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Posts posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here:

    1. moose: I think that anything that will take football to the farthest reaches is a good thing...so globalization is a good thing. At the end of the day, we recognize that someone from Thailand or from South Korea may never attend a Villa game but....if we can make them Fans, they can be disciples to those who may, one day, make it. In the meantime, selling merchandise is critical and I will accept a baht from someone in Thailand as well as from someone in Chester.

    2. The Window...Tamveer1968 and others: I thought we had a good window. I thought that MON did exactly what he needed to do. He identified what he felt were critical shortfalls, he identified the players he felt could best address those shortfalls and fit into our style of play, he made sure they were available and then he went and got them. Where is the problem? I confess that I do not have the angst that some have over the move of Barry. You look at him over the lifetime he was at Villa...I look at the last 3 years...a couple of which he was obviously intent on moving on. He is a fine player but he is not irreplacable and I believe that we have done what is needed to solve that problem. Laursen was immense and I am not sure that there are many out there in the market, available, who could fill his shoes. MON knows who was out there and available...he rated all of them and made his decision. I think we have done a solid job of building the backline. All during this window and others I get the same questions about MON and his ability to sort out talent...about Randy and the Board's willingness to back the Manager, etc. etc. At the end of the day, I firmly believe that these questions have been answered. What we need now is Fans in their seats, cheering on our Club. There are plenty of reasons why folks come to the games...and why they don't. I think we basically can all suss out those reasons. NOW is the time to come to the games and give the Lads a boost.

    3. Dunne and the OS: It is NOT the OS fault re. Dunne. There was an issue that had to be resolved and we could not put out word until that issue was resolved.

  2. General Krulak here:

    1. I will forward the info re. stewards to our Head of Security. it is always good to get a perspective from someone who is watching it all happen.

    2. I did not mean Randy!!! My goodness, he is in this for the long run!! I hope that everyone can see that Randy is a special type of guy who appreciates the ethos and tradition and history of the Club. He is not going to turn his back on that.

  3. General Krulak here"

    1. carlitobriganti: I would not be telling the truth if I said that the influx of owners with billions to spend was not on my mind. Simply put, some of the new owners are extremely wealthy and that is obvious by the amount of money being paid for players...not just in the UK but in Europe as well. It is a fact of life and one that we need to live with. I have a sense that the ownership may become fleeting as the excitement of ownership wears off...this will be even more true if success does not follow the expenditure of money. But, at the end of the day, it is what it is.

    2. Service: I can assure everyone that we do our very best to monitor and educate the staff working the kiosks around the stadium. It is hard work, demanding, and time-consuming. We do not get the same folks every game so it is a constant re-education process. I know it sounds like we just need to put these folks on the payroll...make them permanent but the cost of doing so is prohibitive. We will be increasing the supervision and hopefully that will make a difference.

  4. General Krulak here:

    1. Hot water: I have notified folks at the Club re. this issue. Another poster had it correct....we need to keep water at a certain temperature for health and safety reasons BUT, I am still seeing if we can get it to the minimum level that is acceptable.

    2. Goldenballs: You make a good point. At the same time, if I start censuring myself, I am afraid none of us will benefit. I am just going to have to trust that the media knows what I mean when I say I am speaking as a Fan. Good luck?????

  5. General Krulak here:

    1. Goldenballs: I would say that you are not being fair to me. First and foremost I stated, unequivocally, that I was commenting as a Fan. I was giving a personal opinion based on a statement made by another Fan. To now tell me that I should not have said something because of "my position" is, in my opinion, totally off the mark. If your post is taken to the logical exteme, then I am afraid I would have to leave this thread because many of the questions I answer, I do as a Fan and NOT a Director. The quote I was referring to said that Barry was "head and shoulders" better than anyone else on the Team. I disagreed. I gave my reasons. I mentioned a player who I felt was better than Barry. I was NOT being disrespectful! My point was simply that I did not see him as "head and shoulders" above other players. If you disagree with me...that is fine. BUT, I think it is patently unfair to box me into a corner as you have suggested. If your feelings are the feelings of the Moderator and other Fans, then I am certainly not making good use of what little time I have during the day.

