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Posts posted by penguin

  1. Lerner hasn't made his job easy but the clueless performances and tactical displays are down to Lambert not him, throwing money at a manager doesn't turn a bad one into a good one, the money isn't the one setting the play-style and making the subs.

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  2. I love how we have some tactical genius' on this site

    Loving these kinds of posts at the moment. I wonder if you ever posted this when people had a go at McLeish?
    What's that got to do with anything?
    The fact is you'll make a sarcastic comment like that for Lambert but I bet when people criticised McLeish you had no problem with it. And he was doing better at this point than Lambert now is.
    Why do you compare everything to McLeish?I couldn't give a shit about how it compares to McLeish under totally different circumstances.The fact is when you win no one ever mentions tactics, but if you lose or draw then tactics get blamed. Lets be honest your average football fan hasn't got a clue about tactics.


    Why does the Southampton game continually get brought up as a game we were poor in then?

    Fact is people get arsey and and respond with condescension when wins get bought up as an example of a poor performance.

  3. I love how we have some tactical genius' on this site

    Loving these kinds of posts at the moment. I wonder if you ever posted this when people had a go at McLeish?
    What's that got to do with anything?

    The fact is you'll make a sarcastic comment like that for Lambert but I bet when people criticised McLeish you had no problem with it. And he was doing better at this point than Lambert now is.

    Yeah but it's just another attempt to belittle those who want Lambert out, because obviously anyone who thinks he isn't doing good enough thinks they could do a better job themselves, better off just to ignore.

  4. I think a certain David Moyes would beg to differ on Villa being the hardest job to figure out!

    Yeah taking over a team that won the league at a canter and having splashed £70 mil on 2 players, really tough.

    Having looked at how he's performed it would appear it was yes.

  5. It's just a form of man management. Baffles me why people get up tight about post match interviews. Surely it's fecking obvious why he says what he says?

    Not obvious to me why you'd say a player was excellent when in reality he was fairly terrible.

  6. His touch on what would have been a very dangerous break and chance for him to get a shot on goal in the first half just summed up his season for me, the ability just isn't there and neither is the effort anymore it seems.

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  7. Huge game today, in terms of survival and in terms of Lambert getting the fans back on side and showing us he does know what he's doing. The performances, home record and losing four on the bounce right now, especially due to who they have been against, United aside, is unacceptable and he is rightly under pressure.

  8. not sure which part of my post lead you to the suggestion I am happy with our current situation.

    I was simply pointing out that crying about it won't change it.

    Ultimately we're all supporters and rather than bitching on the internet or booing maybe just maybe packing VP with 45,000 naked and fanatical SUPPORTERS would be more useful than the booing or tweeting Joe Bennett to tell him how shit he is.

    Still...if you want to spend your life sulking crack on chief....I expect supporting Villa to hurt makes the disappointment easier to handle.

    Certainly won't be crying but like many would like change for the better.

    45,000 would be beyond the VP capacity so doesn't seem a sensible suggestion. I agree about not booing during the game but see no problem voicing an opinion after the game particularly if after say 5 defeats on the bounce!

    Also not a sulker but not a mute with no fight or no desire either. :)

    ignoring the pathetic smug quip about me rounding up the stadium capacity.

    What do you think booing at the end of the game achieves? Even after 5 straight defeats? Do you think players don't realise? Do you believe several thousand people telling you how shit you are is an effective motivational tool? Why would it help?

    Football is a confidence game and I will never understand anyone who argues that undermining that confidence will yield improvements.

    If a Villa defeat on a Saturday ruins your week...means you go home and smack the missus ...

    I've not read the last few pages - who has said that a Villa defeat leads them to 'smack the missus'?

    Or has no one said that?

    hyperbole for impact....
    If you have a different opinion you obviously hit your missus. Totally logical!
    are you autistic? Genuine question.


    Are you that blind to your own hypocrisy, you go on about black and white mentality yet write as if anyone who dares take issue with Lambert on a forum obviously goes to every game just to boo him then goes home to beat their missus as their so depressed about the Villa.

    Then complain about a pathetic quip and write that in response.

  9. Away fans do also not represent all fans. Therefore it's pointless and not representative of our fanbase to the point it could be called 'evidence'.

    So away fans cant be used to represent the fans, an online poll can't be used to represent the fans; what's acceptable a poll of every villa fan alive?

    What shaggy is saying, that on the whole the majority of villa fans seem to want lambert out and has give his reasons or "evidence" of why he believes this, appears an entirely valid conclusion to me and I cant understand the backlash against it.

    Agreed and if we lose the fifth game on the trot tomorrow playing more dire football he deserves to get some stick if paying customers choose to express their disappointment at the mess that is being served up.
    I have never once felt that I am a "customer" in 30 years of following Villa . I know the risks that are involved and I know that the thousands of pounds I have spent over the years entitles me to nothing at all . I wish people understood life a bit more then they would undoubtedly suffer less . I understand being angry when things go bad but I really don't get this petulant sense of entitlement people seem to get following a sports team .

