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Posts posted by SeanO

  1. I've been thinking about McLeish's record. He draws lots of games and it looks like Villa are on course for around 38 points at best, which is an average of a draw per game. With that in mind, maybe UB40 could re-record their famous hit 1 in 10 and dedicate it to Mcleish - One in Three

    I am a 1 in 3, a draw is all I need.

    I am a 1 in 3, even though a win exists.

    Nobody wants me, but I am still there,

    A monumental blunder by Randy who doesn't care!

    Bloody UB40! Is everything about this manager linked to Blues :D

    Agree with Risso just the 1st and 2nd lines to rhyme and it could be a catchy winner. So the complete opposite of McClueless.

  2. People are holding back because we are in danger, I think that might just change during/after the Sunderland game depending upon the result.

    Win and I think people will think we are safe and will start to turn, draw or lose and I think it will turn very ugly very quickly.

    If this is the case then SHAME on everyone of you!!!

    I understand not getting on the teams back, I wouldn't want that ever but nothing at half time nor the end of the game bar a few boo's?

    Have you all become **** nodding dogs or could it be that the Baggie fans are correct and you are clapping seals.

    I can't be there due to location but I could not stand back and accept this apathy, I didn't with Turner, McNeil or O'leary and nor did The Holte back then FFS wake up and give this ginger prick the shit he deserves.

  3. LOL at all those Villans wanting to give this tosser a round of applause when he returned to Villa Park. He wanted out and it happened he is no hero to Villa, just another overpaid jerk who used to play for us.

    This word removed doesn't give a toss about us, not only the cheating dive for which the FA will do "sweet FA" about but the celebration afterwards jumping on Shrek's back.

    TBH though we all knew the result would be a loss and that McRelegator would not be able to motivate the team.

  4. Given

    Cuellar Collins Baker Lichaj

    Nzogbia Ireland Clarke Gardner Carruthers


    I very much doubt any combination the McRelegator puts out will get any positive result as he just doesn't know how to motivate a team but this is the set up I would go with and tell them to give their all.

    The way football is today we will NEVER have a better team (on paper) than any of McRelegator's "Elite teams" but if that's how you approach a game with a negative mind set then you may as well not bother turning up.

    No doubt Gabby, Heskey and Hutton will be in his team of losers again.

  5. I agree totally.

    Lerner's appointment of Houllier was a disaster. There were times where the football was atrocious. Then when he was took ill, he took the club to the cleaners. The only thing good that came out of the Houllier era was the signing of Darren Bent who ultimately kept us up with his goals.

    Its a tricky one to see how McLeish would improve this squad. I said a few pages back that we are unlikely to bring in any 'marquee' signings. The Holman signing is a sign of things to come I believe.

    Add a few midfield 'cloggers' and the signings of Johnson and Dann, and I think that will be our team next year.

    We already feel like the Scum of last year surely even this stupid coward of a "manager" can't think that by buying the same players who relegated the Scum Villa would fair any better.

    What am I thinking this coward doesn't know what to think.

    BTW Czechlad I'm with you as I have a lot of faith in these lads coming through but I have zero in the manager or (apart from Given and Bent) any faith in any of the more experienced members of the squad as they are useless, this includes Gabby.

  6. We are deep in the shit, the only game I feel that we have a chance is the Bolton game at VP but as we are really poor even that's a worry.

    I see nothing but loses from all of the other games on current form, maybe something will click and we get the breaks but 7 wins all season is screaming relegation.

    I have tried to switch off and look away but I can't, **** shit bollocks!!

  7. Difficult to lay the blame at anyone but those in charge, Lerner, Faulkner and the ginger clearing in the woods. Okay I understand injuries are part and parcel of football but we are down to the bare bones.

    I'm proud of the youngsters for giving it a go, ideally they would each be brought through at the right time for them to be able to develop but with so many players out and a ginger clearing in the woods calling the shots they have little chance but they at least gave it a go and for that I support them and thank them.

    We are in big trouble though.

  8. Well done to everyone the applause at the 1th minute was magnificent, that also includes the Chelsea fans for joining in.

    You could see how much it meant to Stan and his family, hopefully a pick up to know just how much support he has going into this fight.

  9. Having known about this for nearly 24 hours it has only just hit me. I'm crying.

    **** sake. Worst year in football I've ever known and this just caps it all off.

    Christ. Get better Stan, will ya? Please?

    With you mate, **** knocked me for six, feel awful and flat.

    This is the worst time as a Villan I can recall and I was there home and away in 87. This has just made things far far worse.

  10. Best of luck for Stan Petrov, he is a great role model who always gives his best. You have a hard fight in front of you and you will need a lot of patience because the treatment takes a long time.

    I have not read every page on the topic but since i have been battling acute leukemia myself since July 2009 i might explain a bit about the treatment for you.

    There are two main types of acute leukaemia, aml and all, i dont know much about aml other than it has a lower survival rate than all. Some further testing will tell wich type he has.

    All is treated with chemotherapy after a plan that is called Hammersmith 82. The treatment starts with three intensive periods with chemo, these go over several weeks and togethet almost takes half a year, this will make you sick and in much pain, i almost had too learn to walk again i laid in bed for almost one month. This is the length of many cancer treatments and after this is when the patience part comes in to play. Hopefully these intensive cures will put your body into remission and you can continue with the rest of the treatment plan. If you dont get remission the alternative is a bone marrow transplant. The rest of the Hammersmith 82 treatment plan consist of chemo, mostly pills for 13 rounds each lasting for 12 weeks, a total of 156 weeks. The best possible outcome you are looking at 3,5 years of treatment.