    2. 3 wins in a week. A win against Fulham at home...a game we should win. I repeat, one game at a time. We need to win them one at a time. We also need our Fans to help spur the lads on.

  6. General Krulak here:

    1. kidlewis: A very thoughtful post...thank you. You laid out your feelings and concerns and have caused me to pause and give a hard think. My sense is that you and I agree on more points than we disagree...and many of your comments resonated with me as a Fan.

    2. Not much more I can say about Barry. My biggest point was my disagreement with the comment that Barry was head and shoulders above anyone else on the team. I just cannot, for the life of me, buy that comment. Why were we so keen to keep him at the Club?? Not sure we were. We were keen to get the right price for him. Again, as a Fan and not a Director, I sure don't want players who don't want to play for our Club.

  7. General Krulak here:

    1. deaceydeaceyaggro: This is what makes for horse racing...for I could not disagree more. "Barry was head and shoulders the best player at our Club"...I do not agree with you. Simple as that. "Delph isn't fit to lace his boots." Again, a pretty strong statement. We have just discussed a player named Martin Laursen...I would be hard put to say that Barry was "head and shoulders" better than Laursen. I won't change your mind and you won't change mine...so let's just let it be. As an aside, Barry's heart obviously wasn't with our Club. We could not scratch his itch.

  8. General Krulak here:

    1. Dom_Wren: Believe me, my answer was not intended to come across in a negative way or a nasty tone. Not at all. My point was simply that I worry if I, as a Director, were to "pulse" our People at Bodymoor Heath about the qualifications of our Manager and Coaches. I just don't think it would be a smart thing for me to do. Again, I did not intend to sound disrespectful to you.

    2. Laursen and Barry: Again, let me reiterate my point. Laursen was a HUGE loss and I am not sure that any single player can be considered his "replacement." His knowledge of the game...his understanding of how MON wants the lads to play and his willingness to lead, on the Pitch, was superb. We have brought people in to bolster the back...and the window is not over. Does that mean we will come up with THE replacement for a man like Laursen...tough to know now. As for Barry....he is a fine player but no where near, in my opinion, the linchpin that was Laursen. I think that any number of our lads...youth or recently acquired...will make us forget Barry. Let's face it...he could take a penalty kick and could do a good job of distributing the ball but he was not a in the category of a superstar and certainly not a Laursen. We will be fine with those who we have to play his position.

    3. Attendence at Fulham game is looking like somewhere north of 34K.

  9. General Krulak here:

    1. First off, I know of no one at Villa Park, Bodymoor Heath or here in the US that isn't VERY disappointed to go out of the competition. Simple as that! I, personally, am gutted. When RV scored their goal, I almost broke my hand punching the wall. So, if you want disappointed, count me in.

    2. 4-4-2 or 4-5-1: I am not the Manager. Like any Fan, I can have my own opinion but the Manager watches the tapes, he has done the scouting, he knows what he needs and he plots the strategy. I just do not think I am of the quality to question what our Manager is doing with any real sense of knowing what he knows. I recognize that there are fans who, without access to films, scouting material, etc. are prepared to take what happened at a game, say Liverpool, and translate that into a way we should always play. I just think that there is more to developing a strategy than that. BUT, I confess that I am not an expert in the game.

    3. Laursen and Barry: I agree that we miss Laursen. I am not so sure about Barry. I am not sure what Fans are watching but I would say that MON has worked hard during this transfer window to bolster the Squad at the two positions mentioned. The window is not over yet and MON is still working to bolster the Squad at key points. People continue to complain about lack of action by the Villa in the transfer market....but aside from a couple of Clubs who are spending like mad, I would say we have been as aggressive, if not more so, than almost every Club. I continue to read comments about "timing"...I hope people understand that it takes "4 to Tango"...our Club, the selling Club, the Player and the Agent. It is NOT as easy as some try to make it out to be.

