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Posts posted by ender4

  1. 3 minutes ago, Pez1974 said:

    I thought he was "President of Business Operations"?
    This is the Chief Operating Officer in my view; not CEO. His job is the boring rubbish in the background. At least that's my take. He should be relatively invisible.

    I 100% agree that there's stuff he should have done better. But it seems like his initial remit was to identify underperforming aspects and improve them quickly, probably with an eye on PSR for next season. The nice may simply have to take a back seat. 

    I’m thinking he is more CCO - Chief Commercial Officer.

    But then who is the CEO and COO of Aston Villa?  

    He surely isn’t combining all three roles?

  2. 12 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Then again he may have been talking about the Castore deal and the shoddy quality of the kits. They fell onto our hands somewhat **** that up as I assume it's allowed us to exit the deal early with no cost. 

    It was in the online media at the time that we had to pay around £2 million to Castore to get out of the deal.  That was apparently what triggered the c***suckers rant from Heck. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, DCJonah said:


    The aim is to build the brand and bring in more money. That's happening and then some. 

    Is it? Emery has got us 4th and talked about in the media. Heck hasn't brought in more money than another 4th place team would command.  

    Again in the above interview, he seems to think he's done amazing. I could have been blindfolded and brought in double sponsorship for a 4th place team compared to a relegation fighting team when the last sponsorship deals were agreed.

    He has branded us with AU1500 though, credit for that. No idea what that has to do with Villa though.

    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, Zatman said:

    A team like Chelsea really should be wiping the floor with us

    Ahhh how could I forget about that little gem from my favourite scouse fool.

  5. 4 hours ago, turvontour said:

    Oils at a one month low right now.

    I think it’s because the £ against the $ has weakened and oil is priced in dollars.  So it’s more expensive for us to import it in.

  6. 8 minutes ago, TRO said:


    There will come a time, when he will want to return home....I hope he is able to construct a structure to follow on from that time, and recruit his own successor in the process.

    Let’s just buy him the whole of Aston as his own personal kingdom. He will be the Don of Emeryville.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Deano & Dalian's Umbrella said:

    How do you usually put an Ender to it?

    Sometimes i change the name to someone else in my group and that sorts it out.  Also change the adult ticket to an U14 and then back to adult. 

    If neither of those work, then go back out of that page completely to the home page (don't log out), then go back to your basket and try again. 

    If that doesn't work, then you'll need to drop the tickets out of your basket and try selecting the seats again.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Stephen_Evans said:

    Booking my ticket for Olympiakos is going well.  The website is telling me I’ve exceeded the number I am entitled to even though I’ve not bought one yet.  And I’m a season ticket holder.  🙄

    Ah you're not used to the crappy ticketing website are you.

    I buy tickets on a match by match basis and get that message regularly. Along with all sorts of other error messages that usually don't make sense. 

  9. 8 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

    There's an informal meeting tomorrow - it's not clear at the moment if that's with a focus on season ticket prices, but I'm sure they'll be discussed.


    The funny thing is that at this late stage they will have 100% decided on season ticket pricing, so a meeting or consultation now is largely irrelevant. They'll pretend to listen and then do what they were going to do anyway.

  10. 1 minute ago, duke313 said:

    This past season and half feels like a sliding doors moment.  We're actually doing it aren't we?  We're going to gate crash the "big 6".

    Can't wait to be hated by other fans as one of the new "Top 4"  😀

    • Haha 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, turvontour said:

    We've played 15 more games than Tottenham.

    Does european football really need to be like that. 

    Surely you could have a cup where the winner doesn't need to play 15 to 20 games to win it. Presumably its just money driving that. 

    Well we've only played 10 games in the proper Conference league, just that we had no European coefficient so we had to play 2 qualifying games as well. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, Jonesy7211 said:

    Everyone wetting the bed! 😀

    Let's not worry about things we can't control and enjoy what we have. Don Unai is here. He's not said he wants to challenge himself at another club. Lets also look at the facts;

    1. He left Sevilla for PSG. I don't think he'd have left Sevilla for many other clubs. PSG were on the rise then with an unlimited budget. Arguably he'd taken Sevilla as far as anybody could in the modern game.

    2. PSG threw him under the bus. He won the domestic trophies yet they still sacked him. I don't imagine he looks back at working for them very fondly.

    3. He joined Arsenal after Wenger who also threw him under a bus. He was cruelly mocked by all yet was exceptional given the budget and players he had.

    4. At Villarreal he turned down Newcastle. He joined us because we've given him the chance to build the club in his image, his way.

    5. We're supporting him in all aspects. He's got the management, coaching, and scouting team he wants. The club is growing, and getting more successful.


    That's a good analysis.

    In summary, he got sacked from 2 clubs, he left one club because the richest (maybe second richest) club in the world offered him a job, and the other time he left was for Villa. 

    He'll eventually win us the Champions League and then only leave for Real Madrid.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 52 minutes ago, thunderball said:

     He is only 52 and the weather is terrible here.

    That's a really good point. Hasn't it rained pretty much continuously since Unai arrived at Villa? Maybe he's getting his power from the rain gods.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Pinebro said:


    My worry is I think he still want to prove himself at a giant club after Arsenal.

    What if we are the giant club in 3 years time 😃

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