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Posts posted by villan_007

  1. 5 minutes ago, TheEgo said:

    Really not worth the smart ass replies, I have better things to do. Those I've spoken to privately (and no please don't pm me) will know whether it's bs or not. 

    Come on pal! Do it for the believers!! Or are you happy with what you've heard or is it cause for concern 

  2. 15 minutes ago, TheEgo said:

    Yes, was spelling out what majority could mean and look like as opposed to a prediction. I know plenty but saying nowt. 

    What about the posters on here who liked reading what you posted about what you know. Give us the juice bud.

    Don't stay silent because a few posters get their panties in a knot about ITK.

  3. An alcoholic lunatic. Couldn't wait to get rid of him at Fulham. Has done nothing for us, did nothing at forest and scored some penalties in the A league.

    Given every type of help available by the club. He's rejected all of it.

    But yeah it's Bruce's fault.

    RDMs fault for signing him without doing his homework, and wyness for giving him a ridiculous contract.

    He isn't sitting around at the training ground in peak physical condition wondering what's going on. He's done.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Dave J said:

    Now that's an entirely different question which I totally agree with - I don't think that RM will get back to his former self - but what I am saying is that we are speculating and if RM does defy the odds and gets himself into a position of consideration then I don't think he can be ignored 

    He wouldn't be ignored. A fit healthy RM would be welcomed by everyone. But he's not, and hasn't been since he's been here. Fingers crossed though. We're due a miracle. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, imavillan said:

    exactly this

    If it was the case of new owners the press would have picked up on it, as it is nothing is being reported.

    Bull Shit click bait....follow me, follow me, follow me

    hmmm the press have picked up on it days ago? there are interested parties.

    Sure there are always ITK chancers around looking for follows. Yet this guy already has 44k followers and a genuine villa fan.

    Worth keeping an eye I reckon.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 12 hours ago, hippo said:

    I call BS on the comer bros link. dont think people come back a 2nd time.......if they were ever interested at all

    I think they might. It was a consortium headed up by Michael Neville wasn't it? He did an interview in the Brum mail at the time when they were close to securing the deal before they lost out to Lerner.

    He actual spoke sense in that interview. Who knows might have been the better option.

  7. 2 hours ago, The_Rev said:

    @DCJonah Can't see him playing for the club while Steve Bruce is manager. Maybe if a new manager comes in then McCormack gets a fresh start but that's the only solution I can see. 

    So where in this scenario you've come up with does the part where he suddenly stops drinking and turns up to training part happen?? 

  8. 12 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:


    No one will be expecting a line by line breakdown of where we are going to find the millions in reduced income this season.

    Personally I think it would be reassuring and perhaps dampen some of the speculation predicting financial meltdown if a statement was released. It would only need to be along the lines of that we had prepared for this outcome and have plans in place to offset the reduced income and do not enviasge this will include selling any of the players we need to retain to ensure we can compete for promotion next season.

    I am of course here hoping the above will be the case. It could of course be that we are facing financial meltdown and that our better players need to be sold and some have alluded to that being the reason why we are saying nothing.

    I don't really need to hear Xia say he is hurting. All of us are I'd take that as a given. I'd decided by the time I'd left Wembley on Saturday though to look ahead to next season and not wallow in this defeat as it can't be changed. The only thing we can do is help push the club to a brighter future and no person is more able to do that than the owner.

    Wyness already said in multiple interviews this season that they had plans in place for both outcomes this season, including transfer targets, and budgets. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Dick said:

    Hopefully a new manager might understand mental health issues and do as much as he can to help McCormack.

    So everyone at Aston Villa and Bruce have no understanding of mental health and haven't tried to help him at all? Please tell us more...

  10. 17 hours ago, thabucks said:

    Bruce's personal life has no bearing on my thoughts on his abilities to do the job at hand. Tragic as it is for him I wouldn't keep him just because he has just lost both his parents... The club should judge him only against the criteria set by them at the beginning of the season nothing else should come into it. It may sound harsh but the world is a cruel place. 

    Feel for the man for sure just personally it hasn't altered anything for me IMO he has to go either way. 

    I don't think it really needed to be said did it? Everyone was just saying he's going through it big time at the moment. End of.

    • Like 1
  11. He's still scored some cracking goals for me. I think the move was too big for him. I'd like to keep him and let him settle some more.

    If it comes to us needing the cash then we'd have to get rid im afraid.

  12. On 24/04/2018 at 17:15, Stevo985 said:

    I couldn't disagree more.

    Regardless of our opinion of the guy, I imagine Steve Bruce sees this as his biggest opportunity in management yet.

    He's never managed a club of our size, and assuming Xia is the real deal, won't have had a budget of this size either.

    I don't think Steve Bruce has any intention of leaving the club if we get promoted.

    Granted but I don't think he'll have a choice.

    If you're Dr T and have the ambition we think he does, Bruce simply doesn't fit the bill. He has shown before that if he can attract a sexy name he'll pursue it, regardless of what the football heads around him say. Which in itself rings different alarm bells.

    Time will tell. But I've just always felt it is get us up and thanks see you later deal. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, HanoiVillan said:

    I don't recall him ever saying anything that would lead you to suspect this? Also, he's 57 not 77, he doesn't need 'a last pay day in the sun'. 

    Well I said "I've always thought" as in IMO. He isn't going to come out and say that is he obviously. I've always thought the doctor had his own plans for life in the prem. Bruce is a cog in the wheel to get there and would receive a nice brown envelope and be on his merry way when that is achieved.

    His age is irrelevant. He's been around the block in the UK, probably fancies a crack else where before knocking it on the head before golf and TV pundit life. I'm not privy to his finances so not sure where he does or doesn't need it. It was just what I think is most likely to happen.

  14. I've always thought the plan for him was promotion by any means, then a handshake and big brown envelope as he waves and slips off to America for a last pay day in the sun.

    Still think that'll happen whether its this season or the next.

    He was never going to manage us in the prem.

  15. On 4/13/2018 at 02:11, AntrimBlack said:

    Well, he has looked rather poor in both full back positions, so not proving to be particularly versatile.

    Agreed and I wasn't saying otherwise.

    His only badge of merit before we signed him was playing either rb / lb against Arsenal and keeping sanchez in his pocket. 

    Yet to show anything of that for us.

    • Like 1
  16. 8 hours ago, momo said:

    Would you say the same if Terry where to play left back?

    Well Terry is an out and out CB. The kid is able to play anywhere across the back four, and has been used as such at united.

    It's one of the reasons we brought him in, to add some versatility to the squad and cover a number of positions.

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