    Acute leukaemia is a condition where the bone marrow produces false bloodcells, these are empty and they take over and replaces the cells that has a job to do, jobs like transporting oxygen, fighting diseases and more. These false bloodcells takes over the body rapidly and if untreated you will be dead after four months.

    Hope this makes some sense.

    I feel for you Milenko27 and hope you are well on your way to once again being healthy.

    You know in my stupidity (as trying to take it in) I wondered if he would be able to line up for the Chelsea game, I guess I'm was a little in shock and not thinking right. After reading what you wrote and getting a better understanding of what Stan has to face I just hope he knows that all Villans around the world wish him every success in the biggest battle of his life.

    I love Villa, I hate how football has become all about who has the most money and I loath Mcleish but it all pales into insignificance compared to a persons battle for life.

    Keep fighting Stan and never ever give up, this includes you too Milenko27.

  11. Oh ****, I'm behind and only just read this and I'm gutted just gutted.

    I can't be with you today as I'm in Australia but I will be with you standing clapping and probably crying in the 19th minute for a wonderful Villa servant, not the best Captain nor player I have ever seen but Stan has never hides when the going gets tough and I know with the same determination he can beat this awful illness.

    Good luck to you in your recovery mate, you have many many 1000's of Villans with you wishing you the best

    Do him proud today lads, forget Mcleish make it a wall of sound for Stan!!

  12. How much is he worth? No idea but as a fellow Villan I want him to stay however after reading his comments about want Heskey to get a new deal maybe he should **** go along with Heskey!

    I'm only joking Villa should do everything to keep him but also everything to **** Heskey off.

  13. This thread is just crap... Look what this man has given us? We aren't just fickle but ungrateful brats as well.

    Lerner doesn't buy the players, he has a team around him that he puts his faith into.

    AMc isn't the best. But if Tiger Woods was swinging my golf Clubs he wouldn't play at his best either. Give him until next Christmas.

    This is a long investment for Lerner, not a day trade or a passion play. He is just getting the club through a hellish financial time, we will bounce back a lot stronger from this, as long as the fans don't undermine him before hand.

    This man is not a clown, he wants to make money, so to bring us back, and has a plan to do it!

    As Small Heath puts it, "keep right on to the end on of the road"!?!?... But in our case we will be "Prepared"

    But if someone could put more heart and teeth in our playing staff, splendid..

    Like the footballing great Mary Poppings told us.... "Free flowing football helps the medicine go down!" or something like it...

    With respect mate Lerner appears to be clueless in footballing matters.

    He's rich and successful which makes this even more disturbing that he would appoint someone with no experience to run the day to day activities (Faulkner) and then appoint Mcleish with a record as bad as his and being known for playing boring predictable dross, Villa may not be ManU or ManC but no Villan will ever accept a team just rolling over before a ball is kicked!!

    FFS 3rd in a 2 horse race and relegated twice in 3 seasons. Could soon be 3 times in 4 that's how bad he has us playing. And before someone points out that this is a Lerner thread not Mcleish it's up to Lerner to deal with a mistake solely of his making.

    Lerner either needs to take this serious or piss off now.

  14. **** you Mcleish, I hate everything you stand for.

    As soon as I saw Heskey walking out I switched the Tv off and went to bed, thank **** I live the other side of the world and can get away from it although I'm pretty sure the "plastic" fans here will remind me.

    For me that's season over, I'm going to do my best to not read, watch, listen until August. And if that ginger is still in charge then the following August.

  15. Better performance and now should be safe barring a disaster, so a little more up beat but...........

    Mcleish took the wrong winger off again, Albrighton is just out of his depth. WTF was Gabby doing and Petrov was poor.

    For me Weirmann up front, Gabby with Albrighton out to play a free role and Gardner alongside Herd.

    Still it was frustrating for 90mins and I honestly thought we would never score but for once we know what it's like to score a last minute winner, still want Mcleish out ASAP, in fact now we are (almost) safe it would be perfect timing!

  16. Whilst likey wild & pure speculation, its the first news I've seen thats involved McLeish going and being replaced;

    Villa Eye Summer Move for Spanish Boss

    McLeish is also now favourite on the Daily Mail's weekly list of next Premier League manager to go. Press starting to take note a bit more now. Pile on the pressure. One can live in hope!

    Well it's probably complete BS but at least it's something positive!

    The thread will go on as long as this useless manager is in charge, he will never be good enough to win us over.

  17. I watched the Fulham against Wolves game to see what we are up against next, make no mistake if they play like that we are in for an awful afternoon.

    Way to good for us, the movement throughout the team was good and they defended well.

    I wish we could play this way but under this tosser we never will, I can only think of where we might be if only we had gone for Martin Jol and I'm certain it would have been much better than the boring pathetic dross we have witnessed this season.

    Again I pray for a win, hope for a draw but expect a defeat.

  18. Positives, Good 1st half, Herd was back, Ireland pulling the strings, Hutton was even getting forward and Heskey wasn't in the team

    Negatives, Terrible 2nd half, no bottle just panic, Albrighton was rubbish the whole game, Gabby look clueless, Mcleish's half time talk?? and his assistant who the **** is this guy waving his arms around on the touch line? useless prick.

    Winning becomes a mentality but so does losing, okay we haven't lost but this team don't know what it feels like to be winners but more importantly neither has this manager and he has a yellow streak running the full length of his back!

    6 in 27 is pathetic, Mcleish out.

  19. After reading the latest shit from Mcluless we are in for some shocking signings over the summer.

    I'm concerned about this season being relegated but as he has stated again we have to sell to buy and pay low wages then it's going to mean some dross in C&B however how you get lower than Hutton, Heskey, Collins, Warnock isn't easy but I'm sure that Mcluless will achieve it. Just in time for us to go into free fall next season.

    I don't think there has been a worst time in the 45yrs I have followed Villa.

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