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Posts posted by bose

  1. Perhaps the 70% or so of voters in a Villatalk poll who wanted Houllier to stay will come on here and say that they were pleased with today's performance and result and that they have faith in Houllier.

    Jesus Christ people are allowed to change their **** mind.

    No one is happy with the mess we're in and the people who previously supported Houllier did so in good faith, most of them at least, and thinking that he could change things.

  2. japan-earthquake-tsunami-nuclear-unforgettable-pictures-crying_33278_600x450.jpg

    A woman mourns the devastation of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, in northern Japan on March 13.

    You know what? We live in a place where we can have our weekends "ruined" by a football team losing. Fantastic isn't it?

    Sorry, but I just feel we need some perspective.

    Sorry but that doesn't come close to how I feel - I'm absolutely devestated!

    Only joking, before anyone loses it! Of course in the grand scheme of things football is nothing compared to disasters like that. :(

  3. Why is Houllier getting the blame the players hardly covered themselves in glory did they? They all played like puss!es! Downing especially. A clueless performance.

    Fans didn't help either, what a bunch of m0ngs they looked and sounded. Why were they singing for Gabby to come on? Do they not realise how shiit he is.

    This isn't only about laying blame on someone, it's about not getting relegated.

    We need to realise that it's getting more and more possible as each game passes by and getting a new manager in looks to be our safest bet to stay up.

  4. Yeah no way Downing and Young will both be leaving this summer. I think most people know Young will leave this summer but I'm not sure who of the two I would rather have here (of course I would have them both if given the choice).

    I don't think you can say that one is clearly better than the other but for me Downing has been far better this season so I think if we can keep him it will soften the blow of Young leaving.

  5. People who are saying switch back to man marking in set pieces are wrong I think because from what I saw today we used a man marking system. Baker was on Cahill in every corner and Clark on Davies. If anything we should maybe try to use zonal marking on set pieces. Can't be much worse than this?

  6. Not a recommendation as such but I just saw London Boulevard and it was exactly as I expected it to be. It's a film that want's to be really slick and cool but fails miserably IMO. Basically a very poor Lock, stock and two smoking barrels. There's not even a decent plot.

    And is it just me or does Ray Winstone always play the same character? (i.e. himself!)

    But another recommendation for both the King's Speech and the Black Swan - both excellent films in their own right.

  7. The game was there for the taking in the first half but we never had a chance in the second half.

    Gabby, Downing, even Young were lively in the first but completely disappeared after the break.

    Reo-Coker was the only one who had a decent all round game but one player isn't enough.

    Young has gotten way to big for his boots and I get the feeling he thinks he's too good for us. Really poor second half from him and the miss at the end summed it up.

    No Makoun in the next three matches is gonna make it tough for us.

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