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Posts posted by Denis_B

  1. Everyone is freely entitled to do wha ttheywant without criticism. I went last night, I went to Southampton - forget it now. The crowd did their bitlastnightto what effect on players exactly?

    If AVFC is your only life interst the nthat is sad, I have others and will spend time doing that.

    As for SKY - why bother you can get streams for all Prem matches for free - modern football stinks - end of!

  2. His actually putting money into the club to cut the size of our losses. The money has been wasted on shit players, that's the problem.

    No, he is trying to mend the shambolic mess he made of the clubs finances by allowing MON to rape his funds. In any case he chose t obuy and chose to allow it to happen.

    The club or should I say him will lost over £60m if we go down - his choice by allowing this to happen.

    My choice is to stop going and stop putting my money in. What he puts in is probably less as a % of his wealth than I do. In any case it isn't a gift it is loans from his trust on the club.

    Don't fall for the propaganda he is using his own cash

  3. Taken down as it was a confidential 1-1 email not meant for public consumption. I had similar issues when I posted a Krulak email. This one was genuine

    and the poster on facebook is a little new to things. Confirmed with someone I trust.

  4. I have never got this attitude, to be honest. I don't see it as a given that the owners talk to the fans. Some obviously do, like Whelan, Doug (but he bullshitted). I've heard the same line since MON left and I find I don't easily agree.

    Maybe you aren't bothered about where this muppet is taking the club but many of us do and want to hear what his plans are.

    I personally don't give a flying peanut about what other clubs do or do not do. I as a fan who pays my hard earned cash into this club want to hear what this man is going to do with it.

    Maybe I was spoiled as for many years when we were a PLC I attended AGMs and heard what was going, we had written annual reports to look at and had a chance to question the board. Historically there used to be other fans forums with managers and even Ellis himself.

    This lot started off with the big communication thing supporters consultation groups, Senile Old Generals posting on websites, asking for our involvement with the new badge etc etc......great when things were going well. Now that things have gone tits up it's circle the wagons and hide.

    Times have changed with football so perhaps it is now more important that clubs communicate with fans because after Tuesday I question whether I shall bother going down.

  5. Villadude, you like me have probably put more money (in real terms as a % of wealth) into this club than Lerner ever will. We don't have the come back of it being loans with interest and able to charge management fees and maybe sell the club - it is lost into the club for ever.

    For example the last three games cost me over £200 for me and my daughter - that is a significant sum to me!

    • Like 1
  6. And Briny that dark hour was brought about by a board who ignored the wishes of the fans and that brought about the 'Revolution' - we have now gone back to the same scenario a 'board' who are absent/missing/clueless and hide behind the manager with no offer of a plan of escape from this situation we are plummeting towards

    • Like 1
  7. tbh, i dont see why we have to sell anyone decent, because 'theyre bigger than the club'? theyre the players who got us relegated so they can stay, take a temperary paycut and get u back up

    But as their contracts do not include a relegation clause (thanks to Bents agent leaking that 2 weeks ago) then they will stay on the same wages and our absent/missing/clueless owner will just off load until we are in Div 2
  8. I seem to remember Kev Mac saying that Delfouneso was much the better of the two from a technical perspective but that Weimann had more chance of making it because of his attitude and desire.

    Then again, if I did read that, I probably read it here so it's probably a crock.

    Probably a bit like the fact both the Moore brothers as youngsters were far better than Gabby - but the difference is the desire to be the best. Where is Luke Moore now? being touted around by Swansea to get rid and Stefan Moore in the non-league.

    Footballing ability is not the thing that makes a success ofthe player it is that combined with a desire. You would never see ND work as hard and try as much as AW.

    (thanks OBE you posted that whilst I was typing - great minds etc :) )

  9. The money from the browns does not go straight into Lerners back pocket. He had outstanding loans to pay from his tenure at the browns. There is a new forbes list in a couple of monthsand I still belive he is worth less than $1bn even after the browns sale, I also think his mother and sister get money from the browns sale too. He did not pocket $1bn himself from selling the browns thats for certain.

    Think you will find most of the money went into the Lerner Trust of which correctly mentioned his mother and sister form with him the trustees
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