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Everything posted by BerniesElbow

  1. TD before the half and they can be back in it.
  2. Wow. A little offensive pass interference there methinks.
  3. Awright! Time for a "Rally shot"!
  4. Nice! Get that weak ish outta here!
  5. Good thing San Fran is used to coming from behind...no pun intended.
  6. I think CBSSPORTS.COM is showing everything including the commercials...maybe.
  7. OK, settle for 3. Straight out of the Browns playbook.
  8. Impossible task. I'm surprised his head can fit in the stadium. Thoughts on comparisons to Eli? Who compared him to Eli? Probably himself. Elis better, hands down.
  9. *GASP* A NEW Budweiser? What sort of witchcraft is THIS?
  10. First and 15 sucks. Third and 15 sucks more.
  11. WHoa. World War Z with Brad Pitt looked pretty bad ass.
  12. Niners rush the field to California by 2pac/DrDre Ravens rush the field to Murder was the case by snoop.
  13. Thats a nice picture of Nantz and his daughter...right? lol
  14. "I'll tell you what. If I'm the San Francisco 49ers, I'm sick of Ray Lewis! This is NOT Ray Lewis' personal Super Bowl!" Boomer Esiason I take back all of the bad things I've ever said about you...well, most of them.
  15. How interesting would it be if SF QB Kapernick gets hurt and the demoted Alex Smith comes in to lead his team to victory?
  16. OK, got the Bud Ice in the fridge along with the boneless chicken breast marinating in Teriyaki sauce and a bone-in ribeye steak marinating in Italian dressing, both since yesterday. I have some shrimp skewers to grill along with the steak and chicken and Hint of Lime Tostitos Corn ships and restaraunt style, roasted garlic salsa. Almost beer time...
  17. I expect a good game though, regardless of the outcome. I would be surprised to see a margin of victory for either team greater than 7 points.
  18. I just found out that Ray Lewis is from Lakeland, Florida, where I live now. Wonderful. But, the saving grace is, even most of the people HERE dont like him.
  19. Ray Lewis stabbed 2 people to death...and got away with it. Baltimore took our team after crying when it happened to them. Art Modell moved his team, claiming financial problems, politicians who wouldnt help him and no desire to sell his team so that he could preserve his familys "legacy". He ended up selling the team after the move anyways. There are several Ohio State players on the 49ers F STDmore. GO NINERS! http://www.overthinkingit.com/2008/12/10/40-inspirational-speeches-in-2-minutes/
  20. Notre Dame v. Alabama for the National Championship about to kickoff. Who do you like? I'd like to see Notre Dame but I dont think its going to happen. Tell ya who I DO like is the linebacker from Notre Dame, Mantai Taeo. That guys a beast and would look great in a Browns uniform.
  21. Yeah, the Colts were a nice story, you know, the coach having cancer, the rookie QB replacing Manning, but I think the book on this season just closed.
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