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Posts posted by ender4

  1. 8 hours ago, CVByrne said:

    We'll make about £20m for ECL this season if we make the final.

    Yep, £20m from UEFA plus another £5m from matchday. 

    Next season will make around £40m minimum from UEFA for the 8-10 base matches, plus an extra £8m from matchday revenue.  

    If we qualify out of the group, add an extra £10m on top. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, andykeenan said:

    Error means seats in the block are gone no longer tell you if a block is sold out 

    But i can see individual seats which are showing as unsold. I just can't buy them lol. 

  3. 1 hour ago, VillaJ100 said:

    I think they're effed. The weight of keeping up with city etc has broken Klopp, and the squad needs a whole rebuild with an owner who doesn't want to put in many funds, and will be under a worse manager's watch. The only way is if they can sell players about to hit terminal decline like Salah and flops like Nunez for daft money to Saudi to fund the rebuild. Which they probably could tbh

    Salah will be sold to Saudi for £120 million. in PSR terms, you can then buy £120m x5 worth of players for the same money.

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, DakotaVilla said:

    3k comment was clearly in connection to box park/warehouse. They know they could fill that for every away game. 

    Do you or anyone think they'll have the Warehouse/Boxpark up and running for August?  I'd absolutely love that if i could get served alcohol and some food for a couple of hours before the game. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, DakotaVilla said:

    A very close friend of mine was at the game last night and stayed in the same hotel as the club. He spent a fair bit of time with some very senior and very recognizable individuals at the club. I won’t name them as I think it’s unfair to do so. 

    Key points relevant to this thread are:

    - Club is definitely NOT moving from VP. Plan is to stay at VP with significant development planned with big announcements over the next two years.

    - Box park space with 3k capacity is definitely happening. 

    - Lower Ground and Terrace View were both green lit under Purslow. The comment made was “right idea but in the wrong place”.

    I trust the information 100 percent and sharing to hopefully put this thread at ease. 

    I don't believe you hahaha 😜

    Serious question though, isn't the extra 3k capacity separate to the Boxpark / Warehouse idea?   Or is there 3k extra capacity planned plus 3k capacity for the Warehouse idea?  


  6. 20 minutes ago, Mazrim said:

    I had the thought of building over Witton Lane with the road running through a tunnel through the stand. That means acquiring a row or 2 of the houses on the other side of the road but could mean hitting the 55-60k number with the existing North Stand plans.

    Two problems though.

    One is being able to buy up two rows of houses. That would need a CPO which would be extremely hard to get.

    Secondly, a road tunnel going through the stand would be pretty bad. Part of the problem with Villa Park is not enough room in the stands for corporate facilities. This tunnel would massively compromise the available space in the new stand. 


    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, ferguson1 said:

    So according to Emery in his presser this afternoon, even the club are unsure if he can play in the semi -

    It’s not exactly 100 per cent he’s not going to be for the next round, available to play.

    “In the beginning I think it’s not, but we are in conversations with UEFA about it.

    Well if Emery, Villa and UEFA don't know what the hell is going on, then we have no chance!

  8. There are still lots of tickets showing as available.  But when you try and buy them, you get an error message.   

    Is this a website issue? Are the tickets actually available to buy?

  9. 49 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I have mixed feelings on this because like most things this government touch it’ll lead to widespread suffering no doubt I know family members that absolutely take the piss with sick leave.

    My mother in law will regularly take several weeks off because she feels like a break. The GP’s just can’t be arsed to challenge it (and she knows it). She has a colleague/friend who is equally piss taking.

    Shes currently on a 7 week break which started because they asked her to do something she doesn’t usually do when someone else was on holiday.

    She’ll take the first week (self certifying), then book appointment with GP and complain of stress. GP issues 2 week sick-note and before she leaves she’ll make another appointment for the day it expires to get it renewed.

    I’d estimate she has a sickness rate of about 20-25% as she just plays the system when she wants a few weeks off.

    Theres definitely room in the current process to get work shy people back to work and not clog up GP diaries, I doubt this government know how to do it safely though.

    Yes, i know people like this as well. I have no idea how you can separate the ones playing the system from those that are genuinely sick. I suspect you just can't. 

    I have had to sack a couple of people over the years who were 100% just taking the piss. They'd tell other staff they weren't really sick and then word would get back to me or other management. People really are daft, if you're faking illness at least don't tell your work colleagues about it!

    • Like 2
  10. 47 minutes ago, one_ian_taylor said:

     his shithousing isn't actually that significant.  But it's  got to the point where everyone is watching for it,  and his reputation is intimidating to the opposition.

    Also must take heat off our players

    That's a really good point. All the focus is on him, the other players can just get on with scoring their penalties. 

  11. 1 minute ago, R.Bear said:

    Pens would normally make me nervous but with Emi there, I feel a lot better about it.

    Emi hasn’t looked on it this match. Dropped a few crosses that he normally easily catch.   I wonder if he’s still suffering from the smash in the face early on?

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