with a few games to go, then go for it.

    I'm with MrDuck on this, some of the youngsters are progressing well but this line would struggle imo for the reasons below;

    Guzan, Not the worst but somehow I don't see him as a regular for Villa.

    Lichaj, Very much a rough diamond, he has a good chance and for me I would like to see him ahead of Hutton.

    CC and CC are probably our best 2 but it's still not good enough.

    Stevens, untried so I reserve any judgement until he is.

    Albrighton, sigh I just don't think he will make it.

    Herd and Gardner are both terrific prospects who along with Clarke have the best chance of becoming regulars.

    N'Zogbia, do me a favour, stroppy, miserable and that's just me watching this average waste of space wearing C&B. Sell him ASAP.

    Weimann, seems ready for a shot, would need a run in the 1st team before we know if he is good enough but I doubt he would be ahead of a fit Gabby.

    Bent, If he is truly happy to be a Villan then great if not put him out with N'Zogbia.

  4. Well if he (Mclueless) has been getting tips from the worst NFL club it doesn't fill me with any great confidence, very very worried that relegation is a real possibility.

    Note, I know bugger all about NFL (or if NFL is the correct term lol) and as such CB's many not be the worst but from the little I have heard they aren't very good, before anyone feels the need to put me right.

  5. I hate him, I hate every single thing about the bloke. Aston Villa are currently a laughing stock and are the most boring team to watch in the league, im under no illusions.

    But one of the major things I hate about him is where he came from. And im sure im not alone in this.

    I hate knowing we went out and got Mcleish from Blues. Where he came from. Seeing him on the touchline managing birmingham when they came to Villa park. I cant stand this.

    Yes his management style and tactics are beyond bad, but you can never forget where this bloke came from, and me, along with others, can never forgive that.

    Sorry, its just how I feel.

    This 100%

  6. I'm really worried it will go like this,

    Wigan (A) - 0 point

    Blackburn (A) - 0 point

    Fulham (H) - 1 point

    Bolton (H) - 3 points

    Arsenal (A) - 0 points

    Chelsea (H) - 0 point

    Liverpool (A) - 0 points

    Stoke (H) - 1 point

    Man U (A) - 0 points

    Sunderland (H) - 0 points

    Baggies (A) - 1 points

    Spurs (H) - 0 points

    Norwich (A) - 0 points

    Seriously under this manager, without Dunne who may be out for the rest of the season and just 1 game left with Keane who has been a breath of fresh air, this could happen. 6pts more leaves us on 34pts.

    I just hope that the players roll their sleeves up and ignore Mclueless negative shit and play for the C&B, if this happens we will comfortably avoid relegation, if not we are done for imo.

  7. I know it's easy for me not living in the UK but lads the only way to get this mug out is to stop attending.

    I understand if you have a season ticket that you have already shelled out but if the people buying match day tickets stopped this would have a far bigger affect on Faulkner and RL than a bunch of fans yelling abuse.

    It may have to be this way otherwise he will still be at VP next season, a thought that sends shivers down my spine.

    Without starting another topic as it's a form of protest but I'm wondering, how many of you with season tickets will renew if he's still in charge next season?

  8. Gutted, Another spineless weak poor home performance brought to us by Mcluless and co.

    **** off now, Lerner you must be stupid after spending a fortune on Villa you let people like this dog into the club.

    If you (Lerner) can't do the right thing then you too need to **** off and get someone in who can!

    We are now in a massive battle to stay up, if we do stay up I very much doubt it will have anything to do with Mclueless's tactic's and a lot to do with how bad those teams below us are.

    I have no problem with losing a game, that's football but this continual giving up before a ball is kicked really pisses me off.

  9. Going to celebrate my 50th anniversary of attending my first Villa game on Sunday - started at the Villa v Charlton Feb 14th 1962! Here's hoping for a win. We got one then and I hope 50 years on we win again!

    Forget the protests - get behind the team 110% NO BOOING no matter what mistake is made or by whom - during the game back the team (each one equally) to the hilt. Let them know and see the true Villa fan - the fan that through the shit times pulls the team out of the mire! Make Villa Park a cauldron of sound and a place where the opposition fear to come. I will be shouting loud and clear in support of each and every player - good or bad!


    Villa till I die and not Villa as long as they are wining / entertaining / spending tons of dosh! oh! and have a manager I like!

    Congratulations nazvfc, 50yrs is impressive.

    I can't stand this manager and if I was there I would probably be part of the protest although NOT during the game.