    I hope that wasn't intended to come across as self-righteous and patronising as I read it.

    Particularly intimating that you understand life better than us petulant individuals who dare to feel a sense of entitlement to expect the Villa to play better than the shite we are serving up at the moment.

    You should expect the unexpected . Thanks for enhancing my point.

    Don't eat yellow snow.

    Don't do your hair with your hat on.

    Not the only one full of useless quips, get off your high horse.

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  10. Away fans do also not represent all fans. Therefore it's pointless and not representative of our fanbase to the point it could be called 'evidence'.

    So away fans cant be used to represent the fans, an online poll can't be used to represent the fans; what's acceptable a poll of every villa fan alive?

    What shaggy is saying, that on the whole the majority of villa fans seem to want lambert out and has give his reasons or "evidence" of why he believes this, appears an entirely valid conclusion to me and I cant understand the backlash against it.

    Agreed and if we lose the fifth game on the trot tomorrow playing more dire football he deserves to get some stick if paying customers choose to express their disappointment at the mess that is being served up.

    I have never once felt that I am a "customer" in 30 years of following Villa . I know the risks that are involved and I know that the thousands of pounds I have spent over the years entitles me to nothing at all . I wish people understood life a bit more then they would undoubtedly suffer less . I understand being angry when things go bad but I really don't get this petulant sense of entitlement people seem to get following a sports team .

    I hope that wasn't intended to come across as self-righteous and patronising as I read it.

    Particularly intimating that you understand life better than us petulant individuals who dare to feel a sense of entitlement to expect the Villa to play better than the shite we are serving up at the moment.

    • Like 3
  11. Away fans do also not represent all fans. Therefore it's pointless and not representative of our fanbase to the point it could be called 'evidence'.

    So away fans cant be used to represent the fans, an online poll can't be used to represent the fans; what's acceptable a poll of every villa fan alive?

    What shaggy is saying, that on the whole the majority of villa fans seem to want lambert out and has give his reasons or "evidence" of why he believes this, appears an entirely valid conclusion to me and I cant understand the backlash against it.

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  12. He did his time and I'm sure he regrets it. Getting into a fight on Broad Street is something a lot of us have probably done, I know I have. It doesn't make me a thug though.

    Have you read what happened?

    They out-numbered the students, repeatedly kicking them in the head whilst on the floor injured; one broke his jaw, while another required 20 stitches. If that doesn't make you a thug I don't know what does.

  13. Kind of ironic to criticise somebody for being a thug when your name is a play on the word 'hooligan'.

    Right because a username is comparable to someone getting jailed for kicking in students :rolleyes:

    I've got 007 in my xbox live name, guess it would be ironic if I start taking an issue with gun crime.

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  14. "I love it here. It’s a great club, great fanbase, I never came to Aston Villa to be like this. No chance. The club is too big to be where it is."


    Yes, I don't think any manager intentionally comes to a club to fail Paul.


    Some people on here have intimated differently.

    Have they really?

    Don't think anyone's suggested he has failed on purpose, not that I've seen anyway, this would be extremely odd.

  15. Practically every body on VT lives in a blame culture.

    There's always someone at fault.

    Crystal Palace have just turned Everton over in their own back yard.

    Will the natives at Goodison be getting restless & nailing Martinez's balls to the Glady's Street End goal posts now?

    Palace have momentum, they had it by winning 2 games before they beat us. Now they have kicked ass at Everton.

    Please stop looking to blame Lambert every time we have a set back.

    We go again?

    Okay then, if we don't go again, what the **** do we do then, lie down & die?

    Lambert is right, we do go again, what other choice is there?

    So all of you scape goat hunters here on VT, bow your head's with shame in criticising him for this, stop blaming Lambert, stop blaming Randy, stop blaming Faulkner & stop living in a blame culture.

    Stop, stop, stop.

    Instead, do what fans are supposed to do & get behind the Manager, the team & the whole beautiful club.

    Stop moaning. Stop griping, stop being misery arses & support , support , support.

    If you need any help regularly practice the following song for Saturday:

    Paul Lambert's Claret & Blue Army.

    ps- No nailing anyone's balls to any goal posts unless their name is Lee Clarke :P

    Ridiculous. How would Everton fans wanting Martinez out after one defeat be comparable, in any way, shape or form, to villa fans calling for Lambert's head?

    Your writing as if the Lambert out talk is completely reactionary and knee-jerk, it was going on for long before the Palace game and is completely warranted, imo, as we have completely failed to progress from last season and the football we play seems to have regressed.

  16. Was about to argue that us playing boring football is a fact but then I remembered every now and then I see a guy at my local train station taking photos of the trains and jotting down their numbers in his little notepad, so each to there own I guess.

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