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Posts posted by Tomaszk

  1. 2 minutes ago, juanpablosaliceband said:

    Twitter saying Toney is on the bench because he strained a muscle in the warm up mid week. 

    There's always something with him isn't there.

    No surprise in rumours Arsenal don't want him purely for his attitude.

    I think he'll go to Utd. Which will have high points but end in tears.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, VillaJ100 said:

    I'm happy they lost and think that probably kills them now.

    On a personal level much more pissed off I had an acca on for draw and had briefly won £400. 

    That is a sickener.

    I've got money on Brentford ready to soften the blow on Saturday :lol:


    • Like 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, VillaJ100 said:

    MaN U aRe DoNe

    8 points behind, 5 with a certain win at Sheffield as the game in hand, and people are taking the piss saying there's no chance they'll finish ahead of us. When we still have to play two of the top 3. 


    Utd have been done for years. They stink.

  4. 5 hours ago, CVByrne said:

    We really are clinging onto this season. All the xG stats from recent games since Forest has us behind opponents. Even Luton 

    We'll get found out soon enough unless we improve our performances 

    You've already declared the season over. Why are you bothering to watch or follow? Come back in August.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Leeroy said:

    It was a shit show from start to finish. 

    What on earth? Are you OK?

    No it wasn't.

    We made it 1-1, wasn't a shit show then.

    We'd have gone in at a deserved 1-1 if Zaniolo could stand in a wall correctly.

    4 hours ago, Leeroy said:

    Look, I’ll get criticism for reproaching Emery, of course I will. But he has made some very big mistakes as Villa manager and tonight he got it badly wrong again.

    Can I have some examples of these very big mistakes please? I need some cheering up.

    Do you think he played Lenglet because he thinks he's better than Pau? Zaniolo because he thinks he's better than Bailey?

    He's rotating so we don't run out of steam and pick up more injuries, collapsing out of the top 4 and out of Europe. We might anyway, even with this rotation.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I fear that even if Olsen is solid tonight.

    If we lose... He is going to get shat on anyway.

    Is that a big fear? Mine is Olsen having to play against Brentford in a match we have a chance.

    Here's one for you, if we're going to lose I hope he does **** up. Twice. 

    Make sure it's in no doubt he won't be playing for us again. Same as Watkins missing a pen in pre-season, overall a positive.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Django_Zooms said:

    Booing Grealish is unfair and stupid. 

    Behave. It's good fun.

    Unfair?! He plays for the opposition.

    Not sure he'll be able to resist giving some to the fans actually if he scores this half...now that WOULD be good fun.

  8. Just now, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Gauci has never played a minute of Premier League or Top League football lol.

    Don't get me wrong I love the look of him as well but still.

    Olsen was improving and at least has SOME high level experience


    So you'd prefer guaranteed not good enough than a punt who might be?

  9. 10 hours ago, paul514 said:

    Obviously, the data recorded doesn’t lie.

    That is why all modern football scouting at the top level is done like this now 


    They don't look at a list of numbers and say ah look, this bloke has higher figures so he's better.

    That's very much not what they do.

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