  10. How the **** can Mcleish put Heskey on when he has a his disposal a young exciting midfield in GG chopping at the bit to play?

    Clarke is a very good young player but he is a defender primarily so comparing his game to GG's is like comparing Apples and Oranges imo.

    We are lucky to have players like these 2 at our club unfortunately right at the time we have the worst manager since Billy McNeil.

  11. Plenty of players get booed, remember that knob Hodge?

    Warnock, Hutton, Collins and Heskey are simply not good enough to wear a Villa shirt as we all know they will let the team down continually, if only McLeish could see that, sigh

    Hodge was booed for things he did off the pitch, not for making a mistake on it. 'Plenty of players' do not get booed for making errors on the pitch, if I am wrong list them for me.

    So you weren't there against Oxford then?

    He was a prize prick both on and off as for making a list I guess it would depend on your view as to what counts as booing, the whole ground? the Holte end blah blah blah.

    Unfortunately there have been many players booed, insulted etc as it's been going on for the 40 odd years that I have been supporting Villa and probably many years before that.

    So I'll throw a few in (to keep you happy) that I have heard abused, I have heard many more but these names spring to mind and I'll even give you the reasons imo for why the abuse was given.

    Ken McNaught The season before we won the league he was given loads, he just took awhile to fit in.

    Nigel Spink Due to his inconsistency.

    Nigel Callaghan Due to him being absolutely useless.

    Alan Wright Not sure why as he always tried, height?.

    Jimmy Cumbes anyone who throw the ball in his own net deserves it!

    Savo Milosevic Spitting at his own fans away to Blackburn.

    Jllyod Samuel Just a poor player.

    Scott Carson Just an average keeper when we needed better.

    I was at Oxford.

    I didn't say anything about being abused. I'm talking about players being booed for making a mistake on the pitch.None of the above qualify for that. Jimmy Cumbes never got booed at Villa Park nor Ken McNaught even at his disastrous performance in the 4-1 home defeat from Everton. Interesting that you only list players from the 1980's onwards. You'd have thought the team that got relegated to the third tier would have got booed, but they didn't, different type of supporter then though.

    Like I said Carrie it depends on your view of what amounts to being abused, all of those player were abused at VP I know because I was there and heard the insults, however I'm no longer based in the UK so I wasn't there to hear how bad it was against Warnock as the TV only gives a muted sound and is nothing like being there.

    LOL You mention Jimmy Cumbes but then say I only choose players from the 80's onwards, still the main reason I didn't mention many from before that time is that the 1st time I went to VP was in the early 70's as a youngster and it was all such a great time for me that I would have blocked out any crap that people were saying anyway.

    I wasn't there in the 60's when we went down to Div3 but as we had such a great support base in those days so my guess is that it wouldn't be anything like it is today with criticizing everything or maybe that the fans felt more connected to players who's earnings were not so different to theirs as they are today.

    Anyway back to the topic, Warnock he is a limited player at best (imo) and at his worst a liability which is what he his right now. It will not help the team booing him (which will happen with every mistake he makes) so he needs to be replaced by either Baker, Stevens or Clarke before it get worse.

    I thought Baker did okay as LB last season and for me Clarke never lets use down but I haven't yet seen anything from Stevens I'm hoping he is looking good enough for Mcliesh to give him a go.

  12. Savo Milosevic Spitting at his own fans away to Blackburn.

    Jllyod Samuel Just a poor player.

    Scott Carson Just an average keeper when we needed better.

    Savo spat at the fans? I didn't know that. I wouldn't count that as being booed for a bad performance though.

    Can't recall Jlloyd being booed every time he touched the ball, might be wrong.

    Don't think Carson was either. In fact IIRC, we were really good to him. I remember we sang 'Carson for England' quite often. After his England blunder when he was getting 'There's only one Frank Carson' from the opposing fans, we still sang his name.

    I'm not saying you're wrong by the way, but I've been going up VP for 16 years, season ticket holder for the last 5 and it was the first time I'd experienced an indvidual being booed for his performance on the pitch and it was terrible, I hated it.

    Yep Savo had a nightmare away at Blackburn and spat towards Villa fans, it was all over for him after that.

    Lol JLS, Not booed all the time but not exactly supported as he was/is a poor player, there were plenty of insult his way though, some by me!

    Carson was disliked big time, so much so that his confidence was shot to pieces.

    It never pleasant but I guess you pay your money but it doesn't help anyone other than the opposition. I understand that this is the only way for the paying supporters to make their views known but I wish it wasn't so.

