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Posts posted by villan_007

  1. 1 hour ago, Genie said:

    That was a solution to someone crying about the myth of january being impossible to sign players.

    If you're gonna bring in 13 players, then do it in 1 go I agree.

    Better still in my view, bring in 5 or 6 quality first team players, then add as required later 👍

    Thats all I'm saying. Not sure why people get so defensive about it.

    Because it's a really stupid approach to a new season. I can't see where you're coming from at all. Crazy thinking 

  2. 1 minute ago, Mazrim said:

    Not a striker, but more than welcome. He'd be an alternative to Benrahma if anything.

    Where did you hear this anyway?

    He can play there though? I've never heard of him.

    Twitter. A group of posters that have been spot on throughout the window 

  3. On 30/06/2019 at 12:20, sir_gary_cahill said:

    Who do you suggest?

    Someone we can switch up our play with. Maybe opposite type of player to Wesley.

    In terms of who it would depend on our transfer budget, is Wesley the main man or will we bring in another who will be.

    I think premier league experience is a thing of the past.

    I don't have anyone in particular in mind, but the Austin's of this world are not for me 

  4. Just now, sir_gary_cahill said:

    In 14/15 for QPR, he was outstanding, in my opinion, Smith would get the best out of him, although we do seem to going for younger players. Austin is a natural goalscorer I think, give him service and he will score goals. Yes, I do watch it villan_007, do you? I’m obsessed 

    Oh yeah love it.

    Austin is the type of mistake we've been making for the past 10 yrs. We do need another striker. For me it's not Austin. 


    • Like 1
  5. On 29/06/2019 at 09:43, sir_gary_cahill said:

    I watch it every week without fail, do you watch it?

    And you still come to the conclusion that Austin, who's approaching 30, is said to have the knees of an 80yr old and has never been prolific would be a good signing for us. 

    Are you sure you're watching?

  6. 6 hours ago, maqroll said:

    Tekker's price tag was what, 8m?

    We've been in the championship for 3yrs, the prem has moved on massively without us. In today's market 20mill is the equivalent.

    • Like 3
  7. On 01/04/2019 at 01:28, alreadyexists said:


    NSFW - contains swearing FYI, make sure the kids aren’t listening.

    Not the most original but a good chant nonetheless!

    Just doesn't work with the name tyrone. Next 

  8. On 20/02/2019 at 07:45, AvfcRigo82 said:

    After reading @LakotaDakota & @Zatman's comments regarding Lampard & Terry.

    I do think there is legs in this that would see Lampard potentially return to Chelsea as manager with JT as his assistant, especially if he gets Derby far in the play offs or even promoted?

    Be under no illusion the relationship between Lampard, Terry & Abramovich. Both players where there almost as long as he was and would have a better relationship.

    I agree Sarri's days look numbered and will be gone come May.

    So there is potential for these two to replace Sarri come June.

    As for the size of the job/club and how they would both cope if they did become Chelsea's next 1 & 2 is a different matter but I think they would do okay myself.

    So you've read two posters comments that are completely unfounded and hypothetical and decided this is what's going to happen. Then at the same time say it's time for terry to go because he doesn't love the club?

    Villatalk....it never lets you down.

  9. 5 hours ago, Dave-R said:

    If the players who stamped on poor Jack every game csn get away with it then surely a mings can.

    The face was brutal, will no doubt be left with scars, I didn't see it happen and I don't know how it happened or what the atmosphere was like. There's so much to look at especially both players, I have a feeling if mings did do it on purpose then the guy who came off bad  was no doubt winding him up but who knows.

    That's what I'd like to know, was Tyrone trying to hurt him out of anger or intentionally trying to get back at him. Players do anything to wind each other up and there as bad at times as what fans are with brutal insults. Players and fans will go as far as racism, not saying thats what was used but everything has to be looked at..


    Well it's all over the internet. Prob worth a watch before making a comment?

  10. 13 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

    What about my time? Can they give me my time back?

    231 pages? Can they compensate me that?

    How can they measure that? Sure, we move it to other football and in time we move on but at what cost. At what cost?!

    231 pages. 4 years. So many bumps. So little movement.

    God have mercy on us all.

    We the fans always miss out. A free poster or  a beer mat with micahs face on should be the least they can do.

  11. On 19/01/2019 at 01:46, The Fun Factory said:

    If he really cannot play professionally again why aren't Villa hiring an independent doctor to prove this and to cancel his contract? Medical insurance?

    A professional footballer getting paid professional fees and cannot physically  do his job surely should not still be here?

    He should be a multi, multi millionaire by now so I don't feel like Villa really need to prop up his finances as he should be set for life anyway.

    I'm pretty sure the insurance will cover it, hence why we didn't terminate his contract. He'll retire and then everyone is compensated from what I've read.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, hippo said:

    So smith can be compared to fergie - but not Mickey Mouse.

    I think he is so poor and so out of depth that people get protective of him.

    whats he ever done ?

    The list of managers that have won and done nothing as a professional but been successful managers is as long as your leg.

    You're just making yourself look silly.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  13. 9 hours ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    With our latest managerial appointment and with some of the lower league players we're apparantly targetting, this comes as no real big suprise.

    Dog shit if true.

    Well Tomask wasn't there so he's wrong in saying that.

    I wasn't either, but read everything posted by Howard and Johnny who set it up, which put the championship thing into context. CP was asked whether we have another Dr T situation on our hands if we don't go up this season, as in do we go into administration. He said no we're fine our lives don't depend on us going up, which is reassuring.

    I found it refreshing to hear to be honest, someone telling the truth. From the minute we went down we have done everything wrong, and as a consequence are light years behind the prem clubs.

    I hear everything you say mate, but finally it looks like we're trying to do things the right way, but unfortunately it probably means a bit longer down here. We messed up our chance to bounce straight back :(

    • Like 2
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