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Posts posted by robojoel

  1. Isreal vs Palestine is like someone having a bullied, starved and humiliated person kept in a tiny cage in the basement of a house they once owned until it was broken into and repossessed by their captors, who are constantly poked with a sharp stick and beaten senseless whenever they dare spit, speak back, or lash out at their captors.

    Subhuman scum, they know EXACTLY what they are doing and any attempt to hide behind ' antisemitism' is a moral equivalent of shitting on the graves of victims of the holocaust

    Thats putting it mildly, it is a disgrace that world leaders allow this to continue.

  2. Just been to see Dredd, a bit of context I am a hardcore fan who has been reading 2000AD for thirty years so I will be both easily impressed (because its Dredd) and easily offended (if they **** it up in anyway).

    fantastic, loved it all, amazing 3D (and I hate 3D), super violent, full on action.

    Pros-Wow they really get Dredd right, I was VERY sceptical after seeing stills and short trailers about the 'look' but after a few minutes it becomes total Dredd, Karl Urban is superb and the way it is shot gives it exactly the right feel, 3D very well used.

    It is really made for the fans and I didnt see any pandering to a mainstream audience which I was dreading. Im sick of people ruining potentially good shit because most of the audience will eb too stupid to get it, **** them and do it properly.

    Cons-I know they did not have as big a budget as they wanted so mega city 1 feels a bit low tech, but I think its set in early Mega city one history before it gets too built up. Also most of it is set inside a building which helps avoid the issue somewhat.

    Loved it and will see it again at the cinema


  3. Not made any bid or likely to :!:

    thank god, although the last time I quoted you it was a similar response to you stating we would NOT sign Richard Dunne :P

    That was after MON got shafted by the Distin agent .

    Not doubting you, I just dont want to jinx anything :)

    Is that because of what Lambert said tonight?

    I have no idea what Lambert said tonight, all I am saying is last time I replied to Mysteryman, It was in response to the fact that he was stating that we were definitely not signing Richard Dunne, which made me very happy because he is **** shit. Now he is stating that we are not singing Steven Fletcher (who is **** shit) and I hope it wont end up with the same ending.

  4. In no particular order

    1-Richard-Dead Mans shoes

    2-Han Solo-Star wars

    3-Agent Smith-Matrix

    4-Malcolm Tucker-In the loop

    5-The Motorcycle boy-Rumblefish

    6-Mcmurphy-One flew over the cuckoos nest

    7-Harpo Marx-anything

    8-Evil-Time Bandits

    9-I will think of two more in a bit

    Ok after much deliberation they are,

    9-ferris bueller

    10-Jay-clerks (Randall should be in this top ten too but I ended up having to choose between the two :( )

  5. In no particular order

    1-Richard-Dead Mans shoes

    2-Han Solo-Star wars

    3-Agent Smith-Matrix

    4-Malcolm Tucker-In the loop

    5-The Motorcycle boy-Rumblefish

    6-Mcmurphy-One flew over the cuckoos nest

    7-Harpo Marx-anything

    8-Evil-Time Bandits

    9-I will think of two more in a bit

  6. Where does one start!

    Firstly I would deliberately make the population temporarily infertile, presume some sort of chemical/hormone applied to the water system. Any prospective parents would then have to apply to the licensing authority, me, to have a have a temporary antibody, to enable them to procreate. Conditions for procreation would be able based on the financial/emotional/intelligence of the prospective applicants. This should prevent the Jeremy Kyle audience/participants from endlessly breading and leaving the state to pick up the pieces/cost.

    Secondly, all equipment in gyms to have some sort of dynamo fitted to them, which when the machines are used creates electricity which can be pumped back into nation grid. So much wasted energy there.

    All new buildings must be built with Solar panels, why would you not, just make it a default planning condition.

    All inconsiderate drivers should be blown up by guided missiles when driving badly, this includes my neighbour who can't park for sh1te, who manage to take up the space for 3 cars when she parks. Haven't quite worked out the delivery mechanism on this one yet, or how all drivers can be monitored simultaneously.

  7. Bit of a weird one here, the shambles that are virgin media recently upgraded my home hub from an old 10mbps modem with my own wireless router connected to its new 'super hub' that actually does give me 30 mbps.

    It also acts as the wireless broadcaster, BUT it it rubbish, its in exactly the same place as my old wireless yet the signal constantly fluctuates between 100% and nothing.

    It gets weirder

    Even though the hub is on, it send NO wireless signal when my pc is turned off for a duration of time (the pc is connected directly by LAN)

    As soon as I turn the pc on, bang the wireless starts working.

    Please don't tell me to phone virgin's technical support, I may as well watch a Laurel and Hardy film while having my soul pounded with rusty meat tenderizers.

    Thanks for help if you can offer any! :cry:

  8. I just always cook a bit more than I need to the day before then take it into work and reheat, jobs a good'un

    Only really works if you cook proper food from scratch though :thumb:

  9. Anyone who likes Bill Hicks or George Carlin should check out Doug Stanhope, Hilarious, loads of shit on youtube. My favorite skits are





    Oh and of course 'Jesus never made you laugh'

    Most modern comedians are shit, yes I agree

  10. I was against his appointment whole heartedly for every reason

    I wanted him to succeed becasue I love the villa

    It all turned out exactly as I predicted when he was appointed

    I dont EVER want to be in a position again where the future is so bleak that I dont care if villa lose because 'at least he is closer to being sacked'

    Grim times


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