    4. Qualification of Coaches: I honestly don't have the time nor the inclination to go about trying to determine who has what...I am sorry. That is a bridge too far for me. Can you imagine a Director sending over to Bodymoor Heath a request for qualification badges of our Team leadership? Not a smart idea.

    5. Re. the Heskey thread...not at all sure what a thread like that is worth in the long run. No one is going to make decisions based upon the druthers of 170+ fans...and, hopefully, you would not expect anyone to do so.

    6. Let me tell you where we are: 1) We are working on the "window." 2) We are shaking off what happened last night. 3) We are concentrating on the next game. 4) We are concentrating on our long range strategy...keeping focused on the "day after tomorrow" and not just tomorrow.

  10. General Krulak here:

    1. The "12th Man"...I like it...a good idea. I have no problem taking a good idea and using it for OUR Club. I will see what I can do.

    2. Stringy: I spoke with Nicky Keye and she asked that you call her at 0121 326 1528...please give her a call.

    3. DUNTONVILLA: We expect around 23.5 thousand at the Thursday game. This includes about 1200 away fans. We sold 2182 tickets yesterday.

    4. Raver50032: Your post was very thoughtprovoking and raises a few good points. I certainly understand the frustration that comes from a lack of information. The key is to meet the expectations of the Fans with regards to information without giving our opponents or the folks we are negotiating with something to use against us. As an example, if we say we are looking at "X-Player" then we automatically tip our hand and negotiations get much harder...or it opens up the player to "bidding". None of this is good for our Club. At the same time, I do take your point and will see if something can be done to provide some sort of update...even if it is simply that we have an "iron in the fire."

  11. General Krulak here:

    1. claretandstew: I have not talked to Martin about his relationship with the fans and I would certainly never try to get inside his head to try and quess what he is thinking. With that said, let me put myself in his shoes and try to suss out how I might be feeling if I were in those shoes. (I recognize this is a dangerous thing to do.) First off, he is a pro. He certainly does not go into Bodymoor Heath thinking, "I can't wait to blow it today." He is like any of us...he wants to do well. He has had success over his career and has had success here at Villa Park. He is liked and respected by his players, his coaches and the Board. Last year he had some serious injuries that left his defense depleted and we did not end the season as we wanted to end it. He recognizes that fact and has been working hard to address this issue. The Fans are not happy with the speed with which he is addressing the issue. They don't know the effort he is putting into it...they don't know the negotiations that have taken place...they just don't know what they don't know. The team wins the Peace Cup against some very strong competition. Our youth produce great results. The spotlight is shown on the youth system...a system that is ultimately Martin's responsibility. We play a game against Wigan and it is, truthfully, a poor showing. Some Fans take that loss...add it on to the end of last season...and pile on the transfer window...and lay it all on Martin. The frustration and anger is displayed on the Sites, on the airways, and by booing Martin's lads at half-time of their first game of the season. When looked at in this perspective, I think that it is possible to understand why Martin might be a bit frustrated. (Remember, I am using myself in this situation because I have not talked to Martin). Again, when Martin talked about the booing to the press, he was doing what any good leader does...he was supporting the men he is leading. If he just let the booing go, it would not have been right. I thought Martin was spot on when he initiated his comments with the statement that the Fans buy the tickets and have the right to say what they want. As a professional, he recognizes that fact and stated such to the press. At the same time, that doesn't mean that he isn't human and doesn't have feelings himself. As Commandant of the Marine Corps, I had to put up with some pretty sharp words from many areas over a 4 year period. It is easy to say that "this comes with the job" but we are all human...and there were times when I felt that, for the good of the Marine Corps, I had to speak out...and I did. I think we are blessed with a fine owner, a fine Manager, a fine Coaching Staff, a great group of folks working at Villa Park and wonderful fans. I continue to believe that NOW we need to pull together...to unite for the "Bright Future." We are obviously going to have our ups and downs but believe me, we will have more ups than downs and that is what counts. Aston Villa Football Club has a great tradition and NO ONE wants to build on that tradition more than Randy Lerner and Martin. :D:D:D

  12. General Krulak here:

    1. There was a short sentence in one of the posts that we all need to think about: Losing to Wigan doesn't mean relegation and winning at Liverpool doesn't mean winning the Premiership. We still have a long way to go. Many of the comments made over the past couple of weeks remain valid...both positive and negative. I am a realist...and have been one all my life. I have "been there, done that and got the T-shirt." We will get to where we all want to go...we will!!! At the same time, we need to take each game one at a time and recognize we will have good days and bad ones. The key is to have more good ones than bad ones!! I've been in battles that we have lost...the key is to win the war.

