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Posts posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here:

    1. 87leatherneck: We did get over to the US a couple of summers ago...it is a bit early to determine the summer plans for this coming summer. If and when you decide to come to Villa Park, please let me know.

    2. DVD's: There is no question that you all have brought up a good idea and we will be looking at what can be done in that area. One DVD with several games and goals would be a great thing to put out.

  2. General Krulak here:

    1. Celtic/Rangers and expansion of League: Not too worry!!! This idea will be put forth by a single owner at the League Meeting. There is no need to be concerned because the League would have to agree to such a move and that does not appear to be a probability. My sense is that we should not get worked up over this one...too much water would have to go over the dam to make it workable.

    2. 87Leatherneck. What a surprise!! As you probably know, I commanded L/3/3 during my 2nd tour in VietNam and commanded 3/3 '83-'84. Welcome aboard and Happy Birthday!

    3 A.V.F.C.: We do have a work study effort but it is highly competitive and fills up very quickly. I would recommend that your friend contact HR at Villa Park and see if anything is available.

    4. sparey16: I can assure you that we will have security in the form of police at the game....we want a safe, secure, game and environment. Our security folks will work this one hard....just like we have done over the past couple of years.

    5. legov: Great to hear from a fan located in one of the prettiest cities in the world...certainly one of the cleanest. We are trying hard to increase Villa exposure in the Far East. I am not sure that we are ready to travel all the way to Asia at this point.

    6. Gizmo: Let me see what I can do. As you may or may not know, Tranmere Rovers were "my Club" prior to the Villa!! I know the game you are talking about.

  3. General Krulak here:

    1. If you can give me the stand location of the stewards, I will check into the issue. Last year we had problems with stewards not taking action when they should...we may have gone too far now. Help me out by focusing my efforts by giving me a location.

    2. Obviously I can't comment on Squad make-up. I can just see it now...the Birmingham Mail saying that "General Krulak provides suggestions to MON." BURP!!! I trust that Martin will do what he feels is right. There is no question that our lads played an inspired game on Saturday...and I like the fact that MON made NRC the Captain...a very nice touch.

  4. General Krulak here:

    1. No, the Browns are not being sold...and 180M pounds would be about 700 million pounds shy of the asking price if they were to be sold. The Browns will be fine...we have some work to do, obviously, but they will be fine. There is a good nucleus of players and they will use this week off to try and get some things sorted. Randy has some good folks working on this issue...along with him. Bottom Line: NO sale.

    2. I am currently in Wilmington Delaware but will be driving down to Naple Florida this weekend. I am pretty much restricted from flying at this time. I would hope to make it over to Villa Park before Christmas.

  5. General Krulak here:

    1. drat01: Thanks for the input. Obviously marketing in South Africa or London is very important to us. Equally obvious is that we must count on Nike to ensure that our shirts are made available thru their stores and others. No PL Club or any Club for that matter distributes kit from their own stores...they do it thru the folks who make the kit. I will talk to John Greenfield about this...and he can take it up with Nike. We definitely want to get our kit across the Nation and the World.

  6. General Krulak here:

    1. Hey: As I indicated, we DO listen to the Fans!! Nicky was on this at the onset and has continued to assure me that everyone will get a ticket that wants one.

    2. dazzyc: Obviously, as the owner of the Club, Randy would not delegate such an important decision. He would take input but he would make the decision. This is no different from any other Club.

  7. General Krulak here:

    1. K-2Harcore, TrentVilla, and all others. BELIEVE ME, your concerns have been heard. I have talked to Nicky Keye at length and she has assured me that EVERYONE who wants a ticket is going to be able to get a ticket. The timing of the sales had EVERYTHING to do with multiple ticketing that we have had to do over the 10 day period...not counting the normal ticketing that we do in advance of upcoming games. To keep the phones from being overloaded and to keep the lines down, we set the sales as indicated. We checked before the decision was made and the VAST MAJORITY of the Fans who travelled to Sunderland frequently attend away games. We are not going to have Fans unable to get tickets. We will be able to handle this...please do not worry. If you run into any problems, please contact Nicky Keye at ticketing and she will sort it for you.

    2. Paddy: Great to hear from you...I hope and pray that all is well. You know my answer, please contact Nicky and she will take care of this.

    3. granville: Randy is NOT a jedi....but he is a good man. Notice that he did not go out to the media...he met, alone, with just a couple of fans. He met with these two specifically because they represent a large number of the most passionate of Browns Fans. It was a quiet, serious, meeting to discuss the issues that the Fans have...and they came away understanding and appreciating the issues in Cleveland. What we all need to realize is that Randy does not "do the media thing"...he just doesn't. We may well have him write a few thoughts at the end of the year but nothing "glitzy" and nothing in the multi-media mode.

    4. seanireland: Again, call Nicky. Just understand you are talking about the ManU game and 10 seats together in lower Holte...pretty tough.

  8. General Krulak here:

    1. pablopicasso: A very good post and well thought out. I think you make good points and are some that I would echo. I would only argue that a year or so ago, most fans were not singling out the midfield but, rather, the back line. We have improved BOTH in my opinion. We still have some players out and yet to play a game this season. We also have some strong youngsters in the wings, MON watches the tapes of our opponents and evaluates our players and puts out the formation he feels best addresses what he sees on the tapes and what he feels about our Squad vs. the "enemy." You may not agree with his final decision but it is his to make based on his knowledge of the game about to be played. Again, you make good points and they are taken in that light.