  13. Plenty of players get booed, remember that knob Hodge?

    Warnock, Hutton, Collins and Heskey are simply not good enough to wear a Villa shirt as we all know they will let the team down continually, if only McLeish could see that, sigh

    Hodge was booed for things he did off the pitch, not for making a mistake on it. 'Plenty of players' do not get booed for making errors on the pitch, if I am wrong list them for me.

    So you weren't there against Oxford then?

    He was a prize prick both on and off as for making a list I guess it would depend on your view as to what counts as booing, the whole ground? the Holte end blah blah blah.

    Unfortunately there have been many players booed, insulted etc as it's been going on for the 40 odd years that I have been supporting Villa and probably many years before that.

    So I'll throw a few in (to keep you happy) that I have heard abused, I have heard many more but these names spring to mind and I'll even give you the reasons imo for why the abuse was given.

    Ken McNaught The season before we won the league he was given loads, he just took awhile to fit in.

    Nigel Spink Due to his inconsistency.

    Nigel Callaghan Due to him being absolutely useless.

    Alan Wright Not sure why as he always tried, height?.

    Jimmy Cumbes anyone who throw the ball in his own net deserves it!

    Savo Milosevic Spitting at his own fans away to Blackburn.

    Jllyod Samuel Just a poor player.

    Scott Carson Just an average keeper when we needed better.

  14. Plenty of players get booed, remember that knob Hodge?

    Warnock, Hutton, Collins and Heskey are simply not good enough to wear a Villa shirt as we all know they will let the team down continually, if only McClueless could see that, sigh

  15. I hope we win more than ever tomorrow because we haven't won at home for three months.

    That and the fact that I'm making yet another 6 hour round trip up to VP tomorrow.

    Here is a novel thought.

    If the fans actually attempt to support them team, instead of sitting in silence waiting for one of them to make a stray pass and then vent ultimate rage at the team - we may just do it.

    The only time this season I have heard the fans support the team was Arsenal, now I know we lost it, but how well we played that day.

    Just a thought.

    Mate the people who dont like the McLeish generally stay away, so what you are actually saying is those who are tolerant of him are causing a poisonous atmosphere at Villa Park?

    Nice on you.

    ..............................and as usual, everyones fault except McLeish who is supposed to set up, motivate and send out a team mentally, physically and tactically capable of winning the game.

    The whole post is silly, but that bit tickled me. EVERYTHING is McLeish's fault. If the half time pies weren't hot enough, he'd get the blame.

    And believe me, there are plenty of McLeish haters still going up VP.

    WTF! So it's **** Mcleish's fault that the pie's are cold, the guy's an utter bastard!

    We know he's out of his depth unless RL is happy with 9th at best although I personally doubt he can even manage that, now back to the pie's Mmmmm

  16. shame to see Fonz or Weimann make way for Keane, it's a backwards step

    I just can't see how you can come to that conclusion. I love our young lads coming though and am proud of that, but the harsh reality is they are both shit and not in the same league as keane.

    Whatever you want to say about age, and money spent on him he is a player that can come off the bench and do something.

    The countless times the two young lads have come on they offer nothing.

    Hmmm Neither are shit but Keane is a useless old has been. Don't believe me? Well just sit back and watch.

    I have my doubts about whether or not the Fonz will make it at VP but if not at Villa he will somewhere. As AW, how many times have you seen him come on? Certainly not enough to times to say he is shit!

    I'm not looking forward to watching Everton show us how to play today, not that they are any good just that we are so bad under this manager.

    I hope for a win, will accept a point but I expect nothing.

  17. When was the last time we lost 4 home games in a row?


    We're staying up, we're going down, we're staying up, we're going down!

    There had be some improvement of late, Chelsea game was great but we got lucky held on and hit them on the counter late.

    At home you are the team expected to take the game to the opposition something we have struggled with for years not just with Mcleish.

    He's a dreadful manager tactically (what tactic's?) and he will empty VP quicker than the hordes of marauding Glasgow Rangers fans did in 76.

    Credit goes to the 35k+ who turned out to watch that tripe, Mcleish you had a chance against Swansea after the great result at Chelsea to "maybe" start to get the supporters behind you but you failed. This will cost Lerner at lot of money now because I think you may have just broke the camel's back with that pathetic display.

    Not many "floating" fan's are going to get caught paying at the gate to watch that shit and if he's still in charge next season it will cost a Lerner a fortune with season ticket's not being renewed.

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