    2. An example of how helpful this thread can be to the Fans: sellyoakvilla posted a question re. ticketing. I said I would check with Nicky Keye and sellyoakvilla was right! The student price should have read 28 pounds...and we frequently have student offers...particularly in the lower holte. We will correct this on the price web. It is correct that our match ticket price has been raised to 43 pounds for a top tiered seat in center areas of the stadium and areas which have been re-categorized. At the same time, we do offer great value for money. Tickets start at 17 pounds for adults and 10 pounds for juniors for value games. Category AA games start at 20 pounds a ticket for adults and 15 pounds for juniors.

  13. General Krulak here:

    1. I thought the lads played an inspired game tonight...and deserve great credit. I also think that MON deserves great credit for his role in "inspiring" the lads. I thought NRC was immense.

    2. I have already given my opinion of Pichard's post. Based on his post, he did not attend this game...and that is sad. Again, now is not the time to give up on the team or the manager. Now is the time to get behind them. If this game wasn't "fun" (I believe that is now the applicable term), then I don't know what is. I can get very frustrated and I can get angry and I can get disappointed and all the other feelings that are recorded on this site and others but my DNA does not permit me to turn my back on the Lads and vote with my feet. I am sorry but that is how I am. I have said it from day one...no miracles! No overnight sensations! Hard work, keep focused on building the Club based upon history and a wonderful ethos, trust the Manager, try to communicate with the Fans and....the day will come when '82 is repeated. Walking away from the game is not the answer.

  14. General Krulak here:

    1. I asked that my comment be placed along side of the current comment on the front page. I was informed that my comment was not long enough to warrant front page placement. I indicated that I had addressed every comment made by the poster in my thread over the past two months and that the intent of my post was to address the issue of Fans "voting with their feet" and the very real danger of that sort of action. I also wanted to point out the simple fact that I understand where the Fans are coming from and have passed their concerns to those who need to know. I almost feel like I am back in school...where papers are graded by "weight"...how much is written vice content.

    2. flashingqwerty: "all just words and mean nothing." OK, if that is what you think, I cannot do a thing about it. I am amazed at such a statement.

    3. sellyoakvilla: I will ask Nicky Keye to look into your questions and give me her thoughts.

    4. jimijames: I was intending my comments to be much more than a "rabble rouser". I intended them to clearly articulate how I feel about the idea of Fan's "voting with their feet." I was not criticizing the poster...I was saying how I felt. I based it on everything I have experienced in life. I firmly believe that the team needs us more than ever...not listening on the radio...or watching on the telly...but in the stands cheering them on. If we took the poster's view across the Board, no one would be in the stands and we would not have a Club.

    5. heystally: Another well thought out post...you make some very good points.

    6. ACORNS: Nothing has been decided about going forward. It will be something discussed with them later in the season.

    7. WhenSaturdayComes: No, unfortunately, I have gone into combat woefully understrength and without all the support I have needed. Some of my Marines would have just joined my outfit and I would have zero opportunity to train them...I accepted them as they came to me. Underequipped was the name of the game in VietNam as was an ill-defined mission. EVERY SINGLE DAY my Marines put on their helmets and flak jackets, grabbed their weapons, and went out into the jungles. At no time did any of them bemoan the fact that they didn't have all that they should have had...they just did what needed to be done. The Fans (the American People), influenced by a negative media, lost confidence in THEIR Military and stopped supporting the troops. It basically took 40 years for the US military to fully recover. Bringing this up to today: Support from the Fans is critical...we can moan and rant all we want but...support is critical.

