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Posts posted by tomzep

  1. well weve had a short q&a with Mon and we can ask the general question so now lets take it to the next level and ask BOF (yes im bored, still looking for a job and waiting for graduation)

    As BOF seems to be online 24/7 ive decided we should ask him anything, and he can answer whatever the hell he pleases

    my question to you sir is

    what did you or are you having for lunch this fine day?

  2. ashley young ashley young,

    ashley ashley young,

    hes 4 foot 2 he feeds carew,

    ashley ashley young

    to the tune of stevie stone he's got know hair, but we dont care,

    what about

    ashley ashley young,

    HE GOES PAST YOU THEN feeds carew,

    ashley ashley young

    to the tune of stevie stone he's got know hair, but we dont care

  3. To the 'won it 5 times' tune


    Were Aston Villa F.C.

    The Villa faithful and me

    Around Europe’s towns we will roam

    Drinking all night

    Ready for the fight

    O The Lion has woke up

    Glory’s coming home

    So hoist up the Villa sail

    See how the Holte End sets

    Off on a European tour, to bring it home

    We’re bringing it home,

    We’re bringing it home, yeah yeah

    O The Lion has woke up

    Glory’s coming home

    quality song.

    all UP FoR new tunes,especially for holte end, And away days.

    heres a version in full flow..

    thos may sound picky but i just really dont like the line about ready for the fight. i know weve all been there and it does happen at football but if we want a real anthem that everyone will sing from young to old maybe this could be changed? i can see 7 years singing this or 60 year olds?

  4. i think this would be a lovely away chant, and the song name is quite apt for the villa.

    This could be Rotterdam or anywhere,

    Liverpool or Rome,

    'Cause we can win, anywhere,

    When we're away from home

    really like this, repeates easily and can get a clap going aswell and a nice pace jumping up and down

  5. looks like extra time now

    what is the local time ?

    half 12

    Yep. They are three hours ahead. Though i would imagine that both teams have been living on Moscow time since the domestic season ended. I know if i were manager id get my players to do that.

    but that would mean they need to sleep now

    it said before the game (on sky) that they both made the effort to saty on uk time so if it went on longer they wouldnt feel that tired

  6. . Vidic has looked the classiest player, but there have been quite a few good performances out there tonight.

    serious? at my count vidic has now played 7 long balls that have all gone straight out or to cech

    hes had a cracking night at the back but i would hardly say classy, hes really struggled with his passing

    He can't pass for shit, but he is a great defender.

    yeah so i wouldnt use the world classy, effective and domineering

  7. also a good song, dont no if already posted before.....

    (Felix the cat tune? i think)

    Follooooow Folloooooow Folloooooooow

    because wer'e going to Inter totooooooo

    we'll be playing in sheds, well be pissed out our heads

    because we're going to inter totooooooo

    I love that! I'd been trying to think of a Villa song to that tune, and failed miserably. Mine went summin like "if the noses are there, there'l be stamping on heads". Yours is so much better!

    Anyway, whats wrong with..

    You are my Barry, my Gareth Barry,

    You make me happy, when skies are grey,

    you dont know dear how much we love you,

    So please don't take, my Barry away...

    Also, I know he's already got a popular song, but what about changing the words of "livin la vida loca" to "nigel reo-coker". Ah wel, its an idea.

    should go

    You are my Barry, my Gareth Barry,

    You make me happy, when skies are grey,

    so keep your lampard, and steven gerrard

    please don't take, my Barry away

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