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Everything posted by rjshare

  1. how bad do you reckon the opposition would have to be for us not to be able to make them look good?
  2. well if i was the villa manager they would find out within seconds of walking into the dressing room at half time that the season isnt over. when we werent in the uefa cup it was the holy grail, now we have got there a couple of times we are playing like we deliberately dont want to qualify for it. yes martin, it will mean more games - AND MORE MONEY. Some people dont know what theyre talking about........... feel free to clarify at your leisure... or do you feel that we are busting guts here?
  3. i actually think heskey would be quite well suited to this game - he would have a bit of room to get on the ball in the final third. no seriously - i mean it.
  4. well if i was the villa manager they would find out within seconds of walking into the dressing room at half time that the season isnt over. when we werent in the uefa cup it was the holy grail, now we have got there a couple of times we are playing like we deliberately dont want to qualify for it. yes martin, it will mean more games - AND MORE MONEY.
  5. their left back is a 17 year old debutant and they are so hard up for players that they only have 6 subs and yet neither downing nor young have managed to beat him, make space and put a cross on someones head! maybe we just expect too much of players that cost over 20 million between them.
  6. Me too I think this could finish 5-2 to us. We've only managed about 5 shots so far. since january you mean?
  7. kinell. how many pens has james faced for england and never got close to even touching one? stick him in a game that doesnt matter one jot to him and he turns into that kenny everett character with the massive hands!
  8. well that will give mon something to talk about if we dont win
  9. yep - those super half time team talks that usually result in total capitulation by 60 mins...
  10. It is an end of season nothing game. exept for one of the teams trying desperately to qualify for europe of course! Are you taking about Pompey from the FA cup final? I'm just taking the piss. I'm fully aware of what we are playing for. i was sure you did - i was also takin it - as in "look how desperately we appear to be trying"
  11. just look at the movement from the white shirts...
  12. It is an end of season nothing game. exept for one of the teams trying desperately to qualify for europe of course!
  13. yes we do - we have conceeded lots of goals from corners recently!
  14. Welcome to VT. God knows how bad it would've been if we'd lost. you talk about mon cant win? we lose and you moan that people criticise, but if we get a jammy draw via a last minute own goal we are supposed to applaud politely after another second half pasting? we were at home against a team below us in the league you know...
  15. because it was made seconds after we had equalised and then gone behind again. nothing takes the stuffing out of a team more than thinking they are back level only to conceed another one. he waited until ten minutes before the end and made a last ditch change to try and nick something. we had been utter w@nk all through the second half, and yet he hadnt tried to change anything. a proactive change would have been to bring him on when there was still half an hour to play so he could get into the game instead of just chasing desparate long hoofs down the pitch in injury time. Sucker punch, nothing worse, i'd bet there where Villa players out there 5mins after Everton re-took the lead that still wasn't fully aware they where still behind, dont talk out of your @rse mate. didnt realise that they were behind? well the several thousand everton fans in the witton lane certainly seemed to have copped on. nothing more serious than a sucker punch? arent those the ones that tend to knock you out? ten to go and we're a goal down, but you think it may have taken the players five minutes to realise it?
  16. Never a truer word said. no, but he can avoid defeat - and that, apparently, is good enough for some...
  17. because it was made seconds after we had equalised and then gone behind again. nothing takes the stuffing out of a team more than thinking they are back level only to conceed another one. he waited until ten minutes before the end and made a last ditch change to try and nick something. we had been utter w@nk all through the second half, and yet he hadnt tried to change anything. a proactive change would have been to bring him on when there was still half an hour to play so he could get into the game instead of just chasing desparate long hoofs down the pitch in injury time.
  18. mon is lucky because had we not got that jammy equaliser i think he was going to get crucified by the crowd at full time. bringing on the fonz when he did was once again a reative change made out of desparation, rather than the proactive change that it would have been if he had done it after an hour. bored of seeing and saying the same things game after game to be honest. the end of the season cant come quick enough for the players or me.
  19. well that was a game full of surprises... actually, no it wasnt. the only surprise was that howard didnt save the equaliser. more wallpaper, more glue. cracks are still there though.
  20. whump!!!! another dirty great big lump of wallpaper hits the wall and everything looks fine...
  21. epect the worst martin because i have a feeling that villa park is going to turn on you within the next few minutes
  22. What would you have said if he'd brought Heskey on out of interest? i would say that he should have bought the fonz on - after 60 minutes so he can get into the game, not seconds after the team have the stuffing kicked out of them with barely ten minutes to go.
  23. good idea - lets throw the fonz in with ten minutes to go and expect him to turn the game round. no pressure like, but if we dont score we have zero chance of finishing fourth. no pressure nath...
  24. they only have one bàstard fùcking player who scores fùcking headers and yet a fùcking gain we dont mark him when they put a cross in.
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