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Everything posted by danceoftheshamen

  1. Whats the best we could realistically finish with a win? anyone know?
  2. Yeah he'll be well peeved we stayed up lol!
  3. He's a spurs player Ok, shame that.. forgot he was on loan from them
  4. Andros townsend.. think he's top notch & agree with the macmanan shout too.. those two would be lethal in our Midfield alongside Westwood
  5. Yeah have to admit it got to me too as was apparent in some of my posts no doubt...Was a jibbering nervous wreck at times.. Only coz i so desperately wanted us to survive however especially with the huge financial windfall coming our way now :D
  6. My goodness that was one almighty relief... have to admit i was really not enjoying the never ending state of being in grave danger.. went on a bit long & i will not remember this season fondly for that reason....although ironically i have enjoyed our football much more than in some previous seasons... AT LAST!!.. intriguing last game now & will be interesting to see where we finish
  8. even worse than last season where we finished with less goals and points? Well last season was a non event football wise of course but this has just been unbearable with the relegation situation & all , talk about the Gods being against us this season
  9. If Wigan don't win this game it will be a miracle.. This season is officially the worst in my memory whatever happens now
  10. I just have to ask what the f*** is a ref who lives in the NW doing reffing a game when a team from the NW has it's survival at stake? He is giving Wigan everything & Arsenal very little....Yet more incompetence (or is it by design?) from the FA?
  11. Ffing Puncheon 1-1 Sunderland Saints!
  12. It was so obvious its ridiculous.. Now our season basically rests on 1 game on Tuesday... Just flipping knew this would happen today... no doubt Southampton will now beat Stoke who are on the beach on last day ... So it's between us & Wigan.. with their tails up having won the FA cup & knowing they will be playing us minus Benteke!.... Lovely!
  13. We need something to change in the next 40 mins.. An equaliser for WBA, a winner for Saints & a QPR wonder strike will do please.
  14. They wouldn't need to..if they draw today they'll only need a draw on last day if we lost as they have a much better GD
  15. So this is going well.... pfffft
  16. I actually think you are right, I was so dismayed yesterday especially after being technically safe & playing 10 men, ok it was a very strong 10 men but even so... gutting to lose it from there.. but then i guess that was a microcosm of our season, done well at times but then a moment of naivety cost us, good one half bad the next, throwing away leads... everything pretty much that has plagued us all season in one game. Thing is i agree we are a much stronger team now and overall played well yesterday. Sadly though as you say it appears the Gods haven't decided who stays up yet! So it goes to today now which will not really decide anything, especially as Norwich will now be playing a very deflated Man CIty on the last day even if they fail to get the probable win against the Baggies. Then to Tuesday when we basically have our last day fate in the hands of Arsenal. Lets just hope the loss of Benteke isn't put to the test on the last day.
  17. Oh no it wasn't a shock whatsoever, far from it, just really frustrated as that's put us right back in the mix now.. even a flipping draw would've been OK. Just hope one of those teams currently below us but now all with games in hand follow our lead in "how to aim at your own feet"
  18. Sure but we still found a way to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory & now potentially could have a horrid last game without our best player.. Just hope to goodness it doesn't get that far. talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
  19. Well i don't accept all the "we're safe" comments whatsoever.. If this team can lose a home game when being 1-0 up at half time & playing against 10 men then i have no confidence in them at all. So now Wigan go to Arsenal with their tails right up which will largely compensate for the tiredness... a winning team doesn't notice the tiredness remember & they didn't just win they won the FA Cup... so no it is most definitely not a forgone conclusion on Tuesday in fact it is perfectly poised for another sickening "Marvelous little Wigan" headline. Can't believe we found a way to **** that up today we were 45 minutes from safety against 10 men. Unflippingbelievable
  20. it is a little scary that just 1 freak result could put us right back in it..that being the Arsenal v Wigan game.. would have to say we should be ok now though.. I hope to breath out for the 1st time in months on Tuesday.
  21. Ok i swallow my words lol!.. apologies to Swansea honestly thought they would chuck the towel in i really did.. fair play to them! What a massive result for us.
  22. Knew this would happen.. was so obvious they would roll over tonight it was embarrassing... Even in the pre game interview Laudrup seemed half-cocked about it... said something like "Well Wigan need the points of course but with us ...hmmn well it would be nice to get another few points between now & the end of the season & finish top 10 but well"" ....in a really couldn't give a stuff kind of way
  23. Not only that but they now HAVE to win one of their remaining games and we HAVE to lose both for them to finish above us. The odds are getting longer. Honestly, anyone who still thinks there is a good chance we'll drop start placing your bets. You could get very rich from it. Actually they only need to draw both & us lose both to finish above us.
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