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Posts posted by Chindie

  1. 10 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    They are screwed aren't they. Sunak is losing votes to the right to reform and to the left from labour and greens, and the moderate tory vote to the libdems. What a shame.

    It's the same story as every long empowered party, just on turbo because this Tory party is riddled with particularly cynical words removed. They get into scandals, they feather their nests, they feast beyond their rights, and eventually it catches up. When it does the momentum goes, the media flips, and there's nothing he can do. Sunak could turn into super Jesus who shits gold and pisses cancer cures tomorrow, he loses still.

    When it comes to an election they'll still get a worryingly high number of seats on the basis of their record they should be at 0, because we do love a Tory in the UK.

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  2. There's only so many times you can comment in shock that the blind three legged pig has rolled in the shit again.

    If you're trying to argue I'm in support of the Tories, you're so far off base you need to go get medical help. I despise Tories. I just despise Tories of all stripes.

    An agenda? Depends on what you'd define that as. I don't think I'd call it an agenda. What I will happily admit to is not liking Labours Tories, because I want to see this country get better for the worst off and the evidence suggests the path we're on isn't doing that... And we're not being offered an alternative, we're being told the exact nitty gritty of the path can be changed but the direction and destination does not change. That's not good and I won't support it.

    And secondly I don't like people being rewarded for underhandedness, or acting unfairly or immorally. The faction in charge did that. I was no fan of Corbyn, in his elections I was very critical of his policies and of him, and I didn't think he'd be a good PM (and didn't vote for him), but the actions taken against him were despicable, with his own party undermining him constantly and actively sabotaging their campaigns, screaming to high heaven about purges (that didn't happen) and then embarking on a PR campaign about how racist and evil their party was, including a horrifically cynical labelling of the leader a racist in the commons, for instance, when the evidence of that was laughable. Lo and behold they delivered a thumping majority for the Tories.

    Now 5 years later these same people are running around telling us how we simply must support this Labour party to get the Tories out, when they helped deliver the pain of the last 5 years, and not only that they actually aren't delivering much different, the best they can do is say they're not going to be so flagrant in their robbing the country and they're better administrators. Every pledge and promise they made to get into power has been binned, they have no discernable principles beyond power. They embarked on a horrific purge of the party which, had they had happen to them, would never have stopped reverberating around the universe such volume and tone would it have been screamed out with, and the response to any dissent on it has been the smug brushing off of silly commies. One of them described the absolutely awful purging of any dissent on Israel as the party 'ridding itself of fleas'.

    So I'm not going to cheer lead for them, and I'll criticise everything they do that isn't good, which so far has been most things. I'm not going to brush off how awful they are, I'm not going to pretend they're some great white hope for the country when every indication is they are the continuity of the awful political direction we've been on for the past generation. And I'll not buy into nonsense about you simply have to support this Labour party when 5 years ago that didn't stop THIS Labour party stabbing itself because they didn't like their leader. They **** the country over for their aims, they don't get a pat on the back the next time or get allowed to claim moral high ground when they blew it up last time.

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  3. Got to get the word out about the new Satan. People will fall for his lies if you don't.

    I also think there's greater support for Starmer than you say. It's couched in 'at least he isn't the Tories' but I think the vast majority of commentary around him here is very supportive, explaining to the simple soft headed non-believers how everything he's done has been excellent. There's very little actual criticism, despite there being considerable reason to be critical. 

  4. Actually I think you'll find that of every journalist they've intentionally actually shot/blown up/assisted into the next life in a gentle manner, 100% of them were not journalists, who claimed to have worked for enemy organisations that hold themselves out as news offices but actually just reported things that may or may not be true, besides which everyone knows Hamas is running around putting bodies they found next to video cameras, mics and notebooks, and making fake social media profiles of any Tom Dick or Muhammad's body they've acquired by nefarious means claiming they were journalists. The only actual journalists Israel has killed are the ones they shot accidentally while shooting at them. Which isn't many because they kindly killed all the other ones before this.

