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Posts posted by robojoel

  1. **** H.M.S.Ocean

    **** the crew, I wish Somali pirates had rolled a critical strike and drowned your unimaginative borg collective hive mind while you were at sea.

    **** your stupid Mariah Carey cover version

    **** the peon masses for being so overwhelemed by its existence because you lack enough imagination to realize you are mind controled and enslaved, bought and paid for by your handlers.

    I am setting up a business selling my own turds on this basis, this is where we are at as a nation.


  2. Astounding choice of manager in the first place

    Everything that has happened since makes peoples initial 'knee jerk' reaction at the time seem like prophetic wisdom

    It seemed doomed from day one and has got worse

    My initial thoughts were 'Jesus no, but I will give him a chance'

    Get this clown the **** out of our club before too much damage is done.

  3. My best moment today was driving home, I saw a guy in his sixties with long grey hair tootling up the hill on his mobility scooter headbanging with his entire upper body whilst listening to what i would like to think was Black Sabbath on his mp3. That's what I want to be when I grow up.

  4. Once you get into millions per year, there's almost no one who really either justifies that kid of money, or who needs it.

    oh i agree the the people being paid millions is immoral ..the problem is £100k + sees you being taxed at 50% and that is where a lot of company directors / owners fall into and I just can't agree that this makes them so wealthy that they should by taxed at that sort of rate ..

    I think that peple who earn less than this, which is the vast vast majority of people, would ALL gladly pay 50% tax if they could earn that amount, in fact it would be a dream come true for them. The only people who would winge about it are, surprise surprise, the people who are the incredibly lucky tiny minority living in comparitive absolute luxary to 95% (probably more, I dont know the stats) of the world population that actually 'earn' that amount.

    The only quibble i would have with paying that amount myself is how the government piss it away on beurocracy blowing up nations of small brown people and bailing out super rich bankers. hmmmm, maybe I do agree afterall :D

  5. Noah was 480 years old when he began the work :

    My Dad is 65 and he is ****, he kindly built us a fence a couple of years ago but it took its toll, I honestly cant see Noah building a ship capable of carrying every species at his age to be honest.

    If you include a sentence like this in your opening gambit, you cant expect anyone to take any further point you ever make seriously, never mind all the other ancient chinese-whisper superstition you include.

    You know how some young kids believe in Santa because they have been told he exists and the events (presents appear on Christmas morning!) circumstantially back up there belief? and adults dont believe in Sanata because they are privy knowledge of how the presents got there factually based on documentable evidence?

    You sound like a child

    I really hope you are trying to wind people up :?

    When God made Adam and Eve they were sinless and, basically, physically perfect. When sin entered the world there was an obviously harmful effect upon their bodies; they died. Genetically speaking, when they were first made their health was so good that their natural inclination was to live a long time. But since sin is in the world and it has an effect on people we get sick, grow old, and die...Noah would have been so close to the original genetic line of Adam and Eve, that his health was exceedingly great and so could live this long.

    "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." Genesis 6:3.

    It might be possible that God shortened the lifespan of man because of man's great wickedness. After all, the flood came soon after this statement of God and the lifespan of people drastically shortens after Noah's ark.

    I call you as DEFINITELY on the wind up and claim my cash prize! :D

  6. Noah was 480 years old when he began the work :

    My Dad is 65 and he is ****, he kindly built us a fence a couple of years ago but it took its toll, I honestly cant see Noah building a ship capable of carrying every species at his age to be honest.

    If you include a sentence like this in your opening gambit, you cant expect anyone to take any further point you ever make seriously, never mind all the other ancient chinese-whisper superstition you include.

    You know how some young kids believe in Santa because they have been told he exists and the events (presents appear on Christmas morning!) circumstantially back up there belief? and adults dont believe in Sanata because they are privy knowledge of how the presents got there factually based on documentable evidence?

    You sound like a child

    I really hope you are trying to wind people up :?

  7. I think teh most depressing thing about teh pre-season so far is that going into the season I think Heskey has to start.....

    *washes keyboard and fingers with soap and water*

  8. Some pisspot handbags bastards on here. Get a grip.

    Any manager with half a reputation wouldn't touch the current Villa job with a barge-pole. Both the club and McLeish will be putting their balls on the road on this one; so more informed rational adult responses please, and less jumping up and down and stamping of feet. It'd be savvy to put all your eggs in one basket at this stage, lest it end up on your face.

    "The board don't know what they're doing"; I can guarantee they know more than Knee-Jerk Jim in K4.

    Big up Big Eck. BRRRRAP!

    Although the idea of Mcleish horrifies me this made me lol and I agree 100%

  9. http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~2376322,00.html

    This is a message to the fans of Aston Villa.

    The Club has been reluctant to elaborate publicly on our search for a new manager and, in particular, to confirm or deny our interest in specific candidates.

    This is not a new policy, indeed it is the approach that we have taken both in regard to managerial prospects, and potential player signings.

    The Club understands that Alex McLeish is a free agent. We therefore intend to interview him imminently in order to make a decision regarding his candidacy to become Villa manager.

    From the beginning of our search, we have set out criteria based on proven Premier League experience, compelling leadership, an ethic for hard work and, most importantly, sharing our vision for Aston Villa as we know that without a shared vision any appointment, however attractive, will ultimately fail.

    Since 2006 we have approached our custodianship of Villa based on a broad-based strategy of significant investment to improve the squad, the training ground and Villa Park. We feel it is essential to select a manager who understands and supports our strategy for the Club to grow and to be sustainable. Otherwise, the natural tensions and competitive pressures that are involved with every season will ultimately cause instability and make continuity impossible.

    We would, however, like to emphasise that in deciding to interview Alex McLeish, the Board has taken his tenure at our local rivals and the strong emotions associated with this very seriously.

    We are determined, still, not to allow that three-and-a-half year post to disqualify him should he be the best candidate for the role of Aston Villa manager.

    **** beans, do i not like that

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