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Posts posted by Chindie

  1. Toriyama was also influential in the gaming world, being a character designer for the massive Dragon Quest series, and working on a number of other RPG series. His art has an extremely distinctive simple clean cute style and became a big part of the reason that Dragon Quest was Japan's favourite gaming series (which probably underplays how popular it is, the Japanese government asked the publisher to move the release day of the games because so many people queued to buy the latest edition it was causing problems). Massive loss.


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  2. That was appalling.

    As ever when we try to win games in first gear, we're terrible. So many wayward passes, no movement, no pace. Really bad.

    And a clown in charge. First half made decisions based on the crowd reaction and second half just started handing out cards at random. First half Ajax could have shot one of ours and the ref would play on, second half he starts booking players for nothing.

    Awful match.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Xela said:

    Sorry if you have covered it before @Chindie but have you been diagnosed with anything with relation to your stomach? Like IBS/Crohns/Colitis? Certainly sounds very much like the latter, which I have. Or is it the anxiety/stress causing it?

    I know exactly where you are coming from when you mentioned prepping yourself before going out. I have to do the same. People don't realise how exhausting it is. When people see me in the office at 7:30am, they don't realise I have been up for nearly 3 hours, preparing my body to go out.  I can sometimes have to go to the toilet two or three times before I am comfortable enough to go out. I won't leave the house unless I have had what I would call a satisfactory movement. I know I laugh about it on here, but it can be demoralising and draining. It wears me down. 

    Bizarrely once the morning routine is done, I'm a lot better during the day at work. I may have to go again, once or twice, but I'm generally ok. Evenings are fine as well. Its morning when my insides are in absolute ribbons. I don't know why that  is, maybe its because i'm lying horizontal for a large number of hours, and going vertical upsets everything!

    I've learned to live with it the best I can. I try not to let it define my life, but there are things I can't do. Festivals etc. I always have to be conscious of nearest toilets etc. 

    I've been tested for various bowel diseases, I've had a few colonoscopies and blood tests and MRIs, none show anything, so the diagnosis just becomes 'IBS' which one discovered is essentially doctor speak for 'there's something wrong with his guts but **** if we know'. I've done the FODMAP diet (aka the best way to lose weight in the world) and other exclusion diets, nothing really helps. I know there's things I can eat that make it worse, so I do have some actual bowel issue(s), but realistically the issue now seems to be largely mental - the problem being it gets worse the more you struggle with it. You have the bad experience that makes the next experience a bigger deal which makes that worse which makes the next a bigger deal etc etc. I've looked into it and there is a mental health condition that seems to fit, and it seems it's treated like many other mental health concerns. Speaking of which I am now officially back on the happy pills. I'm now taking 7 pills a day for various conditions. Mental.

    I'm sorry to hear about your own issues, I can understand the position you're in and how debilitating and maddening it can be.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, rjw63 said:

    @Chindie, just wondered why your female friend can’t walk to yours or home from yours if it’s only a three minute car ride?

    No pressure for you to get in the car then.

    She does more often than not walk to mine, but walking home she's never really done. She feels it's dangerous. I'm not sure it actually is realistically, it's all residential main roads and it's not particularly late when she leaves. I prefer to take her home, and it has the bonus of feeling like I am capable of some things still, but it's also adding a bit more pressure to things.

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  5. As for why my mind goes there.

    My head is so **** to the enormous detriment of my life that I feel like there will come a point where the wheels completely fall off.

    As I sit here now, alone, in the dark, with YouTube on in the background with some inane shit to fill the void, all I can think is my life isn't much and what there is is breaking me. I don't like talking about it, because it's pathetic, but there's little to lose, so here goes.

    I got up this morning and logged in to the computer. I had a virtual meeting at 9, another scheduled at 9.30, and another at 10.30. I'm so concerned about my needing the loo during any of these meetings that I went to the loo before the 9 meeting, the 9.30 got moved to 10 so I went again, and then was anxious over the 10.30 one, but that was also tinged by the fact I had the follow up call from the mental health service at 9.45 which put me in a very depressed place. After those meetings I knew I needed to go get a prescription that was sat at the pharmacy which I can see from the front window of my house, which I'd put off for over a week. I ended up in the loo at 2.15 for an hour trying to clear my system to go get those pills, and failed. I ended up calling the pharmacy and pathetically asking if they could deliver them. Thankfully that was before I got to the state of sobbing and slamming the wall over and over like it was a fortnight ago. Apparently they will deliver on Monday. That felt like a failure but also gave me some relief.

