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Posts posted by jon_c

  1. What an incredible game. Finished it in the last week, worked through the Shadow Broker since, will almost certainly pick up Overlord in the next day or so just to completely polish off the game. Well worth doing for anyone who hasn't tried the DLC.

    I'm actually quite tempted to 100% this, achievements and all... but I've heard Insanity difficulty is basically cruel.

    Playing it on insanity now, it's not impossible. And I'm not an amazing gamer. You really have to think about using powers and moving squad mates around, and take out melee enemies quickly, so you can stay in cover.

  2. I'm not much for handheld gaming nowadays, but Pilot Wings, Ocarina of Time, and Paper Mario as launch titles have peaked my interest somewhat. I'd say Animal Crossing aswell, but I'm sure it'll be the same game again...

    Sorry, more remakes, Pilot wings, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario.

    Are Nintendo the laziest games developers around?

  3. I didn't bother with toy story 3. Everyone raved about 2 like they did this one, and that was just ok.

    However, Inception was excellent. Four Lions and Kick Ass each had one of my favourite moments of the year, but voted for Kick Ass because it was the most fun.

  4. Bought Scott Pilgrim today.

    ****' Brilliant.

    Such a shame it flopped at the Box Office. I hope it makes lots of money on DVD and Blu-Ray because it really is a great film.

    Flopped because it was a film marketed for teenagers and early twenties, and all its computer game references were for people in there thirties.

  5. Well the answers are pretty loaded aren't they. I voted no, but I don't think you should shut up with it.

    I just personally don't get why everyone is so obsessed with standing up, if you've got kids or your a short ass its a nightmare to see when people are standing. I quite like the great view I get from my seat. (when the tall guy in front is in his seat too)

    It is a fact Jon that many hundreds of thousands of people up and down the UK still stand at the football - why not give these people the chance to do it safely while other people like yourself can sit down and not have the hassle of someone deciding to stand in front of you? Thus wrecking your matchday experience.

    It's surely a win-win situation, Jon? You can then make a concious choice about whether you stand or sit at the football. Added to that, it will help create a better atmosphere at Villa Park thus boosting the team on the pitch, which is in everybody's interest.

    I get your point and I voted no more that I don't like standing myself as to stop.a stamding area. But a standing area will not stop people standing in the seated areas.

  6. Well the answers are pretty loaded aren't they. I voted no, but I don't think you should shut up with it.

    I just personally don't get why everyone is so obsessed with standing up, if you've got kids or your a short ass its a nightmare to see when people are standing. I quite like the great view I get from my seat. (when the tall guy in front is in his seat too)

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