  9. General Krulak here:

    1. dappadan: What are you sorry for....I agree with you totally and that is what I said in my post.

    2. pablopicasso: Let's just agree to disagree. "Same old, same old" just doesn't seem right to me. Are you saying we are the same as the last half of last season? Are you saying that there has been no improvement? Are you saying that Petrov is not playing better? Are you saying that the lads, as a Squad, are not improved? I understand your feelings re. specific players...and I hope you understand that I should not comment on individuals. I do know something I have learned over time..."naming and shaming" is not the way to get production out of anyone...a footballer or a construction worker.

  10. General Krulak here:

    1. I checked into the Tea/Coffee issue and the answer was pretty much as you might have expected. Statistics indicate that most people take the cream, etc. In order to avoid the time delay in providing all black and then having the condiments on the side, we go with the majority. Alison Plant has indicated that, if asked, most kiosks can provide the straight black...but need to be asked. The coffee will come from a pot that only holds black...and may not last the entire game.

    2. I really don't see the Browns coming across the pond.

    3. I would go to the Miami game as they play a pretty exciting brand of American football.

    4. Today's game: I know there are mixed feelings about the game but I look at it as follows. We were playing at a tough stadium to win at...we came from one down...we outplayed them in the 2nd half even though the 1st half was not as good...we did not lose...we have been playing with less rest than normal and still have another to go...we are NOT the only team to have a game like this (Liverpool, Spurs, etc just today) and we had a draw. NOT losing is important. Winning the games we should win and winning some that are a bit tougher is CRITICAL. Today, we did not lose. Others that should have won did not win. Let's not get down on the Club for this one.

  11. General Krulak here:

    1. I hope that many of you were among the 11,000 who showed up for training day...it was a rousing success! It was more than a training day...it was a fan appreciation day for what the fans have meant to the Club over the years. At a time when the economy is in the tank and things are pretty tough all around, the idea of something free is novel to the extreme. This one was for the Villa Fan...the BEST Fans in the world!!

  12. General Krulak here:

    1. What a game. Not exactly the prettiest but the last seconds were very special. Guzan was immense. Those fans who went to the game can tell their kids and grandkids that they saw some of the best goalkieeping in decades. Amazing stops along the way. Speaking of Fans, they were GREAT!!!! Those two thousand drowned out the Sunderland Fans almost the entire time. Well done!!

    2. You will probably not see the Browns over here...for the same reason that Randy would not be for a league game being played in the US. Villa Fans are here in the UK and they should see their team play in League games.

  13. General Krulak here:

    1. I was on the road this weekend so I was not able to see the game. From what it sounded like, it was a mixed bag. One of you once told me that "football was a funny game"...you were right. it is also very frustrating.

    2. Re. the kit. I honestly cannot answer that question at this time. There are so many factors that go into such a decision...not the least being the potential for a sponsor. I will answer this one as soon as I can but now is a wee bit early. I know that doesn't help yours Christmas shopping dilemma but it is the best I can do at this time.

  14. General Krulak here:

    1. JulieB: Please give Nicky Keye a call at the ticket office. Explain the situation and see if she can help. Your Mum might not get the correct seats for one of the bigger games but we may well be able to help at one of the mid-range games.

    2. wedge: The coaches were the idea of MON and supported completely by Randy.

    3. olboydave: This is a question that can be answered quickly by either Nicky Keye or Nicola Salt at the ticket office. Give them a call.

  15. General Krulak here:

    1. sparey16: It really depends on how much time I have during the time I am on line...if I have the time, I will look at several threads. Remember, I am posting on 3 threads myself so it takes a bit of time to 1) go thru the questions, 2) research answer if needed...or pass question over to Ticketing, Sales, etc. and 3) answer.

    2. As I am sure you all know, we are having free coaches to the Sunderland game. The fans make a huge difference to the lads at all games but, when we are away, they are critical. We know that this is a big game and one that we really want to win...and the Fans are a HUGE part of the winning formula. So, if you want to have a good time, with good people, join us for the trip and game.

  16. General Krulak here:

    1. Phumfeinz: You are spot on. If we play with the same sort of passion and intensity every game (obviously a hard thing to do), then we will be a very challenging Club.

    2. Tubby: Randy was in the US...he needed to be at Pittsburgh game and could not make the timing work out to do both. We watched on the telly. He was absolutely over the moon with the play. VERY excited. Unfortunately, the Browns did not win and that hurt a bit.

    3. Legendary_10. As I continue to say, I am content to let MON evaluate what he needs and make the right picks. He sees what we all see but needs to set the priorities himself.

  17. General Krulak here:

    1. Villarocker: I agree with your analysis. There were many aspects to the game that give me hope for the "Bright Future." At the same time, I revert to the philosophy of "One game at a time." I just want to see our lads go out and play each game with the same passion as they did this one. If we do that "one game at a time", we will be fine.

    2. vojskovoda: I agree, we made some very good deals this summer. And one has yet to set foot on the pitch yet!! Martin did a good job.

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