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Posts posted by robojoel

  1. I have two questions:

    1) Why is Monty Python never repeated on TV?

    2) Why do visiting teams, from other countries, train in the stadium?

    1) It is, especially on Dave or something, or maybe comedy gold, but not as often as it deserves.

    2) Becasue they have to train somewhere, clubs from the same domestic league or country can train on their own pitch and then travel on the day, travelling from another country means you need to do it a day ahead, if not more, so you need somwhere to train before the match, I guess the actual pitch is the easiest way of doing it as designated by UEFA or something

  2. Great result, not so impressive performance. It was difficult to watch at times it was so dull.

    The biggest and most worrying problem for me is our midfield three. Whilst they do their job in shielding the defence more than adequately they offer very little going forward. Time again the ball went sideways or backwards as we laboured to build attacks. Of the three I'd probably replace Petrov as at least Sidwell offers a goal threat and NRC breaks up play. We need someone with the ability and confidence to make penetrating forward passes.

    Desperately missing Barry. He was the hub of the team today at Pompey.


    Of the midfeild 3 which were today functional, something needs to give to allow a bit more drive and creativity going forward without losing anything defensively

    I think from the couple of games I have seen of him Delph will provide this.

    It all depends on how long he will take to 'settle' and 'mature', this could be anything from 2 weeks to 2 years, I am hoping for and believing in the former.

  3. Just got back to Leeds from the match, took my two daughters (4 and 5) to their first game and it was a resounding success (well done villa, £40 for 2 adults and 2 children!)

    I taught them the John Carew song in the car, they were gutted he wasn't playing as I had built him up to be some sort of mythological demi-god they would be witnessing.

    They were thrilled by his presence in the second half and loved the fact that the first thing he did was push one of their defenders over, and howled when that right back bounced of him and sprawled to the floor when he foolishly tried to shoulder charge him.


    Fridel-Easy afternoon in the office

    Beye-Loooks very solid in defense, could do with a bit more drive going forward

    Cuellar-Keep it going like that big man, your on your way to filling part of the hole left by Laursen if you do

    Clarke-Maybe the reason MON wasn't quite as worried as some members of VT about our lack of CBs, it does seem strange that Lowery came on the past two matches and he started this one though, any ideas why?

    Shorey-Playing well, and on form, but still backup at best if we are to progress

    NRC-Not quite the display we saw at Anfield but effective and energetic

    Sidwell-One of his best displays in a VIlla shirt, involved a lot more than usual, now if he could just get those headers on target.....

    Petrov-Tidy and tireless in the midfield, if not spectacular

    Milner-Industry, creativity, drive and commitment, I love you James

    Young-Getting back to his best, you can see he is very close to doing something special at many points through the match, just needs a bit of luck and or confidence

    Agbonlahor-Great goal, defending from the front and the ocacasional 'intelligent' run. Interesting what he can do when he is not completely exhausted from playing 2 seasons solidy 90 minutes of virtually every game, , maybe he isnt 'shit' after all.

    Well done Martin, good choice of formation, good choice of players, I was worried he would not do certain things just though sheer bloody mindedness, but I was glad to be wrong

  4. Oh, I forgot, they JUST CANT SHUT THE **** UP

    This is really true for a lot of them, maybe its a cultural thing

    I lived with this guy at University, you could be sat in the comunal living room, he would walk in, start talking, cook his food, eat his food, all the time talking, you could not say a word the whole time, he would walk out of the door 30 minutes later STILL TALKING, unbelievable.

    I thoguht he was mentally ill, untill a few years later I was in a band with a couple of Yanks and they used to do exactly the same thing, so who knows????

  5. Too complicated to sum up in a vote

    Obviously bullies of the world

    Majority of its citizens ignorant idiots (mind you, you could say that about here)

    two party political system squeezed into the far right of the political sphere, yet celebrate their own 'freedom? Idiots

    Champions of capitalism, reaping the rewards of vast ghettos, violence, inequality and celebrations of superficial plastic mediocrity

    Skewed perception of 'freedom', they 'free' people (usually through bombing them) as long as they agree with their definition of 'freedom'

    Fat bloated greedy population. i remember I used to read 2000 A.D. when I was younger (actually i still do!) And in mega city one there were 'extreme fatties' as a way of portraying a sci-fi future. After visiting America I realised we were actualy in 2000A.D. (literally)

    Having worked as an Aid worker in Nepal for refugees its quite easy to see the imbalance in food.

    Having worked in America sevaral times I have been astounded by the amount of intelligent, like minded, loving positive poeple there.

    Having lived and worked in various parts of the world I have met ignorant stupid Americans, as well as great free thinking wise Americans.

    Producers of some fantastic music and art

    Producers of Million pound peices of shit (I'm looking at you Hollywood and NBC)

    So who the **** knows

  6. Freidel-10-Perfect

    Beye-8-Solid throughout

    Davis-10- 9+ a goal

    Cuellar-9-Thats more like it, this is what he was like pre-season

    Shorey-6-Ok going forward but we were carved open down his side time and time again

    NRC-10MOM-It all came from him and bled into the rest of the team, husteling going back, driving forward. Negated Media Messiah Gerard. Me thinks he still has something to prove against Gerard after a certain cup final where he should have been MOM

    Sidwell-7-One of the best performances I have seen form him in Claret and Blue, but still goes missing, not good enough

    Petrov-8-Worked hard, provided some creativity and actually held on to the ball in difficult circumstances

    Young-8-Well taken penalty, flashes of brilliance but still needs to learn that when two or 3 players are on him, that means his teamates are free and therfore available to pass to

    Milner-8-Worked hard as ever, battled hard as ever, just need a bit more end product if possible

    Gabby-7-Worked hard but does not exploit space in these situations as much as he should with his pace

    Liverpol fans-10- for traveling so far to support their team judging by all their accents in the interviews afterwards LOL! (Mind you, I have a Yorkshire accent, i WAS born in Dudley road hospital though, hope thats OK)

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