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Posts posted by brommy

  1. 14 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Looking at the championship i think its going to be a very open season.  All the teams that came down are pretty poor. 

    Luton might do well if they keep all their players

    I agree, the Championship could be wide open. The blosers may even avoid Championship relegation for yet another season.

    Oh wait...

    • Haha 1
  2. 44 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    Hopefully the next iteration of the CL changes format to 40 teams with chance for top 6 in PL to qualify.

    I think 8 groups of 5 teams with the top side going through in each group and the 2nd and 3rd place going into playoffs. 

    Similar to current format in terms of after the group stage. I feel it's fairer when you have groups and everyone plays home and away. 

    I feel European football being expanded especially for PL clubs based on depth of quality in PL is fair. 

    However we really need to scrap the EFL Cup for any teams who are in Europe or change the rules so teams in Europe can only field 3 players from their European squad in any game

    I'm hoping the new format is a success and definitely not thinking about yet another format!

    I understand some might prefer to play just 3 or 4 teams in a group stage, home and away, but I think I prefer the freshness and increased experience of testing ourselves against 8 different teams. Yes the 'luck of the draw' will be there regarding 'winnable' home/away games but that's the case in any cup format and it's leveled out somewhat by facing 2 teams of each 4 seeding pots.

    Also, barring 6 losses in the first 6 of 8 games, allowing playoff qualification down to 24th of 36 teams should avoid too many 'dead rubber' games. Certainly no more than the previous combined group stage format.

    We'll have to see how the new format is received, but my initial, albeit untested thoughts are I hope it's a successful format that gets us seeing a few dozen different European teams over the next few years.



    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, ender4 said:

    Where was he in the queue and why has he lost his place?  Roughly what sort of position was he? Did he get offered a season ticket and he declined?  

    You can decline twice before being removed from the waiting list.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Am I wrong in feeling this but are they not constantly gobbling the Birmingham cock despite how awful they are. Massive project, huge owners, giant potential.

    Talk villa it's always a negative slant. Who do you have to sell? Will they cope with champions league? 

    I don't think it's club related. Just that one scenario is a factual reality of the difficulties Villa will face to compete at the top level of English and European football, whilst the other is a wishlist sold to a downtrodden and desperate audience. Many find fantasy more enjoyable to talk about than reality. Much easier to promise than deliver.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, BG_Villa_Fan said:

    There’s no way this monstrosity lasts more than a couple of years in the age of social media. They’ll be ridiculed and mocked to death.

    I think you'll find the vast majority don't care about things like the lack of contrast apparently making scaling difficult or drop shadows being outdated.

    They've replaced AVFC with our wonderful club name and honoured previous fan consultation favourites such as including 1874 and the star. Those will be enough to carry it through as at least fine enough.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Captain_Townsend said:

    I wouldn't be commenting half has much on this thread if they hadn't tried so much BS on us last summer. Be up front, say the new branding guy doesn't like our choice and thinks something else would work. All that stuff about trying two badges for a year, paying homage to 1982 in its 41st anniversary, monitoring reaction blah blah blah.

    It got my back up.

    It did get my back up. It could definitely have been handled better.

    For myself, it's time to move on now. Little to be gained in not.

  7. It is perfectly possible the issue subject to the current conjecture, is not significant enough to see Duran leave and some fans are therefore reading way too much in to it.

    Or, he's off to Chelsea this summer.




  8. 2 minutes ago, randy_69 said:

    Apologies if someone has already answered this,  but looks like there is no disadvantage of being in pot 4, when we end up playing  2 teams from each pot anyway???

    Correct, as far as I know.

  9. 4 minutes ago, ferguson1 said:

    Thank you for this. Just one quick question, are we 100% sure that we can’t face another Premier League side? 

    There is a regulation allowing it but I believe every effort will be made to avoid it.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

    Our referees have got worse because they are so Reliant on VAR.


    Yep. Many have stopped making judgement calls - thinking if they've missed anything obvious or got it wrong, VAR will intervene. VAR then doesn't want to over rule the on field decision by the referee. So, what would have previously been given as a likely  foul or handball, for example, is then missed completely.

    • Like 4
  11. 16 hours ago, Hornso said:

    I don't know about that. The media companies pay a shitload of cash to broadcast the Premier League. It's in their best interests not to tarnish it with talk of cheating. They want you to believe it's the best league in the world. They are quite happy to stick their head in the sand until they have to talk about it (punishment being handed out).

    Exactly and very well put. They'll report on it if ever the verdict is reached, but then hope it goes away without damaging their product.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Lord Willard said:

    I’d rather city win than Arsenal. I love arsenals style of play but their manager and fans are so entitled. 

    Who cares if City win another title. 

    I agree. Plus there's still a very slim chance that titles are taken off them for cheating and I don't think there would be as much kudos in a retrospective title awarded years later!

  13. Just now, MrBlack said:

    We'd be 4 points ahead of them with one game to go. How would it not quite guarantee it?

    Because in the stress of wanting CL football my brain was thinking about the only goal difference scenario that could see us missing out and that would be two big wins for spuds and us drawing at Palace.🤦

    A draw tonight would indeed be good.


  14. 2 hours ago, Don_Simon said:

    Why would a draw be fantastic?

    I wonder how likely an 8 goal swing would be and which scores would be the least unlikely to enable that. 3-0 and 0-5?

    But of course that would only an option if spuds win both their games so perhaps the least unlikely way that could happen might be a 2 and 4 goal wins for spuds and a 2 goal defeat for us.🤷‍♂️

    EDIT - I'm wrong again - only way GD comes in to it is if we draw so our GD remains at +20, meaning spuds need a GD of +8 in their last 2 games (perhaps 2-0 & 0-6), to then be ahead of us by goals scored (assuming we don't draw 4-4!).

    I'm hoping a citeh point or more tonight will remove my current mental fragility!


  15. 25 minutes ago, ben1505 said:

    Why did Spurs have their walk around the pitch applauding fans today… was it because this was their scheduled last home game and the one midweek is a postponed game?

    Possibly, or I perhaps they realise more fans can stay longer after a saturday afternoon game than a midweek night game.

  16. 9 minutes ago, fightoffyour said:

    Used to laugh at Americans taking down a family bag of crisps, nowadays it’s no problem. Though the American bag is probably at least 250g, or a half ounce, rather than our measly 100-125g (a quarter ounce).

    There's 28.35 grams per ounce, so I suspect you meant [approximately] a half pound and [approximately] a quarter pound.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 39 minutes ago, thabucks said:

    Because that’s the clubs long term plan still but people cannot grasp it may have just been put on hold not completely cancelled … 🤷🏻

    I seriously wish Heck hadn't done that club statement/interview in December.

    New badge revealed in a few weeks - nope!

    Cancelling the planning approved expansion whilst stating that adding seats too quickly is a mistake - really?

    If Heck had just said the club is still considering it's options on the badge and stadium capacity, he'd have looked less incompetent.

    • Like 1
  18. 8 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

    Is there anybody that isn’t allergic to penicillin?

    Me and my whole family, including my parents, siblings, wife, children and their partners, my grandchildren and my in-law parents, siblings and their children. I appreciate the question is asked when antibiotics are going to be prescribed, but I've yet to meet anyone that is allergic to penicillin. Some people must be though, for the question to be asked.

  19. 40 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Why is Heck talking openly about increasing the size of Villa Park to 50,000?

    That article will cost me a pound to read. I'm going to cancel reading it and re-read the articles and books I already own.

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