    Now it's Friday night. I'm not doing anything. And tomorrow I won't do anything. I'm already worried about picking my girlfriend up to do our usual couple of hours together tomorrow night. She lives a 3 minute drive away. I probably won't pick her up because I won't be able to make that drive because my stomach will start playing up and I'll be in a state. And then I'm worried about getting her home because the last time I saw her I couldn't drive her back and since that night we've both made excuses about seeing each other because we're concerned about getting her home. I'm concerned about what I'm going to eat between now and then in case that makes things worse. And I'm concerned about what I'll do on Sunday for the same reason. And Monday. And Tuesday. And so on.

    And thats my life. I don't go anywhere. I don't do anything. All because my stomach problems, which realistically are actually because I'm **** mental and have been on a downward spiral that turned vertical in the last 4 months, dominate my life. And as a result it's not really a life. You can't really lead a life when the last 'big trip' out was to get petrol for a shitbox Lupo and that nearly had you have a full on mental breakdown and panic attack with the girlfriend in the passenger seat telling me sternly to calm down. This week the same car had its MOT at the garage I can see from my seat right now and going to give them the key took nearly an hour of prep. Picking it up later was nearly as bad. The day before I went to the doctor's down the street after promising my girlfriend I would when I couldn't take her home. It took half an hour of 'prep' to get there and was shaking as I walked there and was on edge in the waiting room and nearly sprinted out of the room when they left me in the consultation room while the docs had a conflab for a few minutes when my stomach started playing up. They gave me a propanol prescription which was sat alongside the other prescription for an anxiety med I couldn't pick up when I called the chemists. This isn't a life. And nothing can help.

    All I do is plug away trying to keep paying the bills and trying to make sure I don't let my girlfriend down when I take her home. What can I do with that? Are we going to get married when I'm not able to get out of the house like a normal person? How would you have children in that situation? I'm holding her back. What if, as I am waiting for, my work says 'get back if the office'? I can't. Even if they don't they clearly rate me lower because I'm not 'present'. I can't get a better job because I'd have to do everything remote - ain't happening. So even if nothing happens by some miracle, my horizons are extremely curtailed.

    What this existence is is frustration, pain, anger and despair. And it's all pathetic. So very pathetic. A grown man who is housebound by a condition that means he'll suddenly need a toilet without warning, and has been so broken by it he can't really function anymore. It's ruined my life.

    So it's not hard to think about the rope, the pills, the knife, the reasonable speed smash into a wall (it's only a 1l). It's pathetic in it's own right. And I don't 'want' it. But eventually the matter will be taken out of my hands.

    • Sad 4
  6. 40 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    A good friend of mine committed suicide on Monday. I spent the day today (and will be tomorrow and Sunday) walking shorelines along the coast looking for his corpse. Left a wife and 2 year old behind him. He tried to hide his issues instead of seeking help and it broke him. 

    However bad it is nothing is worth suicide. 

    Sorry for your loss.

    • Like 1
  7. I may as well follow up on recent events.

    I got my referral. They recommended I self refer to another service, which I have done, but might take 3 months to contact me. I also had a pharmacist call and discuss putting me on something else (currently not on anything for being mental). Nothing has happened since that call a week ago.

    How have things been since then? Dire. I needed to go to the pharmacy, which I can see from my house, and walk to in a minute, and I couldn't. I was sobbing on the bathroom and thumping the wall in frustration at just but being able to feel ok to go there. I eventually did it but it took well over an hour and 3 attempts, and when I finally did it I was literally going out of sheer rage, I was shaking in anger and frustration at myself when I finally got there, I must have looked like a maniac. 

    I've also failed to pick up the girlfriend so many times we've stopped my going to get her most of the time. The last time I picked her up I got caught in traffic at the top of her road and was screaming at myself in such a rage my voice was hoarse for about 4 days. I also have spent most of the week trying and failing to go fill the car up. Including an hour tonight trying to prepare to go where I completely failed and decided I wasn't sitting there all night sobbing and bruising up my arms from slamming the walls in rage and frustration at not being to simply get in the **** car and go fill it up at a petrol station a 2 minute drive away. And now I'm sat here being contemplative about what all this means. And I'm just thinking about my life is so empty and so pointless, how all of this is absurd, and how my little corner of this nasty little world is **** empty but for frustration. How every evening is a waste and every day is pointless at a deeply frustrating and maddeningly hopeless job to hide party stone books to sustain this nightmare. And how even writing this is pathetic impotent whinging for which any response is pointless and any threat is empty, even though a significant part of me is saying the sensible choice is bleeding out, and shouldn't be written because it's pathetic and you should just get over it. But equally I've got no way to vent and bottling it quenches nothing. I hate it all.