    And anyway can you blame them killing so called journalists when they're all antisemites.

    • Like 1
  5. This is less relevant to me now, but generally...

    Restaurants - yes unless theres a service charge or if the service has been shite. I also don't subscribe to the 'percentage of the bill' thing - the tip is whatever I think is reasonable for the meal.

    Barber - yes. Never much though, couple of quid.

    Taxi - round up fare and keep change, unless I can tell they've taken the piss. I've more often than I care to remember been in taxis where I know they've taken a shitty route and in those cases they get the fare and thats it, regardless if it's a pain in the arse to sort out the change.

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  6. The ultimate fancast for Doom was always Mads Mikkelsen for me. But they used him for a bad one and done villain already and he's probably too old and I don't think Marvel would use him for a long running villain anyway.

  7. 38 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Dr Doom is their only saviour at this point, worth a F4 alone for it? Dunno but they have to nail him even if the 4 fall short 

    Without knowing a whole lot of depth about the characters and liking the actors it feels miscast to me, not sure why

    Doom is one the best villains Marvel has, and he's intrinsically linked with the F4... That bit of casting needs to be bang on.

    As for the F4 cast themselves... I like Pascal a lot but he's not Richards for me. He's that slight bit too old. Richards should be that little bit more mature than the rest, but Pascal is knocking on for 50. I also don't think the type of character Richards is is who you'd go to Pascal for, he's the slightly nerdy super scientist who is also a bit of a father figure, Pascal can do father figures but he does tough 'normal guys', not extremely capable nerd 'thought leaders'.

    Vanessa Kirby, meh. She's a solid actress but Sue Storm anyone could play, Kirby feels like Marvel's classic 'get someone who isn't a name yet that fits the bill'.

    Joseph Quinn is a good shout for the Human Torch.

    Ebon Moss-Bachrach is a very good actor and could have a lot of fun playing the Thing, he is  the pick of the characters in the F4 and will be the big comic relief character and probably a fan favourite if they nail his scenes.

    Casting Doom though, that's where they really need to nail it. Doom is a very particular character and you can't just punt out a generic villain performance, there's more to him than that. You have to believe that this man is genuinely a world ending threat, and that he's the most capable guy in the room at any moment.

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  8. Well they've killed 80 odd people in the journalist/news media industry in this conflict and they've got a strong record of killing journalists over the years so I wouldn't quibble too much about a slightly hyperbolic comment because they've not shot everyone from the BBC yet. Unless we're all to discuss this topic like we've got autism to help protect Israel for some reason.

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  9. 1 hour ago, mikeyp102 said:

    Can I ask, what makes the fantastic four so good? I’ve seen the previous films (which I know have been criticised), but I’ve never found the characters that interesting, especially Reed, who just comes across as obnoxious 

    It's a few things.

    They're a foundational group. The original team up superhero comic. And the characters were all pretty well done, they have well developed personalities and their relationships are interesting and help create good narratives with depth as they are a true family unit (i.e. Reed has been everything from the classic father figure in a 60s context to a sinister near megalomaniac with all the things between and all the impacts that would have on his family relationships). They also have a ridiculously good foe roster with a few that are true universe spanning threats.

    They are a bit daft as characters in their purest form, they were born of a 60s desire to sell a family superhero team to kids and that feels a bit naff in the modern context, but you can still do very interesting things with them and they remain very important. In recent years the run by Hickman on Fantastic 4 was one of the most lauded of any Marvel comic and went to very dark and hugely impactful places for the entire Marvel universe, but was founded on the basis of those characters that goes right back to the 60s.

    Whether a movie can truly do that... Who knows.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    R2D2 was a Brummie and the actor originally turned down the part because he'd got through to the final of Opportunity Knocks. 

    Kenny Baker.

    Iirc he also, like most of the cast of Star Wars, thought Anthony Daniels, who played C3-PO, was a clearing in the woods.

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