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Posts posted by penguin

  1. To be honest those descriptions there ,  any fan could,  and probably did,  write them


    except Con. we would have known if it was from him ;)

    The players would all be rated on a scale of 1 to Barry Bannan.

    • Like 1
  2. Well lets hope this give us the much needed boost!

    Don't personally think Lambert's the man to take us forward from what he's shown so far but there's nothing to be gained from sacking him before the seasons up so let's hope this can trigger a massive turn-around in form.

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  3. Lambert's not going.  There's no way the cosmos would grant Joffrey's death and Lambert's sacking in such short order, it's just not that kind.






    How can you have a spoiler for a book that's been out for about a decade?

    Obviously because not everyone who watches the show has read the books.

  4. I just don't understand how anyone has faith in his ability, his completely nonsensical tactical decisions and seeming inability to read when a game needs a change has destroyed any faith I had in him.

    But I guess the world would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinion.

  5. Hows the football Pulis has been playing any more dinosaur than what Lambert has subjected us to?

    He's been a revelation since taking over at Palace and I don't see how no thrills football based on defensive solidarity is only a short-term strategy isn't that what Moyes did at Everton for years?

     Isn't that what McLeish did at Villa Park though?

    Well the fact Pulis has already won almost double the home games Mcleish managed in a whole season would suggest otherwise.

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  6. Hows the football Pulis has been playing any more dinosaur than what Lambert has subjected us to?

    He's been a revelation since taking over at Palace and I don't see how no thrills football based on defensive solidarity is only a short-term strategy isn't that what Moyes did at Everton for years?

    • Like 2
  7. Replacing Lambert will only make a difference if Lerner sells the club (which is looking likely at the moment).

    Agreed for a big degree of change a new owner is needed but I'm convinced we could do better within the current constraints if we had a better manager.

    • Like 3
  8. He is seemingly way out of his depth at this level, makes baffling tactical decisions and is responsible for some of the worst and most clueless football I've seen us play.

    Just look at the match thread for the Palace game; for about the last half an hour, at least, it appears that everyone apart from Lambert could see the game was increasingly slipping away from us and were screaming for a change and he just wouldn't make it, until we went a goal down.

    Not understanding this point at all that the people who first wanted him in now want him out, so what? He's had a fair crack of the whip, imo, and he's simply not good enough.

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  9. Some posters on this thread seem to think that unless you've wanted Lambert out since Christmas, you're not allowed to want him out ever.

    Silly if anybody is giving that impression. More people realising Lambert isn't very good, no matter how late, can only be a positive thing in my book.
    Realising? Ridiculous. People have him a chance, maybe because we've beaten Arsenal, Chelsea and Man City this year, under a strict budget and with injury problems. It's nothing to do with us lowly people finally realising what you 'and your ilk' already knew. It's the fact that we've given him a chance instead of writing him off.

    Managers have been written off before, and later proven to be a revelation. Just because some of us don't want wholesale changes every time the going gets tough, doesn't mean we're not realising what you have all along.

    Oh sorry. Only people finally deciding to turn on him now have given him a chance. You obviously get to decide where the line is drawn between 'writing him off' and 'giving him a chance'. My 18 months obviously falls short in this regard.
    Haha well said.
    Haha well said, pat on the back buddy, let's gloat at how great we are because we write off every manager and then when he leaves (because no manager stays forever) we will be right.


    Before you climb into bed together, where did I say I've written him off?

    Love how you can make the wild assumption he has written off every manager we've ever had in order "to be right". Yet get pissy when you feel he's made the assumption you've written the manager off, which your post could easily be interpreted to mean tbh.

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  10. The only way he will go, is if he walks, or we do get the new owners.

    Otherwise, I am not so sure.

    Dodgy, I have to ask. Why the signature? It stinks of "everybody look at me I was right!!" and almost celebrating that fact which is detrimental to our current situation which is a bit, erm, dodgy. Congratulations, you were right. Why gloat about it?

    I'm finding this attitude hilarious tonight. I'm sure if we were 9th and just won those who have defended Lambert wouldn't rub it in. I still remember the shocking point scoring at morpheous the minute we beat Liverpool last year

    Was thinking a similar thing earlier. Then again your always on to a loser seemingly taking satisfaction when we've just lost.

  11. Because we are almost a whole season in and nothing has changed. Well actually, things have only gone downhill.


    And how will being negative help that? Find me a player that has said fans booing and moaning helps their performances.

    I understand what you're saying but wasn't the original point about getting a Lambert out banner not a coordinated booing and moaning session.

    And the way things have gone the fans would be well within their rights, imo, to bring such a banner; isn't what protesting is about, trying to bring about a change.

  12. Dull, boring, out of ideas, passionless? They often say a team reflects their manager...


    This is exactly how mcleish's tenure ended, everyone knew it just couldnt go on and im sure now faulkner and lerner are starting to see it too.


    Starting to see it is one thing, but caring about it is another.


    But even being devoid of any emotional attachment surely no business man will idley sit by while his business is imploding, I hope.

  13. Unless Lerner changes, we'll still be in the same boat. A lack of investment when rebuilding an entire squad really shows, especially with injuries.

    Agreed we aren't going to be pulling up trees with our financial situation but Lambert just doesn't have the ability to make the most of what we have.

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  14. Everything today has just proved to me he isn't a manager ready to compete in the premier league, yes he hasn't had the easiest situation to work in but it's no excuse for the baffling decisions and lack of awareness he seems to make and possess.

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  15. I don't think the argument is people saying they would rather have more points than a higher position just whether the position can be used as an indicator of progression rather than points. As you were saying if a team won the league on say 70 points I'm sure they wouldn't care yet it would be hard to make an argument they had progressed from the season before if they finished on, say 90 points rather than the rest of the league regressing.

    This is my opinion anyway.

  16. If we finish say, 12th instead of 15th then that's progress to me, especially with the injuries we've had.

    Even if we finish with less points?
    Yes, for reasons I and others have already been through.

    Haha shock.


    Mantis has a valid point here. Though it has been done to death, I'll try to summarize:


    Some seasons the spread of points is more even than others. Last year ManUre won with 89 points and were 11 points clear at the top. This year Liverpool need to win every remaining game to equal that point score and even then (barring the extremely unlikely) they will not win the competition by 11 points.


    Yet the result for both sides would be the same: They win the league.


    Similarly with points and relegation. There have been teams that hit 40 points and still got relegated. There have been teams have managed less but remained safe.


    As such, you cannot look at points in isolation. It needs to be taken within the context of league position.

    But using league postion rather than points as an indicator as progression doesn't make sense to me. As the points are completely down to how you've performed whilst league postion is influenced by how other teams have performed. What if next season three teams finish on 20 points and we finish a couple of places higher than this year, does that mean we've made progress?

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