  8. 10 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    They are screwed aren't they. Sunak is losing votes to the right to reform and to the left from labour and greens, and the moderate tory vote to the libdems. What a shame.

    It's the same story as every long empowered party, just on turbo because this Tory party is riddled with particularly cynical words removed. They get into scandals, they feather their nests, they feast beyond their rights, and eventually it catches up. When it does the momentum goes, the media flips, and there's nothing he can do. Sunak could turn into super Jesus who shits gold and pisses cancer cures tomorrow, he loses still.

    When it comes to an election they'll still get a worryingly high number of seats on the basis of their record they should be at 0, because we do love a Tory in the UK.

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    • Haha 1
  9. There's only so many times you can comment in shock that the blind three legged pig has rolled in the shit again.

    If you're trying to argue I'm in support of the Tories, you're so far off base you need to go get medical help. I despise Tories. I just despise Tories of all stripes.

    An agenda? Depends on what you'd define that as. I don't think I'd call it an agenda. What I will happily admit to is not liking Labours Tories, because I want to see this country get better for the worst off and the evidence suggests the path we're on isn't doing that... And we're not being offered an alternative, we're being told the exact nitty gritty of the path can be changed but the direction and destination does not change. That's not good and I won't support it.

    And secondly I don't like people being rewarded for underhandedness, or acting unfairly or immorally. The faction in charge did that. I was no fan of Corbyn, in his elections I was very critical of his policies and of him, and I didn't think he'd be a good PM (and didn't vote for him), but the actions taken against him were despicable, with his own party undermining him constantly and actively sabotaging their campaigns, screaming to high heaven about purges (that didn't happen) and then embarking on a PR campaign about how racist and evil their party was, including a horrifically cynical labelling of the leader a racist in the commons, for instance, when the evidence of that was laughable. Lo and behold they delivered a thumping majority for the Tories.

    Now 5 years later these same people are running around telling us how we simply must support this Labour party to get the Tories out, when they helped deliver the pain of the last 5 years, and not only that they actually aren't delivering much different, the best they can do is say they're not going to be so flagrant in their robbing the country and they're better administrators. Every pledge and promise they made to get into power has been binned, they have no discernable principles beyond power. They embarked on a horrific purge of the party which, had they had happen to them, would never have stopped reverberating around the universe such volume and tone would it have been screamed out with, and the response to any dissent on it has been the smug brushing off of silly commies. One of them described the absolutely awful purging of any dissent on Israel as the party 'ridding itself of fleas'.

    So I'm not going to cheer lead for them, and I'll criticise everything they do that isn't good, which so far has been most things. I'm not going to brush off how awful they are, I'm not going to pretend they're some great white hope for the country when every indication is they are the continuity of the awful political direction we've been on for the past generation. And I'll not buy into nonsense about you simply have to support this Labour party when 5 years ago that didn't stop THIS Labour party stabbing itself because they didn't like their leader. They **** the country over for their aims, they don't get a pat on the back the next time or get allowed to claim moral high ground when they blew it up last time.

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    • Thanks 1
  10. Got to get the word out about the new Satan. People will fall for his lies if you don't.

    I also think there's greater support for Starmer than you say. It's couched in 'at least he isn't the Tories' but I think the vast majority of commentary around him here is very supportive, explaining to the simple soft headed non-believers how everything he's done has been excellent. There's very little actual criticism, despite there being considerable reason to be critical. 

  11. Actually I think you'll find that of every journalist they've intentionally actually shot/blown up/assisted into the next life in a gentle manner, 100% of them were not journalists, who claimed to have worked for enemy organisations that hold themselves out as news offices but actually just reported things that may or may not be true, besides which everyone knows Hamas is running around putting bodies they found next to video cameras, mics and notebooks, and making fake social media profiles of any Tom Dick or Muhammad's body they've acquired by nefarious means claiming they were journalists. The only actual journalists Israel has killed are the ones they shot accidentally while shooting at them. Which isn't many because they kindly killed all the other ones before this.

    And anyway can you blame them killing so called journalists when they're all antisemites.

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