  15. General Krulak here:

    1. The "Post"...now a page one article. First and foremost, I appreciate the post...well written, well thought out, well reasoned and obviously passionate. I recognize (and have said so time and time again) that the comments made in that post mirror the feelings of many on this site and others. I have done as I said I would do...I have passed the comments to those who need to know...and to some because I think they should know. At the same time. when it gets to the bottom line, I find myself disagreeing. Maybe it is just my military background...maybe it is because of the battles I have been in and the sacrifice I have seen so many men make...maybe it is just the way my parents brought me up. I just cannot reconcile myself to the idea that because the going gets a little tough...that things aren't going the way I want them to go...that my view of how things should work is not being met...that things aren't "fun" anymore...etc. etc. that I just stop being involved. In the case of Aston Villa Football Club, I stop going to the games. Yes, I am still a fan and I love Villa and Claret and Blue runs thru my veins but....I won't go see them play because it is so discouraging. I cannot reconcile myself to that view. I am sorry. I am not being critical of anyone...particularly the poster...I am just saying I cannot reconcile myself to that view. It is not in my DNA. If everyone felt that way and acted on those feelings, we would not have a football Club. It would lead to a "death spiral." Forget about relegation...without a fan base in the stands, cheering the lads on...there would be no team...no Club. So when all of the Fans who have agreed with the post decide that they too will not come to the games, understand where that attitude can take us. As I said earlier, it probably just stems from my time in the military...but as I have said before, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going." NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO GIVE UP!!! NEVER give up your colours!!

    2. bakerbob: You are incorrect...and for the last time, player money and infrastructure money do NOT come from the same pot. I will not go into the way a Club is financed but you are wrong.

    3. Risso: I am sorry but I will not talk about transfers any more than I have already. No, the Europe offer is not because "fans are staying away in droves"...it was a gesture made because of the state of the economy and the understanding that paying for a bunch of games is difficult. Fans are not "staying away in droves" but if the do, then heaven help us as a football club.

    4. I have answered the ladies shirt question before. No ladies shirt this year.

    5. The Browns do not have a person who goes on the sites like I do.

  16. General Krulak here:

    1. Richard: No. It means that location is just one of the many issues that a player considers as he makes the choice as to what Club to play for. Just ONE of the issues.

    2. Chindie: I think all the Fans have seen what you are seeing. The comments on this site and others bear that out. I have been in the motivation business all my life and it is a difficult thing to try and suss out...let alone understand. I see our Lads at practice...I know how MON works...and I am surprised when they aren't up at all times. MON is a great motivator and he has proven that ever since he has been at the Villa. After a loss like we saw against Wigan, it is hard for a Manager to come on the telly and be happy and upbeat. His team just lost a game they should have won. Likewise yesterday. He is the Manager and it is his job to get this sorted. History says that he will do just that. To turn our back on our Manager after one game into the Premiership is not a smart thing to do.

    3. Attendence: We basically hit our attendence numbers for the Wigan game...what we projected would come. The only reason we were off at all was that Wigan came with such a small number. There are several reasons for the numbers we project...the principal reason is the economy. Peiople will pick and choose what game to come to. The Wigan game was a perfect example...no one knew it would end up the way it did but the attendence numbers were what they were.

    4. The name Villain: It is not Club policy to call ourselves "Villains"...it is a historical term that has been used for a long time. I cannot imagine "dictating" that it not be used anymore.

    5. Randy has made pretty tough decisions all his life. He did not get to where he is now and has not accomplished all he has accomplished by shying away from tough decisions. At the same time, he knows that very few good decisions come from letting emotions take over your thinking...or allowing others without all the facts to pressure a decision. My advice remains...allow MON and Randy to do what needs to be done.

    6. tvillain: "allow the gloss of a billionaire owner and a couple of 6th place finishes." I can't comment on the "billionaire owner". If the happiness over Randy is simply that he has money...well, you have certainly missed a good deal about Randy and what he is trying to do with our Club. "a couple of 6th place finishes"...that seems pretty cold. I seem to remember we were in the high teens when MON stepped onto the scene. Let's not lose sight of some very basic facts when it comes to both issues.

