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Posts posted by Gabby15

  1. General, like others have said, a big kudos on the Acorns deal. Is there any more to it than sponsorship? Just a few questions for you:

    If you could have dinner with 5 people (not family or work-mates) dead or alive, past or present, who would it be?

    If you could go back in time to stop one thing happening, what would you choose?

  2. John Terry's Wiki:

    On [[21 May]], [[2008]], Terry missed a penalty in the shootout which would have won Chelsea the [[2008 UEFA Champions League Final]]. Save for [[Ashley Cole]], such misfortune could not have befallen a more deserving word removed. Terry appeared to slip on the penalty spot before he made contact with the ball and could only hit the post, however, later video analysis of the incident showed that Terry was in fact distracted from the task at hand due to being distracted by a photographer of Afro-Carribean descent positioned behind the goal. Terry, a well known racist, turned to unleash a tirade of abuse at the unfortunate photographer whilst in his kicking stride. This caused him to slip and shank his effort off the post. Chelsea then went on to lose 6-5 on penalties to [[Manchester United]].


  3. I wonder what will happen at Stamford Bridge in the summer. Fire sale anyone?

    I'd like to buy some fire, how much is it?

    I just know in the run up to the penalty Terry was thinking of lifting the trophy and that makes his miss sooooo sweet, if he really wanted to take a pen for the team he would have taken the first, not the one to win!

    Cocky thug!

    I'd say it shows bottle more than anything. Going up to take a make or break penalty ahead of the Essien, Anelka etc etc.

    Fair play to him.

    Said he wasn't going to take one as the last time he took one, he missed & his mum had a heart attack.

  4. I've said it before, & i'll say it again. Van Der Saar is awful. I have sympathy with him due to the double deflection & his slip - that's never nice as a goalkeeper, but he doesn't inspire any confidence in his defence & it's been a while since a made a great reflex save.

    I think VDS is overrated, but awful? That's just ridiculous!

    But I suppose you are the guy who thinks he's better than Cech in goal!

    OK, awful was an overstatement but to be the No.1 for one of the biggest teams in the world? Not good enough.

    The second point is totally true. 8)

  5. General, this is my first post on this thread and would first of all like to offer my congratulations to everyone involved in the trun around of our great club, I look at every new season with optimism rather than preparing myself for the worst (as in previous seasons).

    My question is this, After being linked with some very gifted players in the press in recent weeks, I was wondering a) if there is any substance to these rumours? and B) when do you think we will be signing players that are considered to be galacticos (ie top quality players mostly seen in the Champions league)?


    The General doesn't talk about transfers.

  6. ^ Everyone was ripping in to Blose for making one about their victories over us, it would be too small time IMO.

    General, I heard a rumour on here about the Wigan game & Olly Mellberg, I don't want to say what it is as it might spoil it, but if you are considering doing something for him then I think it would be a great idea!

  7. Is it tonight/this morning?

    No, tomorrow night/morning

    I'd love to watch it, but i've not got Setanta, bastard! Nevermind, the Hitman returns soon.

    Oh joy :? I don't like Hatton too much, he seems a decent bloke but I just hate how hyped up he is.

  8. I read a few autobigraphy's, Recently finnished Chris Jericho's, If you're a fan of wrestling it's a must read, even if you're not, i'd still highly recommend it. Currently reading Controversy creates cash, by Eric Bischoff, good read so far.

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