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Posts posted by AndyClarke

  1. Alves is absolutely dynamite, terrorised our kids in the Youth Cup game last season. He's well known in youth football so I would suggest the Wolves lad knew exactly what he was doing, albeit not necessarily considering how much damage he may do.

    Real shame for Alves, this could be the difference between being a real top player and and average one, or even making it or not.

  2. 4 hours ago, tinka said:

    He won't get to play against his peers, he's moved to a club who's not going to play him. His best hopes to play is loan out. I doubt it will happen this season, so that's next season and it won't be to a Premier league team, championship and that's another season gone. He was playing Premier league football at villa, he hasn't wrecked it but he's damaged the  chances of making it.



    His peers being his age group over the years, u18, u21 rather than comparing him against top level Premier League stalwarts and Internationals.

    He's smashed everyone up at age group, even when playing 3 or 4 years above himself and made a good account of himself in his Premier League cameos.

    In terms of ability and other than Jack and his maverick status, he is the best player we have produced for years and years, perhaps ever. It will always hurt that he left but don't be fooled into thinking that he is anything but top drawer 

    • Like 4
  3. 1 minute ago, MaVilla said:

    i think he looks like he is just trying too hard to impress, then getting caught a lot as he's dwelling or staying too long on the ball.

    He just needs to recycle the ball intelligently, and worry less about looking good.

    He looks ok when he is just recycling efficiently.

    I don't necessarily disagree on that point. I don't think he is the player (or even close) to what people perhaps think.

  4. Very ordinary tonight, would rather have Adama Traore, but scared the shit out of Southgate which helped his team.

    I've only seen him a couple of times, all I'll say is that Gabby in this era would be far more highly rated than he ever was!

  5. We're like Tottenham finishing 3rd in the 2 horse race with Leicester. This World Cup was there for the taking....like the last one....like the Euros...

    Should have won this, too safe, too scared but still did enough to win it. Boring.


  6. I got added to a Secret Santa draw whilst working as a contractor, nobody told me this until the day before present giving, (they didn't tell me that bit either). The recipient of the £5 gift was not impressed that she had been the only one to "miss out" as I'd not brought anything in....This despite me having no idea and not being in that day anyway.

    Anyhow, she handed me a post it note the next time I was in with the names of the 2 lipsticks that she wanted and spent the rest of the morning repeatedly commenting on how disappointed she had been not to have received anything when everyone else did.

    I now make it very clear that I don't want to be involved.

  7. You don't need to go dating etc until you are ready to do that, as much of a distraction, confidence boost, chance for fun etc etc it may be.

    It will get easier, it will work itself out, just stay relaxed and take each day as it comes. Don't forget that none of this is your fault, it isn't what you wanted so don't beat yourself up about set backs, thoughts etc. One day at a time.

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