    7. Joames06: Of course we have scouts and yes, they know where Europe is.

    8. cockney_villa_1981 and many others: YES, we certainly understand that Fans are frustrated. We are not deaf nor are we blind. We are not just sitting on our hands. MON is not just sitting on his hands. I keep on reading about how other Clubs do things so much better...have made so many great transfer deals...have got this huge influx of players...etc. etc. Yes, there are a few Clubs that have made some deals (at HUGE cost...cost that makes no sense and may well hurt the Clubs in the future) but there are many other Clubs who have not. We have brought in some players. You may not like them and that is the Fan's perogative but the Manager knows what he needs and he is doing what he thinks is right. The proof will come at the end of the season, not at day one. BUT, to think we don't understand the frustration is incorrect.

    9. Literally for the umpteenth time, upgrades to facilities does NOT impact transfer funds. There is NO correlation.

    10. Finally, to write and tell me that you no longer will be coming to the games...that Fans will show their displeasure by not attending...etc. etc. I can understand such feelings but not the way they are put across...almost like a threat. We, as Fans, start thinking like that and we could easily get into a "death spiral." NOW is when we need to support the team...NOT start threatening the Team.

  17. General Krulak here:

    Well, I have a large number of questions to answer so here goes:

    1. Catering in North Stand...I have passed on your comments.

    2. re_villa1972: You make some good points...points that have been made before and passed along. As you know, MON is taking a full squad to Rapid Vienna.

    3. don't_do_it_doug: First off, MON does have Randy's support. I believe that our Manager is seeking the best players that are AVAILABLE and that he believes he needs and that will fit into our system of play. The fact that some of the "big name" players are not mentioned in the papers as being associated with our Club does not mean MON has not looked at them. As I have tried to say many, many, times...it is NOT just a case of picking a name and going and getting them. There are so many, many, aspects to this issue. One that seems to have escaped some is that the big name player has to want to come to B'ham. That is not a slam on our City...only to say that many big time players look at the UK and only think of London. The outlyer there is, of course, ManU. The way to change that perception is to continue to be successful on the Pitch and continue to develop a superb organization and infrastructure. That is what we are trying to do.

    4. knight175: We looked at establishing Villa TV but do not feel we are ready to take that on right now. And you are correct, we really have very little control over what game is put on TV.

    5. fran_villa: Fighting between the players and the Manager is pure rumor. As an example, Carew did not play because of an injured toe. He went out to practice before the game and just felt that it was too sore to play. No dust up.

    6. Richard: Absolutely! We have NOT finished this window.

    7. Mr. Mosely: I agree that Laursen was a HUGE loss. Re. Barry: I can go back to multiple posts on this site and others that we well and ready to have Barry go somewhere else. He obviously did not want to be here. You claim this is a loss akin to Laursen...I disagree. Obviously others disagreed too.

    8. Gizmo: Worth a thought!

    9. markavfc40: I know you realize that answering your question is not a very smart move for a Director to make. The last thing we want public is a "number" for our transfer budget. That just would cause us great harm as we negotiated. My only comment is that history has shown that Randy is willing to spend.

    10. paulanddonya: I am sure that MON knew how many people he used last season. His comments to the media to a question or comment such as he received was probably what I would have said to such a remark.

    11. villajax: If you are serious, I would first need to know what you considered your dream.

    12. maradona10: I just answered your question above.

    13. Richard: I don't know how many times I have to say this but...I am not on this site to just communicate with Fans. I take Fan comments and ensure that the right people at AVFC are aware of them...the good, bad, and ugly. To do otherwise would be a complete waste of my time...and yours.

  18. General Krulak here:

    1. Richard: "less" than what? I notice he didn't indicate a number. I think this is a specious comment from you...Randy has spent on players...NO ONE can fault him for his wallet.

    2. Fran Villa: Huh?? I have no idea what your first two comments mean.

    3. imavillan: Please apologize to your wife for me. I will attempt to sort this out this week. Please give me feed back after the next game to see if it got sorted.

