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Posts posted by jon_c

  1. 1 minute ago, StefanAVFC said:

    They're completely absurd. There's twisting the truth and there's totally making up a terrorist attack to justify shit.

    What are American journalists and politicians doing? Could you imagine if someone like Milliband, hell even Cameron had done something like this? 

    It would've finished them. I mean Labour got destroyed by our press when their leader ate a bacon sandwich awkawdly.

    • Like 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, USA_Villa said:

    From Ross McCormack:

    "The stuff about the gaffer jumping the fence and us having a blazing row is complete nonsense."

    But he did admit that Bruce made a personal visit to McCormack's house to check out the facts.

    "He came round to have a look at the gates," said McCormack. "He didn't stop. He didn't get out of the car.

    "You don't get much signal in the house so I was standing at the top window on the phone trying to get it fixed and I've seen him pull up and drive away."

    Really Steve. How about spending more time on the training pitch with your team and sorting out your your medieval tactics. Honestly I'm struggling to see how this is going to end well for Villa or Bruce.

    Spot on, there must be plenty of other staff Bruce could've sent around if he was that concerned. And if there wasn't anyone at Villa he could trust to do it, then that would be an even bigger issue.

  3. People saying there wasn't the attention given to Obama's use of drone attacks, I can remember protest groups, a lot of condemnation and off hand at least two movies ('the good kill', and 'eye in the sky') about what a cluster***k it is. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, vreitti said:

    Just listened to Bruce's post match interview, where he admits Bjarnason hadn't played for 5 weeks, yet he still started the lad. Baffling decision. Surely we had other options?

    That's not just baffling, it's moronic and incompetent.

    • Like 3
  5. If you discount the poor tactics, questionable selections, players looking unmotivated, discipline issues, the inability to react and change up a game in play, and the defence looking completely disorganized, he does know how to get a team promoted.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Eastie said:

    Bruce has managed 20 years - I think phelan only worked wiTh him at hull - no surprise fingers being pointed at calderwood though as Brighton have got better without him and we've looked awful since he came.

    But the sucess at Hull us what keeps getting reference as Bruce actually being good. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, GREAT_BEARD_OF_ZEUS said:

    Get Micky P in and fast.  Need him popping a few balloons on the bench and keeping old Brucey on his toes!

    So basically what we've done is the equivalent of appointing Pearson without Walsh, or Clough without Taylor, etc.

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    A tad off topic, but it's hard to keep a straight face claiming we're some massive club when we've been making up the numbers and have won **** all for 21 years.

    Hey, let's not forget the 2001 intertoto cup.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Lerner's Driver said:

    That emotions are running high in the immediate aftermath of yet another horror show is understandable, but calling for Bruce's sacking now is the same sort of knee jerk, reactionary logic that produced Trump and Farage. 

    I'd say it was more akin to the ridiculous clamour to bring in another consistent failure as manager, and think it would go well. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    I meant  in the west. yes it's disgraceful and I condemn it. I'm not asking for violence against Muslims because I'm not a white supremacist.


  11. 46 minutes ago, mattyg38 said:

    Is that any worse than buying utter shite from other leagues and hoping for the best?

    I didn't necessarily mean it as a bad thing, it's a transfer tactic (just buying the performing players in from rival teams in your league) that has had teams ranging from Celtic, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid etc.. dominate their respective leagues for years. 

  12. 8 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    Didn't the Muslims side with hitler? Do you think every day Americans are as extreme as trump is? I'm far from white supremacist, god what a thought 

    my opinion is we do need to move to the right. 

    The Nazi's considered the Arabs and Muslim's a sub Aryan race aligned with the Jewish. When translating Mein Kampf into Arabic, Hitler omitted this from the 'racial ladder' descriptions. He knew he needed Arab nations support, so stoked and manipulated anti-colonialism in Arab nations , so they would take arms against the British and French.

    Many Muslims actually helped Jews escape Germany during the Holocaust.

    So no, it is no where near as simple as the Muslims sided with Hitler. As global politics are never that simple.

    I mean we don't ban the Italians and the Japanese. 

    • Like 1
  13. 10 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    What, 0 goals and 0 assists?

    Obviously it would need to be Taylor plus money. In which case, I'm not sure I see the difference between Taylor plus £5m and say £10m for Ayew then we go and spend £5m of it on Taylor, which is more like how it will work in reality. 

    If it's a straight swap then yeah I think it's a poor deal for us financially. 

    He has looked a much better player once he started getting game time, though. 

    If we get money, then yes it's better, but agree a straight swap would be awful. 

  14. 24 minutes ago, dudevillaisnice said:

    That is a poor deal if true and I don't even rate Ayew that high as he can be a headless chicken at times. 

    I think Taylor is a decent leftback but that would be a terrible deal by us. Can see Ayew going all Adama on us, if he moved to Swansea.

  15. 1 minute ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Really would not want Jack to go, but honestly, is he as good as or have the potential to be as good as we think without the Claret tainted glasses?

    When he first came into the team, he looked to have a really good footballing brain, he seemed to see the right pass better than our other players. He also had a great touch a a good range of passing.

    He however lacked the legs and tenacity needed in midfield. 

    Recently the footballing brain seems to have weakened and he still needs to improve his work rate on the pitch. 

    This is all stuff that can be improved by attitude and hard work, the coaching staff should see through the day to day training whether they think Grealish has currently the right attitude, or is likely to change it, if he hasn't.

    We as fans, can only really speculate what he's like in his head, and that's the important thing the management have to be able to judge right.  



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  16. So just get Fox to report that millions of white Americans are dying because they can't get private health care.

    And that the only way to stop blonde children getting shot, is to ban guns completely. 

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