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Posts posted by David-Copenhagen

  1. The fact we've reached a point where we'll take any points we can after 14 games shows how poor we've been.


    An awful performance and I can't think of many games we've won were we were worse.


    Huge credit for the fight the team showed and how well we defended.  But on the flipside to that i'd imagine that's what a league 1 club would do in cup game away from home.


    Benteke is top class and with him in the team you will always have a chance of scoring.


    Points move us up the table, performance makes me think it won't be too long before we drop down again.



    First off - I don't care if we play well or bad as long as we win. 


    That said I find it hard to see people bashing the performance when we win. We have played really well, bar a few errors, most of the time in the 6 loss run. And what did we get from that? Did anyone here say that the performances looked good so points would come? It is a result game. Man U have played on other teams mistakes for years with succes

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  2. No idea how one of the most one sided matches i have ever seen ended in a win for us.

    Guzan: 6 - Good saves but looked shakey in some simple handling

    Cissokho: 5 - Mostly awful

    Clark: 7 - Mostly good

    Okore: 6 - Good with a hint of bad thrown in

    Hutton: 6 - see above

    Cleverly: 5 - Worked hard but contributes nothing offensively

    Sanchez: 5 - as above

    Westwood: 4 - Mostly awful

    Weimann: 5 - awesome left back

    Gabby: 5 - pretty bad

    Benteke: 7 - Awesome for two clear moments, terrible the rest

    Cole, Richardson - too little time to rate

    This is spot on. Amazing really that we won that game.

  3. There's no way that 67% stat for possession can be right, unless they're counting the minutes it's in the air whilst we've sliced it in an attempted clearance?!

    I'm shocked we're not losing this by three or four, if Zaha manages not to sky every pass he makes we're screwed in the second half. Absolutely shocking display.

    As far as I know possession stats are made up by no of passes. And we have had tons of passes in our own half.

  4. Don't think I have seen us play this badly for a long time.

    other than every week

    Actually not, I think we have played well without an end product. Today we are all over the place. Looks like the last 10 minutes routine for a full game.

  5. Okay, two main dangers now for me - the first is that the ref is new and they're putting a lot of pressure on him, the second is that we have three or four players who tire halfway into second halves - Gabby, Sanchez and Cole aren't the same for 90 minutes and we don't have like for like replacement on the bench.


    An early second half goal wouldn't half make a difference here.


    True, but on the other hand this is exactly a game for Grealish in replacement for Cole.

  6. Who do you all want? PL is not leaving so we need a strong minded Villa person to work with him. I would love to see JG back at the club - he is a Villa man and loves the club.

    I agree about JG a (assuming you mean John Gregory)

    At the time the fans were very much split down the middle but Imho he was a good manager who was yet another fell foul of Ellis

    I do mean John Gregory. He might not be the most fancy football coach out there, but I think he can add self believe and cockiness to the squad and that is something we really need.

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  7. I would rather it be someone that has a passion for their role and a talent for being a coach, rather than someone that happens to have been connected with the club in the past (or present).


    If a talented coach can get the team firing again, that's all I want. If that person happens to be a Villa man then all the better, but that should not be placed above their abilities in the hiring criteria IMO.


    But JG IS a talented coach, and a successful one here with BL. 

  8. Why do we need a "villa person" ? We need the best quality we can attract


    Because we are struggling. People are starting to loose faith in the club. We need someone who will die for the club and inspire people and make them understand just how great this club is. Apart from that JG proved to be a great AM under BL, so even though there might be "better" candidates out there, he is a great choice. 

  9. Our problem is in attack. We have no edge and can't hold the ball up. That makes the midfield look weak. That and Shancez wrong passes. If we had Bemteke or Kozak on the field we would look much stronger. And our confidence is at a all time low after the run we had. I am still in the optimistic camp. And happy enough with a point tonight, I actually blame Bentekes red card of our lack of points against Spurs, WH and Southampton.

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