    4. Limpdk and Razor: I would ask you both to call Nicky Keye and see what she can do to help. Talk to HER personally.

  19. General Krulak here:

    1. I have not taken a single comment on this thread personally and do not feel abused. I am a Fan like each of you and your frustrations are mine. Your comments do not just remain with me...as you expect, I pass them along. I can assure each of you that I have yet to encounter a "happy" person at Villa Park or Bodymoor Heath. No one was happy about yesterday! MON, the coaches and the players understand that this is a long season and this was one game...but they also understand that there are areas that need to be sorted. Again, these are professionals and they want to be at the top...not the bottom.

    2. villarocker and steven_evans: Both good analysis and I appreciate the time and effort you put into them.

    3. Brumstapdog: There is no question that the loss of Laursen for the last months of last season was a huge blow. That he is not with us now is also a huge loss. I am not sure I would agree with you on Zat. We still have Bouma out which hurts...but he should be back soon. The transfer window is NOT shut so we still have ample opportunity to strengthen the area.

    4. sparey16: Call Nicky Keye at ticketing and explain what you want to do and see if she can help you sort this out.

    5. As many have pointed out, we have 3 huge games coming up. We need to get something in each. I am not prepared to throw in the towel for the season...it is just too early. I am not glossing over yesterday...I was gutted like everyone. At the same time, I believe we can do what needs to be done. If I didn't believe that, I would spend the year in misery.

  20. General Krulak here:

    1. I am like you...I am a Fan first and foremost. I watched the game on the telly and was absolutely gutted. There is nothing I can really say about the performance other than it was not what is expected of lads wearing Claret and Blue. My language may not be as salty as some on this site but my feelings mirror many who have made comments. It was not a performance expected...it was very difficult to watch...I am sure it was even more difficult to watch in person. The only saving grace is that none of the players, the coaches or the Manager are happy with what happened either. They are professionals and professionals do not like to have what happened today, take place. I wish I could give an explanation or a reason...but I cannot. I can only believe that these professionals will come together and get back on the winning track. It was a grim afternoon.

    2. I never heard Randy say that he wasn't going to spend money this summer...never. Not sure where that came from and it is obviously not accurate.

  21. General Krulak here:

    1. First off, I am a Fan. Yes, I am a Board Member but I am a Fan. I saw the game today...on the telly. I was gutted!!! There is absolutely nothing I can say about the performance other than it is not something that should be expected of lads wearing the Claret and Blue. My language may not be as salty as some who have posted but I can assure you that my feelings mirror many in regards to the play today. My only consolation and saving grace is that the players, coaches and the Manager cannot be happy about what happened on the Pitch. They are professionals and no professional likes to put on a show like that. They are going to being working overtime to do what is needed to get back on the winning track. Again, we feel bad but I think I can imagine how they feel. Still, it was a very grim afternoon.

    2. I have never heard Randy say that he wasn't going to spend this summer...never. Second, fixing up Villa Park has zero to do with transfer dollars...it is not an "either/or" situation. The window is not over.

  22. General Krulak here:

    1. Irishcockney: Thank you for the good summary of what we have been trying to do. I agree with the points you made...especially about squad improvement. We are getting some of our injured back, we have seen some of the young lads gain valuable experience, we have seen new players come into the Club and the transfer window is not over, etc. etc.

    2. villajayboy: I meant for you to call Lee Preece, not write him. Call Lee, tell him I asked for you to call, and explain the situation. He will sort it for you. Writing is good but the phone call is best when it is something like this, Simply put, we get hundreds of requests and connot meet them all but...a phone call and saying I asked for you to call will normally result in success. :Lee will contact me.

    3. irish1: That does sound strange...I am with you 100%. Let me look into it. Is there a reason why you would not pay in British sterling and let the "office" make the right conversion?

    4. david copenhagen: I am not sure if the issue lies with your card or the shop. If a code is needed and your card doesn't provide it or you don't, I am not sure what to do. Have you called John Greenfield at the Villa store and asked him about the issue?

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