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Posts posted by VillaChris

  1. I put Rodwell in the same bracket as players like Wilshere, the Fonz, Ramsey, Collison and Jordon Henderson.

    If they live up to their promise these will be the best british players in 5 years time with Wilshere imo the pick of the bunch.

  2. Heard rumours (nothing to back this up, pure rumour) that Everton and Fulham are looking at Scott Dann.

    Not heard that one at all, but hes a local lad...Wont be first choice though as we've already had a bid rejected for that top defensive target, Jan Vertonghen, I expect us to go back with a second offer though.

    Don't recognise the name, who's he play for?

  3. In principle I think you are correct. However, whats 30m nowadays. Wouldn't even get you Jack Rodwell and Carlton Cole (on the selling clubs valuations that is).

    If you get 100million for Ronaldo - then 100m can do some serious damage, or 70m for Torres.

    But 30m will get us 2 decent players, we couldn't overhaul our squad with it.

    Add in an extra 10-15m from fringe players being sold aswell though.

    And if you scout properly, you can make a difference with that money.

  4. Yorke came and went as did Barry and we still had a good season last year.

    I am not sure in the case of Yorke we ever quite got over his loss; looking back the money never really replaced him.

    We signed Merson and Dublin from his sale.

    We were top of the league for half that season aswell before yet again not strengthening in that january.

    The following season we finished top 6 again, reached the league cup semis and the FA cup final so similar to last season.

    Someone like Yorke might've made the difference but we still made a decent fist of it without him, just didn't again strengthen for the second half of that season.

  5. If we do let Milner go, and at the moment I think its a possibility, then what sort of message will that send to the other players.

    Will they think that we are not serious about progressing any further and are happy to see our best players leave. Cant imagine it will do much for the morale of the rest of the squad

    Well, of course not, no-one wants to lose one of our best players.

    But that's football, isn't it? Whoever you are. Manchester United lost Ronaldo last summer, Arsenal might lose Fabregas to Barca this summer. The question is what you do afterwards. Spurs lost Carrick and Berbatov to United but have still built and got fourth.

    Hope he stays though. But if not, good luck to him, as I'm sure he'll leave in "the right way", and the club will go on.

    Same for me.

    I'd take 20m cash and Onouha and Ireland.

    Onouha would nicely beef up the defence, Ireland would give the midfield some much needed creativity and together with sales, we'd still have 35m to find a top striker and another central midfielder.

    Important to not be so melodramatic about this, Milner is a very good player but they all come and go, Yorke came and went as did Barry and we still had a good season last year.

  6. Muamba isn't as good as NRC imo.

    Tbh I've given up on even suggesting foreign players as we know MON won't go down that route.

    Rodallega, Benayoun, Ireland, Bellamy, Dorrans and Onouha are all realistic for us I'd say so I'd expect a couple of signings out of that lot plus a surprise or two like James Collins last summer.

  7. Yeah I think Arsenal need a nonsense english centre half in there alongside Vermaelen. Might aswell go for a thou shalt not pass combination. Jagielka, Cahill have both been linked recent and fit the bill as does Shawcro...........only joking!

    Interesting that Wilshere has done very well playing for Bolton in central midfield. Maybe a bit too early to be talking about him as a Cesc replacement but that's a long term option.

  8. If City offered us Needum Onouha and Stephen Ireland + £15 Million. I'd take it personally. Good replacement aswell as another very good defender who can play RB and CB. Plus if that £15 Million is spent on a very good striker than it's a good deal.

    I wouldn't do just cash only though.

    Same for me.

    Milner is excellent and would be a shame to lose him but he's still very green as a central midfield so 25-30m would be fantastic business or those players with still a bit of money.

    We did well off them last summer with Dunney so no reason we shouldn't be negative with any players coming in part exchange.

    Spurs have shown you can lose key players and still challenge, we lost Barry and Laursen and still challenged on three fronts.

    I still think Milner will stay another season unless Man. City put in a ridiculous offer we just have to accept.

  9. I wanted Sturridge last summer but he took the money. If he wants to get his career back on track, then worth a try.

    Yeah things have really gone wrong for him since winning the Premier League and FA Cup, getting CL experience and working with some of the best players and coaches in the game while picking up huge wages. Poor kid his career has gone right off track.

    Before someone replies saying "but he isn't a regular" well he wasn't at Man City either so his career hasn't diviated from its course or gone off track he has just improved his surroundings, wealth and CV.

    In time he might have to move for first team football but that time hasn't arrived for him yet. Besides moving for first team football doesn't carry any guarentee, just ask Sidwell.

    Did he actually play in enough prem games to get a medal, think it's ten.

  10. It's a bit of a catch 22 for Man. City, sign more players particularly attacking and those already at the club in those positions will want to leave. And we've seen with us signing Dunney, those players leaving will go to rival clubs here and abroad and will challenge City.

    I think the one area of the team where they're really weak is in defence so major money needs to go there imo.

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