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Posts posted by brommy

  1. 9 hours ago, Tegis said:

    Yep, a few more years and I can take the missus traveling before we turn 50, LOADS more money than I had in my 20s. Win I say.

    It's great and my favourite stage of my life so far. My oldest was 20 last week and my youngest is 18 in 2 weeks. They are both quite mature for their ages and have had partners for the last couple of years so they've never felt the need to stage house parties in our absence. The most they've had is 4 friends in for drinks where they Skype'd us a couple of times to show us the fun they were having and we returned to a cleaner house than when we left. For the last decade our financial situation has improved significantly so my wife and I have travelled well - every year we've managed one or two family holidays plus a couple of city breaks for me and the missus. Having well behaved kids meant that we were fortunate to have family who were happy to move into our house for a few days and look after them. 5 months ago we left them home alone for almost 3 weeks whilst we toured South East Asia. Next month's holiday to Greece is with my kids and their partners which will bring a different dimension. S'all good man.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    The 'effort' Agbonlahor was making on the pitch yesterday was not a good example to our younger players.

    I agree, but that doesn't detract from my original comment in reference to McCormack.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    McCormack and Hogan. It not rocket science to try it. McCormack not the player he was at Fulham or Leeds but he a better option than a 90 minute Gabby or Chris Samba

    Depends on the effort he's making at BMH, the lifestyle he leads away from football and the physical/mental condition he keeps himself in. Not a good example to our younger players if we select players who don't give a monkeys.

    • Like 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Apparently he is very upset at being jeered when came off.

    he was shit no question but jeering our own players after one game. Ffs that's pathetic

    Jeered? I only heard cheers! 

  5. 3 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

    I think saying it is a few is wishful thinking mate. Looking on twitter and FB pages etc a lot of fans haven't received them yet me included. They are telling people to arrive at ticket office before 4pm that is 90 min before kick off so I'd imagine they know there will be a lot who won't get them in time.

    The whole thing is a farce. The season tickets won't even be fully activated with the extra features until Norwich at earliest. They should have sent out paper tickets and should never have come to having to queue 90 mins before game. Just to add insult to injury it looks as though it will be pissing down as well :)

    Hopefully most will arrive in the next two days but it does sound like there will be plenty without them come Saturday afternoon.

  6. I had 3 season cards in my post this morning. My guess is that they have all been posted in time to arrive by tomorrow at the latest. Unfortunately, the few that are genuinely lost in the post (anyone got a nose postie?), will need to collect or print a ticket on Saturday. Hopefully it will only be few of approximately 20,000.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:


    I was literally saying "Ok, I'll come and find you. Where are you?"

    And he couldn't tell me anything. "We're walking" is about all he could muster. I ended up having to speak to the girl he was with and ask her to bring him to the square we were in.

    I hate the guy. I honestly hope I never see him again.

    It appears you were 100% correct with your assessment of him.  He didn't deserve you looking out for him but that what helps to make you the better person.

    I'm old enough to know there has always been men who are idiots/nasty pieces of work but the last decade or so does seem to have seen a big increase in the selfish scumbags who have a vile attitude to others and take everything, like it's their right, whilst offering nothing back to others. There is someone married to my in-law side of the family that is just like the guy you described. Most of the family wish he'd 'go elsewhere' but there's one or two that facilitate his selfishness, even though they moan about it as well. :bang:

  8. 16 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:


    Club shop has run out of R's with all the Terry shirts apparently. Typical.

    They should substitute the R's for L's. Then more people would be compelled to watch.

  9. 38 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Still not got mine yet. Anyone else still waiting? 

    It's ridiculous really I renewed ages ago. Leaving it all so late is asking for trouble. The post is so unreliable, how much will they have to pay to produce duplicates when things haven't turned up? 

    Not had my 3 yet either but there's still time. Despite anecdotes, the UK post is generally very reliable. The club will know that posting out late before the first game means that the few that are genuinely 'lost in the post' won't have time for copies (they are mass produced so I imagine they are quite cheap) to arrive before Saturday afternoon, so I suspect they will be annoyed with their supplier. In nearly 30 years, I think it's happened to me once - that I had to collect a paper ticket for the first game because mine didn't arrive. Fortunately I was one of only a few so there was no delay at the ticket office but I appreciate it will be very busy if 20,000 of us are in the same boat.

  10. 6 minutes ago, hippo said:

    I suppose I want to feel like a valued customer  - £700 is a lot of money for me. 

    The cards haven't arrived yet because we aren't valued. Villa will have contracted a company to supply the cards (a company they have used successfully before and/or with a decent reputation) who have had a delay in providing the cards. This might even be down to a small part of the manufacturing or printing process. I'm sure our club are annoyed at the delay because if continues it might entail a significant additional amount of work for club staff and some level of inconvenience to it's customers.

  11. 11 minutes ago, hippo said:

    Not sure I understand. I have purchased 2 season tickets every year since lambert arrived - and held one for many years before that. Having sat that watching miserable football for most of that time - tipping point comes - some have not renewed , I have.  Basically if they can't get two tickets out for someone who has forked close to £4k in recent years - then expect me to Q for a temporary ticket on a saturday evening - that's my tipping point.

    If they knew they were having problems why not just post temporary tickets for this game.

    Just had a call from my son - his junior ticket hasn't arrived yet.

    I've replied (above) to this post but forgot to quote it for context and can't manage to copy and paste it to edit my post; apologies.


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