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Posts posted by tomzep

  1. Cheers lads, was bit concerned about bein out of my league but were gettin on well so we shall see where it leads!

    The rest of the photos from that night are of me looking hammered though! :)

  2. I don't read because I once read a book that made me physically sick. Ever since then I havn't been able to read again. I find people who read are generally very aloof and most of them are probably upper-class or landed gentry. The only time you will catch me read nowadays is to read about something bad that has happened to someone who reads.

    Please remove your head from your arse!

    That is so stereotypical its untrue. Just because someone reads it means they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth? Oh what a sheltered life you must lead.

    Not in Narnia, Mordor, Theodora or bloody Tralfamadore!

    For someone who doesnt read you seem to know the settings of a few books

    I feel xliosive may be pulling a few legs

  3. To emphasize my point:

    My mother sent gave me a book the christmas before last, a Ben Elton book. I didn't want to be rude and tell her - I dont read, what's the point in reading! So I waited until her birthday a few months later in march and I sent it back to her with an inscription: 'Sorry, I don't read, there's no point, but I know you do so hopefully you'll appreciate it, lots of love, xliosive x'

    She found it sweet and read it and enjoyed it. Each to their own I guess but I certainly don't have that gene, thank god.

    Christ, you were serious! I assumed your previous post was ironical.

    Different planet.

    So did i Mjmooney!

  4. i was waiting for a comment, but ddid looks bigger than so didnt want to offend! was expectinga much worse comment tbh Villatalk is rising from the smut perhaps?? :D

    I'm only 5 foot 7 mate, but quite handy with the nunchucks!

    On another note, in the second pic, the lad right at the back with the dark hair is a French Everton fan who lives in London. Oh what fun I had! :D

    im 6'2 but as wide as a pencil so ill still keep my thoughts to myself!

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